Chapter Seven: Star City

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Sam hated arguing with Veronica. And this was about people he'd met only a day earlier. But if his powers could help rescue Eric, he had to try, right?

"There's nothing for us to do," Veronica insisted after Adam walked away. "Just let the authorities handle it."

"You don't have to come with us," Sam told her.

Summer's gaze darted between them.

"Sam, don't go looking for him," Veronica pleaded. "What are the chances you'll find him, anyway? You have no idea where to start!"

Sam glanced at Summer, who stepped forward. "Listen, uh, Veronica, right?" Summer asked.

Veronica nodded.

"I get you're scared—"

"I'm not scared, I'm being smart!" Veronica folded her arms. "And so what if I'm scared? What am I supposed to do if something happens to Sam, too? We're teenagers, it's not our job to go out there and fight people. Superpowers or not."

Sam jumped back in. "But if we can do this—"

"What can you even do? You have no control over your powers," Veronica reminded him.

The bell rang. They had five minutes until class started.

"I have chem," Veronica said, her shoulders sagging. "If you're going to ditch class to look for him, please try not to get yourself killed." The defeated look in her eyes sent a pang of guilt through Sam.

Veronica walked away.

Summer watched her disappear around the corner before turning to Sam. "She's right, Sam. You don't have to come."

"Kinda sounds like you're going to go either way," Sam said. His hands tightened at his sides. He wanted to be able to do this.

Summer smiled, though it didn't quite overtake the concern lingering in her gaze. "Of course I am," she said. "Besides, I think I know where to start looking."

Sam frowned. "Where?"

"Remember what you mentioned about your brother seeing people at the arcade?" Summer asked. She rested a hand on her hip. "Knowing Eric, I'd bet he went to check it out. He was definitely curious."

Well, there was no harm in taking a look, right? Sam lifted his chin. "Okay. I'm in."

Star City was only a couple blocks down from the school, so Sam and Summer decided to walk. It took them ten minutes to reach the abandoned building. No cars in the parking lot, no lights on inside, and not even another soul in sight on this block. Sam surveyed the area—the quiet buildings and the road shimmering under the rising sun—and tried to fend off the disappointment weighing him down.

Summer, on the other hand, had yet to give up. "I'm going to try something," she said, her eyes fixed on the arcade. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Sam watched her for a minute. "Uh, you good?" he finally asked.

"Hang on." Another minute of silence. Summer's eyes flew open. "I did it!"

"Did what?"

"Someone's below the arcade, and they're using a ton of electricity." Summer grinned. "I can feel it."

"And you can control it?" Sam asked.

"Duh. The question is what I should do with it." Summer held up a hand, and for a few moments, lightning danced between her fingers. Electricity manipulation. If her skill matched her apparent confidence, Sam had a feeling they could handle a few kidnappers.

The Pyramid Chronicles: Tyche Point (#1) [MOVING JUNE 30]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt