56 • See For Yourself

Start from the beginning

"Ms. Mimi forced Mr. Kim to be seen with those women for business. The night when-" Ella hesitates as she remembers the later events of the evening.

She takes a sip of water and continues. "Mr. Kim told me several personal facts about himself that evening, one of which was that the only woman he knows in that manner is Mrs. Kim."

"He lies. We all know that." Hoseok grumbles still not believing any of the conversation.

Yoongi chews the inside of his cheek considering his next statement. "I have known Taehyung Kim since before he was ever potty trained. Mimi kept him on a very, very short leash. He was raised in her image of perfection which included ALL amenities to total purity including his virginity which she planned to sell to the highest bidder after she claimed your family's fortune."

"Taehyung being inexperienced would explain several situations actually." I add.

Sidoni looks at me and I wish I'd kept my mouth shut. The way her eyes observe me isn't in the flirtatious manner I am used to but instead in more of a 'you're going to talk yourself into some shit' type of way.

"How so?" Ulanni questions.

"Like general man talk. Discussions we would have that he wouldn't contribute to and he would visually sigh in relief when the topic changed."

I hope that was vague enough to suffice. It sounded much better than blurting out that Taehyung didn't know where a woman's clit was or that vaginas are self-lubricating, some more than others.

"Kyomi told me Taehyung had never been with a woman before her, Hobi." Ulanni adjusts the front of her dress to accentuate her cleavage. "The day she found out she was pregnant with Lily she told me so."

Hoseok closes the material Ulanni just perfected over her breasts. "As I said, he lies."

"I really don't believe Taehyung is fully capable of lying, actually." I have opened my mouth again and yet again Sidoni's attention is on me.

"He and I were regulars at an upscale cocktail lounge. There were many.." I adjust my jacket nervously "..flirtatious women who frequented the bar, but there was not one single time Taehyung gave any of them the time of day."

"Just because he didn't bang them on the bar top doesn't mean he didn't meet up with them later. I imagine you more than likely gave him pointers." Hoseok scoffs.

I roll my eyes, brushing off his insult. I have plenty of things I could spit back at him, but I would rather not stoop myself to his level in front of the attractive woman at my side.

Hoseok should watch his ass later though.

"Why are you being so rude, Hobi?" Ulanni raises up from her seat. "We all came here to have a good time and you have been a downer this entire evening! Omi and Taehyung are in love, truly and deeply. You should be ecstatic that with everything Omi has been through in her life, she finally has a man who loves her for exactly who she is and doesn't try to change her to suit what he wants. He loves to show her off no matter what she looks like!"

She swallows thickly. Judging by the tears balancing at her lashes, there is more to their story than meets the eye.

"If you all will excuse me I'm going to go to the restroom." She looks down at her husband angrily. "Fuck you, Hoseok Jung."

Hoseok twists his mouth from side to side chewing at the inside of his cheek. He doesn't go after his angry wife instead choosing to remain at the table and sip his champagne.

"I can't believe you're just going to let her go." Sidoni finally says with an evil glare standing to follow her sister.

"Dance with me, Ella?" Yoongi asks as he holds his hand out to his girlfriend. Yoongi and Ella both have their eyes on Hoseok as they stand before heading to the dance floor.

Hoseok and I sit in an uncomfortable silence. His eyes stay focused on his nearly empty glass not once raising to meet my steely gaze.

"You are an asshole, sir."

With my comment, he finally looks up. "What did you just fu-"

"Did I stutter, you unseasoned piece of poultry? Not only did you make a complete show of yourself tonight, but you also upset your very sexy and most likely highly sexually unsatisfied wife in front of everyone here. You should be ashamed."

"As if someone like you would know anything about being married." He sucks his teeth.

"Oh, I admittedly know nothing about being married because I have never been married, but I do know that in any relationship, there should always be love and trust and a willingness to flaunt your wife in front of anyone with fucking eyeballs whether they work or not!"


"It's exactly that attitude that's going to not get you laid tonight." I raise my glass to my lips with a smirk.

The way his eyes stare through me lets me know he got the emphasis on 'you'. Scooting his chair from the table, Hoseok stands to make his way to the restrooms presumably to smooth things over with his wife.

I return my sight to Taehyung and Kyomi. The couple still twirl and bop around the dance floor as if nobody is around except the two of them. Taehyung's eyes twinkle full of happiness the longer he admires his wife, and his hands only release hers to caress her stomach.

They are adorable. I could see myself treating my wife the same way.

I catch a glimpse of Yoongi and Ella behind the Disney-esque couple. They chose a corner further away from the rest of the spinners and twirlers to gently sway together as they whisper gentle words of affection to each other.

Ella's arms stretch over Yoongi's broad shoulders as his hands cruise over her hips and waist. He leans in for a soft kiss which she openly accepts immediately blushing as she hangs her head right after. Yoongi apparently will have none of that, removing one of his hands from her body to lift her head high.

Not going to lie, I kind of like what they have going, too.

I suddenly realize I have drank entirely too many glasses of delicious champagne. Heading to the restrooms, I hope that I don't pass Hoseok along the way not because I have nothing else to say, but because my bladder is about to burst.

Nothing prepares me for what I find when I exit the men's room. Curses and grunts draw my feet to a hallway near one of the service entrances. I take my time with each step, careful to not make a sound.

"Ohh, please let me cum now!"

"You wanted to be a brat tonight instead of my perfect girl. You made the choice. Perfect girls always get to cum, but little brats don't. Little brats get fucked and filled up by their Daddy."

Is that.. Hoseok?

"Daddy, pleeeease!" Ulanni whimpers, her voice reverberating with every hard thrust Hoseok gives.

Peeking just one eye around the corner, I see Ulanni leaned over a partition with her dress lifted up to her stomach. Her mouth hangs open from a bliss overload while her eyes have rolled into the back of her head.

Hoseok plows into her from behind with a face of pure anger. His eyes, however, tell that he enjoys being a dominant with Ulanni; they stay roving her body watching her movements for any signs that he is being too rough.

"Hobi! I'm so close! Please!"

"You better not fucking cum if you know what's good for you." His words waver as he presses into her with three final, deep grunts.

He smacks her ass and grabs a handful with a proud smile. As he strokes her exposed skin, I can finally see Ulanni's full tattoo that I only glimpsed earlier.

This woman has tattooed "For Hoseok" with a gift bow on her rear end. My jaw drops open.


I bolt upright spinning on my heels. My stomach sinks when I see Sidoni behind me with her arms crossed and a disapproving scowl on her face.

"I.. it wasn't.. I wasn't.." Why am I so nervous around her?

"Yeah. Sure you weren't." Sidoni scoffs before returning to our table.


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