Love. He's been calling me love this whole time. Ever since the beginning. Darius understood that, and he never told me. He knew what his brother's feelings were and yet he made his move on me. He took advantage of Caspian's reluctance to be with me. Maybe that's why I don't feel like mourning Darius. Maybe that's why none of us are mourning him.

"Wow..." that's all that comes out of my mouth, earning a smile from Caspian.

We walk in silence, hand in hand. I take in everything around me, a place that was once my home but will soon become somewhere I can only visit now and then. Turns after turns, we finally reach the place that is my house.

It still stands there, unchanged, just like when I left it. My parents might be sleeping now. The lights are off, the silence of midnight enveloping the surroundings. I don't even know how we'll enter my own house.

"Can we just lie down in the grass here, because I am exhausted?!" Iris dramatically whines, dropping down on both knees and lying spread-eagled on the grass. "Aaaaahhhhhh.........." 

Caspian walks to her, crouching down to her face.

"When are you not exhausted?" he asks and her being her, sticks her tongue out at him. Seriously though, Caspian has strong point.

I whisper to Kevin, "You sure you wanna marry this one in the future?"

"Oh, hell yeah! Imagine how fun my life would be," he replies and I sigh, rolling my eyes.

A while later, I speak up.

"Okay guys, we need to be super silent. My room is upstairs and I hope you guys know how to climb a tree." I say.

"Your room is on top of a tree?" asks Caspian, attempting to make a bad joke but he only earns a glare from me. "Then what do you mean by climbing a tree?"

"To sneak into my room!" I hiss.

Iris sits up. "Karen...why don't we show ourselves to your parents?" she asks. "How long have we even been gone for Karen? Alice must be dying each day!"

"She's right," Kevin remarks, both throwing me into another dilemma.

"They deserve to know everything, Katarina. This might seem like rubbish to them, but they deserve to know." Caspian advices. In a way, what they said is right. Why was my first instinct to sneak into my room? My mom really must be going crazy without seeing me.

After pondering for a moment, I conclude. "Fine... but first we have to make sure the Borat is there." I remind and they nod in unison.

As decided, we sneak into my room via the tree right next to my window, successfully climbing into my balcony without issue. I gently use force to break open the window, trying to produce as minimal sound as possible.

The four of us sneak into the darkroom, a wave of nostalgia rushing over me at the sight of my long-forgotten bedroom. The stuff I did in this room. Screaming music out of my lungs, drawing, dancing my ass off, the pillows I used to make out with, all of them lie there, untouched, just the way I left them.

I place myself on the bed, the mattress sinking due to my weight. My laptop sits on the table where I kept it, along with my phone, air pods, and books. Some papers lay, a scattered mess on the dresser along with my textbooks, and stationery. All I want right now is to sink into my bedsheets and have a long, deep sleep. But I can't do that.

Caspian sighs.

"A princess should never be this disorganized," he comments.

"I wasn't a princess when I lived here." I remind him.

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