"Honestly? He's... I don't- I can't even find a word. He's so kind to me and he excepted me quickly. We can relate to each other and I'm not used to that, so he surprised me. Even though I haven't known him for a very long time, I'm thankful for him."

"That's fantastic Faith! I'm happy that you found someone to lean on. I'm here for you if you need me, remember that. You aren't alone. I guarantee that you could call anyone that was in that room at the Hype House about anything and they would help you." She says as we walk into the studio.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." I say smile at her.

We sit down on the couch and wait for her producer and sound guy to show up. After a few minutes, Madison asks, "So besides Jaden and I, who else are you close to?"

"Um well Bryce is like a brother to me, Griffin is like some father figure type person, and honestly, Chase is a really close friend." I tell her.

"Chase? You talk to him?"

"I mean... yeah. We have some things in common and he's nice to talk to. I know the things he's done, but he's a good person at heart." I explain

"I understand that. Do the Sway boys know this?"

"No. I don't see why I would unless specifically asked since I'm my own person."

"Good. Independent women!" She exclaims

I laugh as her producer, Tom, arrives. "Sorry I'm late, a meeting ran long." He says

"You are perfectly fine." I tell him

"Well, you guys ready to record?" He asks

"Yes!" Madison and I say

"Alright let's get Madison to sing her parts first , then we'll have Faith go and then have you guys sing the harmonies and chorus parts together." He explains

About 3 hours later, the song is finished and recorded. However, Madison and I want to listen to the whole song before we send it to the label.

We take a seat on the couch and Tom starts it:
[Faith- Italic,Madison- Underlined,Both, -Bold]

I bet you're from out west somewhere
Hazel eyes and dark brown hair
And everything you wear fits you just right
I bet you drink martinis dry
And never let 'em see you cry
I bet you're more promiscuous than I

I bet you're bold, I bet that's why you seem to occupy his mind
I bet you're smart, but do you know about me? (Is it you?)

Is it me? Is it you?
Tell me who, who's the other girl?
Who's the first? Who's the fool?
Who's the diamond? Who's the pearl?
Are you mad? Me too
And I wonder, in his world
Is it me? Is it you?
Who's the other girl?

Who's gonna put on the red dress
Scarlet letter on her chest
Can't love with this on her conscience
Tell me, who's the other girl, girl, girl, girl?

Are you the one he's talkin' to
When he gets up and leaves the room
And comes back with a distance in his eyes? (Ah)
Maybe I should be the one to leave
But damn, when he starts lovin' me
It makes me think I'm all that's on his mind (Ah, ah)

Sweetheart -HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now