Chapter 2 - Reckless Living Plans

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So I decided to make this a full fanfic! I'm probably gonna make a separate oneshot fic for Lilith too, we'll see!

  You woke up to the chirping of birds outside, and light shining in through the window. As your vision cleared, you noticed you weren't in your bed, and this wasn't your house. You shot up, looking around, but soon remembered what had happened the day before.

  "So it wasn't a dream..."

  You breathed slowly to calm yourself, and that's when you noticed a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Curious, you got up from the couch, and stretched out, hearing a few pops coming from your back. Sleeping there really left your muscles sore, but you'd be fine.

  You stepped towards the kitchen, following the smell, and there you saw Lilith standing in front of the oven, holding a pan in her hand that was filled with batter. She was already out of her pyjamas and had her makeup on, which made you wonder exactly how late it was.

  Eventually, Lilith noticed you standing at the doorway, and greeted you with a smile on her face "Good morning, huma- (Y/N). Did you sleep well?"

   "Good morning" You responded "I slept just fine, thank you."

  The witch gestured to the isle behind her "Please, take a seat. Breakfast is almost done." You gave her a smile, and did as she asked.

  Soon, Lilith handed you a plate with some pancakes and had one for herself. Thanking her, you dug into your breakfast. You hadn't eaten in a while, and all you had last night was the tea Lilith made you.

  The food was great, but while you ate you couldn't help thinking about where you were going to go, and when, how, or if you'd get home. The witch had been generous enough to let you stay for the night, but you didn't want to take advantage of that, and your thoughts kept going to darker and darker places.

  Luckily, Lilith cleared her throat as if on queue, bringing you out of your trance. "I was thinking about your current situation, and I'm aware you don't have anywhere to live..."

  She'd gone over the possibilities countless times in her mind. She could turn you in to the Emperor's Coven, which was legally required of her, or she could tell you to leave and become some pixie's dinner, but for some reason Lilith knew she'd feel bad if she did that, even is she didn't know why.

  So, she went with the craziest most irrational option.

  "...and I came to the conclusion that it might be best if you stayed here. The Boiling Isles is a dangerous place, anything could happen to a human here. So, if you'd like, we can work out a way for you to live here with me."

  You lit up at that. It was like she'd somehow read your mind, though you doubted that was a skill witches had... right?

  "I would love that, but won't I be too much of a bother? I know you're really busy with all your coven work." You said, trying not to sound too desperate.

  "Oh no, don't worry about bothering me. I'm out of the house for a good portion of the time when I'm working." The woman replied "But being head of the coven means that people can't know I'm letting a human stay with me, so you'll have to stay inside and only go out in disguise."

  You smiled and nodded. You weren't about to pass up this opportunity. "That's fine by me."

  "Alright, then. We're going to have to repurpouse the attic into your bedroom, since I think you'll be stuck here for a while." Lilith said, getting up to put her now empty plate in the sink. "We should also get you some clothes."

  You hadn't noticed it before because you were worried about other things, but you only had the clothes you were currently wearing.

  "Oh, God, I hadn't even thought about my clothes..." You mumbled "Thank you so much for all of this Lilith. You really don't have to do all of this."

  You had a point. You were a human. Lilith didn't have to do any of this for you, as a matter of fact, she shoudn't. But...

  "Honestly, it won't be an issue." She said, smiling. Suddenly, she raised an eyebrow. "But I am curious... what is this 'God' thing you mentioned?"

  Oh, right.


  After a pretty tiresome conversation with Lilith about (trying to explain) religions, she ended up showing you around her house so you could get your bearings. The two of you headed upstairs, and the witch opened the door to a relatively tidy attic. You'd expected it to be in a much more chaotic state, but it didn't get much worse than some chests, boxes, old books and lots of dust.

  With a wave of her finger, Lilith drew a turquoise cirlce in the air and cleared some space by moving items out of the way, then floated a mattress to the middle of the open area. You stood wide-eyed, wondering exactly how much the witch could do. You hadn't seen it, but Lilith noticed your expression, and smirked slightly at your awestruck reaction.

  "I hope this isn't too inconvenient for you" The woman said, dropping the smirk. "There's quite some cleaning to be done."

  You grinned at her, still slightly astounded. "This is great, Lilith. Thank you."

  "I'll be in my office if you need anything" She anounced, turning to leave. "I still have some coven work to finish."

  You nodded, and watched as she left, closing the door soon after. You headed towards the window and opened it to let some fresh air in, and then sat down on the mattress, only to have a cloud of dust come up from it.

  You sneezed and got up, pounding the rest of the dust off, and finally layed down with a sigh. Seeing the amber glow coming from the open window and the specks of dust flying around was something so mundane, but somehow, that brought a sense of familiarity to this strange place.

  "I guess not everything is different here."

  Suddenly, you heard a ring coming from your pocket. Confused, you reached for it and realised you still had your phone with you. Looking at your lock screen, you saw several missed calls and messages. Apparently people had already noticed you were gone.

  Just as you entered your password, you got another call.

  You recognised your friend's contact, but still hesitated. What were you gonna say? 'Hey hello buddy of mine, sorry I didn't answer, I got sucked into a magical realm with no way out! By the way witches are a thing. How was your day?'

  You stared at the screen for a while. They were clearly worried about you, but would they even believe you?

  Tears started burning in your eyes, but before you could do anything, it was too late and the ringing stopped. You turned your phone off, deciding it was best to leave it alone for now.

  Sighing, you blinked the tears away and put your phone back in your pocket. You knew you were going to have to deal with it at some point, but at the moment, there were more pressing questions in your mind. For example...

  "...How the heck is there cell service here?"


A.N. Alright folks! That's what we have for today! I'm kinda winging it with this story, and for now it's just gonna be two awkward dorks getting to know each other. See ya next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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