Korra is back trying to figure out how the airbending panels work. She needs to be like a leaf and glide through it. It takes concentration and focus, but Korra isn't really use to that. I hope she figures it out soon.

"Patience, Korra!" I yell.

I try to take Tenzin's approach. I don't agree with his methods completely, but I need to stop making excuses for my sister. Part of being the Avatar is making decisions that she doesn't necessarily want to make, but has to at least find a compromise. At the end of the day, it's not about what she wants, it's about what the world needs. Look at what Avatar Aang had to do. Everyone told him he had to kill Firelord Ozai, but what did he do? He took his bending away. The world wanted him dead, and If it were up to Aang, he would've tried to convert him or something to turn over a new leaf and become good. He made a compromise that ended up benefiting everybody, and that decision showed the world that taking a life isn't always the answer.

I watch as Korra is thrown against the gates, and I wince with every painful fall she takes. As she is knocked to her knees, I see the fire in her eyes rise. I know exactly what she's going to do next.

"Korra, no!" I shout, but it's too late.

She bursts into a violent firebending rage, burning and breaking most of the panels! Myself, Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo all stare in horror as Korra continues to vandalize the ancient airbending tool.

I am totally getting shipped back home.

I snap out of it and swiftly bend the water out of my pouch and dump it all on her, making her fire distinguish and leaving her drenched.

"Hey!" She turns around and snaps at me.

"Hey me? No, hey you! What are you doing!?"

"That was a two-thousand-year-old historical treasure!" Tenzin spats. "What ... What is wrong with you?!"

"There's nothing wrong with m​e! I've been practicing just like you taught me, but it isn't sinking in, okay?"

"Korra, this isn't something you can force. If you would only listen to me ..."

"I have been! But you know what I think? Maybe the problem isn't me! Maybe the reason I haven't learned airbending yet is because you're a terrible teacher!"

Korra storms off leaving behind a smokey disaster, and a very upset Tenzin. I cannot believe she destroyed this 2,000 year old artifact! Now Tenzin is going to tell dad, and guess who he's going to blame? Me! Sometimes I wonder who is really the older sister here... You know what, I take that back. I can believe it. This is so typical of Korra, always making things worse when she doesn't get her way!


I saddle up on Bud, getting ready to make my way back to the arena. Korra completely ruined my day, and I really just want to go watch the match and cheer for my new friends.

"Excuse me?"

I turn around to see my sister. I roll my eyes and continue on my way.

"So you were going to take off without telling me?"


"I get why you were upset last time, but why this time? I didn't do anything," she responds.

"You do realize when you throw temper tantrums and get in trouble, it's always me taking the backlash, right?"

"What are you talking about? That is not true!"

"4 years old, you were earthbending in the house and broke mom's favorite pot. I got in trouble because dad thought I should've told you to stop, even though I did! 10 years old, you froze Ky to a pole because he said he liked Aileen more than you, I got in trouble because dad said I should've stopped it from even happening. 13 years old, you started a fire at MY birthday party and-"

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now