Chapter 21 (1st Draft) 2246

Start from the beginning

She dug in a pocket for her power chord and set her phone to charge there on the counter. Part of her wanted to delete all the texts and voice messages without going through them, but she refrained from being impulsive. She might feel differently in the morning when her head didn't hurt so much.

"Eddie," Meadow called his name while she fiddled with her phone, but she didn't turn to look at him. "I'd prefer it if you didn't update the Rask family on my condition. I appreciate you bringing me here and helping me out like this, but I hope you know that whatever goes on here in this clinic isn't any of their business."

He cleared his throat and replied apologetically, "Yes, I understand. But, I've already texted Forrest to give him an update."

"What did you tell him?" Meadow asked with a deep sigh.

Eddie cringed. He knew she was disappointed, but, at the same time, he couldn't ignore the multiple calls he was getting from the family all night long looking for information on Meadow's condition and whereabouts. Mind you, not a one of those calls came from Niko himself, which made Eddie angry. If anyone should be calling to check up on her, it should be her father who put her through the glass door to begin with.

"I kept it short and simple," he answered. "I told them I'd taken you to a clinic and you were being kept overnight for observation. That's it."

Meadow nodded and then turned back around to look at him. With a grim smile she said, "Thanks."

"What are you going to do? Will you stay on in Arrowfield or head back to Rutherford?" Eddie inquired quietly.

"I'll head back to Rutherford," Meadow confessed. "I'll make arrangements in the morning to fly back tomorrow afternoon, if Doctor Wallin gives me a clean bill of health."

"It's just Hedda," the doctor in question pipped in as she walked through the door and placed her handful of treasures on the counter by Meadow's phone. "Unless, there is a major issue between now and the morning, flying wont be an issue," she confirmed.

"That's good to hear," Meadow said soberly as she looked over the little mini buffet that Hedda had brought her.

The woman had scrounged up yogourt, a granola bar, a somewhat ripe banana and half an untouched garden salad. Plus, she brought a cold bottle of water and a room temperature bottle of orange juice. Meadow smiled down at the little stash of food and felt her stomach growl. Perhaps she was hungry after all.

"Is this all for me?" she asked with an amused smile.

Hedda grinned back saying, "Sure is. Eat up."

Meadow pulled Eddie's chair around to the front of the cabinet and sat down in it. "Anyone want a bite before I dig in?"

Both Hedda and Eddie shook their heads and smiled at her.

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