The warrior loomed over him. Nakoa could feel the anger that rippled off him, as red as the blood that dripped from his neck. Nakoa screwed his eyes shut as the warrior lifted his blaster.

The shot never came. He heard a crunch and opened his eyes. Nadi slammed her knee into the warrior's jaw. His helmet had been knocked off during their initial collision. A second later, another Mandalorian joined them. Nakoa recognized his father, Raada.

Nakoa clawed his way backwards until his back pressed against a building. He could barely keep up with his parent's movements. Where one ducked, the other attacked. They forced the enemy warrior away from him slowly.

"You're starting down a violent path young, Tarek," Raada growled. "What are you trying to prove?"

"That I'm the better choice to lead my Clan and House," Tarek spat.

"In my opinion, neither you nor your brother are worthy," Nadi replied. She landed a firm kick to his chest. Tarek staggered back and fell to his knees.

"Look out!" Nakoa cried. It was too late. Tarek threw the grenade.

It exploded midair, the shock wave sending Raada and Nadi flying backwards. Nakoa dropped the vibroblade and shielded his head with his arms as the building behind him quaked. Tarek threw another explosive. This one detonated on the building itself. Rubble rained down and smoke filled the air.

Nakoa screamed as a beam landed atop him. More fell, closing him in. He looked around as much as he could. There was no sign of his parents. Nakoa hollered again, but to no avail. Smoke hung thick around him. Darkness tugged at his young mind. Despite himself, he gave in.

He didn't know how much time passed before he woke again. All he knew was he heard voices. Nakoa cracked an eye open and brushed ash out of his face. Somehow, the fire had burned itself out before it reached him. He listened again and heard voices outside. He tried to speak, but found his throat too raw to manage anything more than a whisper. The voices faded soon.

Something metal met his gaze. Nakoa grabbed the vibroblade and started chipping away at the beam that trapped his legs. He wiggled, making sure he could still feel them. He had no idea how they weren't crushed. Nakoa struck the beam again. The blade slipped and clanged against something below it.

He stiffened, recognizing the sound of metal. Nakoa lowered himself back to the ground and peered beneath the beam. His eyes widened in terror. It was a metal clad hand. His mother's.

Fear gripped his mind and he screamed, ignoring the pain in his throat. He couldn't stop screaming. Not as he became aware of what he was seeing. His parents lay beneath the beam. It was their bodies that had kept it from crushing him.

"Over here. I hear something!"

Nakoa managed to make himself stop screaming as the debris above him shifted. He coughed as ash fell. A moment later, sunlight exploded around him. He shielded his eyes against it.

Someone leaned down and gripped him beneath the arms. They pulled gently and he slid out from beneath the large beam. Nakoa couldn't stop his trembling.

"Make sure there's no one else down there," the female holding him said. A few of her companions slid down and began searching. The woman carried Nakoa a short distance away and set him down. She quickly checked him over for injuries. "What's your name?"

"Nakoa Sen," he whispered.

"What is your House and Clan?"

"House Kryze, Clan Ralius."

"Who attacked your people?" She lifted his hand and motioned for him to drop the vibroblade. He set it down beside him and she checked his hand.

"Tarek Vizsla and members of his Clan," Nakoa replied. "Who are you? You don't have a Clan signet."

"I am Ketei Arvis. My Clan has no name or signet." She straightened and offered him a hand.

Nakoa grabbed his blade and took her hand. "Were you here earlier?"

"No, but we saw members of Clan Kryze leave with two children."

A man joined them shortly. "There's no one down there except..."

"The boy's parents?" Ketei finished. The man nodded. "Very well. We'll take him with us, then. We must assume there are no other survivors."

"Are you sure that's wise? We're still trying to find a place to form a covert for our Clan. Now isn't the time to bring in a foundling."

"We can't leave him here, Galaar. If he chooses to come with us, he will be my responsibility." Ketei dropped down to her knees and planted her hands on Nakoa's shoulder. "We follow the ways of Mandalore the Great. We are bound to the Creed by the strongest vows. If you choose to come with us, I will teach you our ways."

Nakoa hesitated for a moment. His gaze flickered around the remnants of his village. He nodded at last. "There's nowhere else for me to go."

"Then welcome to our Clan." Ketei stood and lifted him once more. She activated her jetpack and her clanmates followed suit. Nakoa stared at the devastated land below them. His home, his was all gone.

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