alex put his finger in the middle of the four, smile bright on his face. "down?" the three added their fingers to the circle, smiles bright on their faces aswell. "down." they all said. it was there way of making promises without too many words.

"guys before we go i wanna tell you something." alex started, not knowing why he was speaking. "sure what's up?" reggie questioned.

alex froze, sat in silence for awhile. the whole day the words the boy said stayed in his mind. happiness is more satisfying than approval. he looked up to his friends and finally got the courage to say what he's been meaning to say for a long time. "i'm gay."

his friends asked why alex was kicked out but he never really told them why, just that his father was unhappy with his choices. they never pushed, something he was grateful for.

when he came to from his thoughts, he noticed he was engulfed in a hug and tears were staining his cheeks. he hated that he had to do this. he hated that it had to be different. he didn't understand why he couldn't just.. be gay. why does it have to be some dramatic coming out story? why can't he just show up with a boyfriend someday and everyone be cool with it? he didn't understand.

"we love you so much alex." reggie reassured softly. "and we dont care." luke added in. they all stayed in the hug for a bit then eventually backed away and made their way home. alex wanted alone time and they respected that.

after he recollected himself he stood up and started wandering through the small wooded area. every now and then he'd stop to examine flowers to add to his collection. a few minutes into his stroll he saw somebody sitting on a large rock watching the sunset.

he wasn't quite sure why, but he wanted to talk to them. something about them intrigued alex, but he didn't want to disturb them. he picked up a few flowers and let a few minutes pass, trying to get the person off his mind but he just couldn't. slowly he made his way over to them and sat down beside them.

the person looked over and alex remembered their face. "coffee boy." the boy said causing alex to smile. "hot chocolate boy." he added, causing the boy beside him to smile. "what're you doing out here alone? date didn't go well?" the boy's face dropped and alex immediately regretted what he said.

"yeah," alex stayed silent, eyes focused on the boy. he looked sad, tired. like it wasn't just today that had him down. "he's not the sappy type like i am y'know? makes for kind of a one sided relationship." alex nodded, understanding what he meant.

"i'm sorry. i've never been in a relationship before but if i were to be in one like that, i'd he here too." he looked away from the boy and over at the sunset. "why are you here anyway? i've never seen you around and not many people know about this place.

the boy turned to watch the sunset, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "it's calming, nature." alex turned his eyes back to the boy, intrigued by his statement. "especially these little guys." he lifted his hands towards alex to reveal a grasshopper, calmly resting in his palm.

"how do you do that? don't those things usually run, or hop, away?" the boy chuckled and focused his gaze back on alex. "i'm the bug whisperer. ever since i was little i've had a fascination with them. i'd catch worms, lady bugs, butterflies, anything i could find. i'd name 'em all, throw birthday parties for 'em. i was in my own little world with them."

alex was in awe at the deepness of his statement. he understood where he was coming from because that was him, but with plants. "that's the sweetest thing i've ever heard." he stated, earning a smile from the boy.

"i'm the same way, but with plants, specifically flowers and trees." he started, the other listening intently. "i'd always come to this spot, slowly wandering, adding flowers to my vast collection. and ag the end of the day i'd climb the trees and just admire the view."

the two sat in a comfortable silence for a little, neither having anything to say. it was getting dark and alex knew he had to go, but he wanted to give the stranger a farewell gift. he pulled his bag of flowers out of his book bag and chose one to give to the boy.

"here." he handed the boy a flower. "it's a anemone. it symbolizes fading hope." the boy looked at him, confused a bit. "somebody once told me that happiness is much more satisfying than acceptance. don't sacrifice your happiness and your hope for the approval of a boy, no matter how tempting." he got up and put his backpack on, starting to walk away.

"wait!" he stopped and turned around to look at the boy. "what's your name?"

"alex." he stated, a smile playing at his lips. "you?"


with that, the two boys went on their way, smiles on their faces, and each a new passion. alex for bugs, willie for flowers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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