Chapter Six: Blood and Water

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Eric hadn't expected to get much rest, but he was still disappointed when morning came and his anxiety had refused to let him sleep for more than a couple of hours. He wondered how long it took his family to realize something had happened. Were they looking for him right now? Was there even a chance they'd find him?

Ash returned to collect him, looking far more rested than Eric felt.

"What time is it?" Eric asked as the lights flickered on. He squinted at the sudden brightness.

"Almost seven," Ash answered. "Claudia likes to get started early." With the tap of a button, he disabled the cell bars.

Eric followed Ash through the halls, trying to remember the path they'd taken the night before and failing. Even without the soldiers in his way, he doubted he'd be able to get out of this maze easily.

This morning, other kids were walking around. Not a lot, but the few they did pass gawked at Eric like he was the new kid at school. Ash either ignored them or, if they got too close, shot them a glare.

They arrived at the door they'd been stopped at the night before. This time, the center soldier opened it. Ash stepped forward, and the soldier held up a hand to stop him.

"The Overseer wants you to wait outside," the soldier said. "You'll escort him to the lab once she's done talking to him." A gloved hand gestured to Eric.

"Lab?" Ash asked. "The Director doesn't usually take samples this soon—"

"The Overseer said you'll escort him to the lab," the soldier repeated.

Ash stepped aside. "Go on in," he told Eric.

Panic tightened Eric's chest. His legs carried him forward, somehow, while his hands trembled at his side. The click of the door closing behind him sent a chill down his spine.

He'd entered an office. A desk sat at the opposite end of the small room, empty except for a single computer monitor and a keyboard. The woman sitting in the chair behind it rose to her feet as he entered, revealing that she wore a red pencil skirt, a white button-up shirt, and a black blazer. Her brown hair was piled in a bun on top of her head.

She smiled at him. Not a welcoming smile, but the smile of someone who had exactly what they wanted. "Eric Ackerman," she said. "Pyrokinetic."

"How do you know that?" Eric asked.

"I know a lot about the people in this town." She walked around the desk to take a closer look at him as if she were sizing up livestock. "Though it's been twelve years since I was last here. So much has changed. And not exactly for the better." She laughed.

Eric hid his shaky hands in his pockets and lifted his chin. "What do you want with me?"

"Well, to explain that I think an introduction is in order." She clasped her hands behind her back. "I'm Claudia Montgomery, the Overseer of an organization called Scorpion." Her gaze moved from Eric to the wall behind him. "But you can call me Claudia."

Eric glanced back over his shoulder to see what she was looking at. A tapestry hung on the wall, the only decoration in the room, depicting the logo he'd seen on the jackets Ash and the others wore. A red twelve-pointed star behind a black scorpion.

"We're recruiting altered," Claudia continued. "You have an opportunity to join us. Train with us. Become powerful."

Eric moved his gaze back to her. "Why? What do you even do? I've never heard of you."

"We keep to the shadows. That will change someday soon, but for now, we're working on cutting-edge technology, like those soldiers you saw out there."

"You mean their armor?" Eric asked.

The Pyramid Chronicles: Tyche Point (#1) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now