"I'm surprised you haven't gotten rid of that old thing by now." Bright comments, moving to sit at the small table in the corner of the room.

Win looks back at the other, finally noticing that Bright clearly hasn't gotten any more sleep than he has. "I like this thing."

"I figured with your fancy new job you'd have one of those fancy coffee makers." Bright chuckled.

"How do you know about my job?" Win asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bright froze, blinking slowly. "W-Well I just happened to hear about it. I mean that magazine is pretty huge, even outside of Thailand."

The younger nodded slowly. "So... What are you doing now?"

Bright smiles happily, but there's some bitterness underneath it. "I'm a music producer at Astro Entertainment, just as I always wanted to be. I write and compose music. I work with some pretty well-known artists and I get to travel all over the world... living my dream."

"Sounds like we both ended up where we wanted." Win sighed.

Bright mimics the other. "Yeah, seems like it."

A couple seconds of awkward and rough silence presents itself to the two men in the kitchen. Win whips out his phone and starts going through emails and his schedule for today.

"So, what brings you back to Thailand? I assume you were out of the country, since you said the airline misplaced your bags." Win nonchalantly asked without looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, uh, I was in Seoul, South Korea for about six months, working with a girl group the company is signing. They're called BLACKPINK." Bright answered, watching the younger male carefully.

"Cool." Win nodded, then turns around realizing the coffee is finally done. Win placed the mug on the table for Bright and fills up his own cup, throwing some sugar into the black liquid for a sweeter flavor. "Well, I have to get to the office. I assume you know how to operate everything in the apartment, so I'll just leave you. If your bags come back before I get home, just lock up the place."

Bright sips the dark liquid, tasting the satisfying roasted bean flavor entering his mouth that only Win has been able to make exactly to his taste, even after all of these years. Coffee just doesn't taste the same if not made by the man he once love.

"Hey, Winnie." Bright calls as he hears the other putting on his shoes by the door.

"Yeah?" Win answers, thanking the heavens his voice doesn't waver at the sound of his ex-lover calling out his nickname.

"Thanks for this." Bright said, sounding a bit sad, but Win ignored it. Whatever is going through Bright's head is no longer his business. Bright made that clear when he walked out three years ago.

Win chose not to answer, not that it would make a difference either way. Bright isn't back in his life, the man forcefully removed himself in his life and him showing up at Win's door to crash on his couch means nothing. Bright was just out of options. Bright will get his bags back, he'll leave Win's apartment, and everything will go back to the way it was. Back to normal, as if his ex hadn't suddenly barged back into his life, stirring up familiar feelings and old memories pushed down long ago.

Bright doesn't belong in his life anymore, and that's just the way it is. Win knows this, and he accepts it.

But it doesn't stop the pain that he feels when he tells himself this.

A/N: Just a short update. I hope y'all liked it.

If you have any comments, suggestions or violent reactions, don't be shy and let me know. Also, don't forget to VOTE if you like/enjoy the story. 😘

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