Start from the beginning

"I haven't killed anyone. I've hardly left my home since my family's death."

"You've done a show. You've been back to work. Both require you to leave your home."

"I meant earlier. It's getting easier now. With time."

"Come on, Mr Morton. Tell us how you did it," said the captain.

"It's obvious that you have no clue who's been killing these people. And it's obvious that you're now trying to pin it on me. So, I'll not say another word without my solicitor."

"We think you hypnotised them. Told them to kill the others. It explains the deaths of some of the nonjury members involved," said Detective Mulraine.

Henry remained silent.

"One of them was only nineteen. She had her whole life ahead of her. She leaves a one-year-old boy alone in the world."

"That's it," said the captain. "Let's go. Give him some time to think."

"Get me my solicitor."

Chapman and Mulraine left the room.

How could they think it was me? It's not even possible to program someone to kill, thought Henry.

Two hours later, they returned – followed by Henry's solicitor.

"I need the toilet. I've been here for three hours now," said Henry.

"Really. You've not let him go to the toilet," said the solicitor.

"He's not asked," said Detective Mulraine.

"I've not seen anyone for two hours," said Henry.

The solicitor looked at Captain Chapman.

The captain opened the door and called out, "Pearce. Take Mr Morton to the toilet then bring him back here."

Henry went to the toilet and was soon back in the room feeling very much relieved. "That's better. I don't think I could've held it much longer."

The solicitor spoke up. "What is my client being charged with?"

"He's not being charged with anything. He's not even under arrest," said the captain. "He's helping us with our enquires."

"I think that three hours, two of which no one was even here, is long enough. If you're not going to charge him with anything then I think it is time for us to leave."

"Before you go, Mr Morton," said Detective Mulraine. "I just want you to know that we are going to prove that you hypnotised all those people and made them murder the jury. I'll guarantee it."

"What's your name and badge number?" asked the solicitor. "This'll be the end of your career."

"He killed those people. How can you protect him?"

"Everyone has a right to legal counsel, detective. And he's innocent until proven guilty, remember."

"It's impossible anyway," said Henry.

"What is?" asked the captain.

"I advise you not to say anything, Mr Morton," said the solicitor.

"It's impossible to hypnotise someone to make them murder someone else."

"How so?"

"A person would rebel the second that you ask them to go against their nature. You said one of them was a nineteen-year-old mother of one, am I right?"

"You know that."

"She would be extremely unlikely to be of the nature to harm anyone else let alone murder someone."

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