Too Late (Edited)

Start from the beginning

Unable to stand here and watch anymore I crawl onto the bed, tucking my legs beneath me I pull Liam's head into my lap. I am sitting just on the pillow giving Richard his room to have his 'fun' with my friend. I hold Liam's head in place, enabling him to look up to see what is going on around him. I stroke his hair gently focusing my attention totally on Liam and the fingers running through his soft brown hair not wanting to watch what is happening around us any more than he does. 

Tears begin to fall down my cheeks as I hear a belt buckle coming undone and pants being unzipped. I begin to whisper nonsense in Liam's ear hoping it will distract him from hearing this horrible thing happening to him.

Liam trembles in my arms as we both feel the bed sink in with Richard's weight. I keep my eyes on Liam's tearful face, watching tears slide down his cheeks. I know the moment Richard first enters Liam because of Liam's cry of pain.

Liam' fingers dig into my jeans as Richard continues to thrust himself into Liam making Liam cry out in pain each time. Liam's tears stain my jeans but I do not care for my own tears are falling into his hair. 

Richard's attack goes on for over thirty minutes before he finally pulls himself off of Liam.

"Thank you, Liam. Hopefully this works so we won't have to have this little experience again for some time. Laura undo Styles, let him be with his friends, none of them are going anywhere," Dr. Lance smiles before opening the bedroom door waiting for the other two to follow him out it.

As the crazy bitch undoes Harrr's cuffs she gives us all a wicked smile before saying," Hopefully next time the other boys will be here as well. Maybe instead of Richard having babies with Liam maybe we can have Ziam babies or Lilo or maybe even Lirry. Niall won't get to have any fun with Liam though for he is just mine, Harry when my sister comes home she can have you. I'm sure the two of you will have loads of fun! We'll be a perfect little family!" she says before standing up and giving us all one last grin before joining the doctor at the door.

Richard kneels down beside Liam's head after putting his pants back on a sick kind of smile on his face. " Don't worry puppy, I won't share you with any of them. You'll only have my babies," he hisses in Liam's ear making Liam whimper and snuggle closer to me. Richard rises back up to his 7 foot height and turns to leave with the others, his eyes remaining on Liam's bare trembling form before exiting out of the room. The door closes behind them and the sound of a lock clicking into place is all we hear before we are all alone for the first time since our capture.

After their departure not one of us moves. Harry still sits in the wooden chair tears running down his cheeks, the binds that had once held him now in a pile on the floor. I sit totally still in shock of what just happened before us. Liam's sobs are the only noise in the room and with each sob that leaves him another piece of my heart shatter for him.

Harry suddenly gets up grabbing a picture frame off the wall and launching it across the room where it hits the door and shatters into pieces. 

"Harry, try to find Liam something to slip on, something to cover him, please" I beg as I finally pull myself together and slide Liam's head off of my lap, gently resting it on the pillow. I climb off of the bed and head to the bathroom in search of something to help clean Liam up, hating the sight of the blood that now stains his legs and the sheets below him. 

I find a washcloth and soak it in warm water, tears continuing to run down my cheeks. I head back into the room, where Harry is searching through the drawers of the wooden dresser in the corner his own tears falling into the drawers and onto the clothing hidden inside. 

"Li, do you want me to clean you up or do you want to?" I ask sinking back down near the bed on my knees.

"I-I can do it," he stutters carefully rolling onto his back, his pain and humiliation clear in his eyes. He takes the washcloth I offer him and carefully cleans himself up the best he can. As he does that I turn to the closet searching for some new clean sheets and blankets. I find them neatly folded on the top shelf in the closet. I grab them off the shelf and turn back towards the bed. Harry is helping Liam stand on trembling legs, his legs looking as though they might give out at any minute. 

Together (Sick and Hurt Liam ALTERNATE ENDING MPREG) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now