"Are you sure you're fit to volunteer at an orphanage?"

"I'm fucking fine! And it's not like I want to be here, either!"

The kid just looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"I'm only here cause my old hag forced me and that Ms. Nice-bitch it fucking blackmailing me!"

"At least we share one thing.."


"No one here likes that bitch." He growled, glaring at the tiled flooring. "She's doesn't do shit here! Just lets Liam do everything! It's sick..."

"She doesn't do anything?"

"Jackshit." The kid breathed deeply and a sense of calm washed over his features. "Sorry about that, I just really don't like her."

"You and me both."

"Anyways," The kid walked over and held out his hand. "I'm Ando Sachi." (a/n: I think a few of you know who I'm talking about.)

Bakugou ignored the hand, which Sachi eventually put down. "I don't give a fuck."

"Well, I just figured you'd want to at least know a few of the people you'd be stuck with for a-, well, however long you're stuck here."

"Two months."


"I'm stuck in this shit-hole for two entire fucking months."

"Well, sorry about that..."

Bakugou furred his brows. "I don't want your pity."

"Suits me." Sachi put his hands up before stuffing them in his pockets. "Hey, could you not, ya know, curse in front of the kids. They'll be here soon."

"What do you take me for?! A moron?! I'm not like that fucking Deku. Doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut."

"Oh, Izuku Midoryia?"


"He kept on breaking his fingers during the Sports Festival," Sashi remarked. "Is he still doing that?"

Bakugou gritted his teeth. "Why do you wanna know about that Deku? What's your quirk anyway?"

"Oh, um, it's nocturnal eyes." Sachi pointed at his yellow eyes. "It means I can see in the-,"

"I know what nocturnal means!" The blonde snapped. "When are the mini extras coming? I'm getting tired of you."

"Did you just call them, mini extras?"

He scoffed. "So what?"

"Nothing.. It's just a bit funny, I guess."


"They should be coming soon, and thanks for making the food. I don't think I've said that yet." The black-haired boy smiled. Bakugou just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Just don't expect this to become a daily thing."


Silence fell over the two, and weirdly enough, it was a comfortable silence. Neither felt like they needed to say anything. (a/n: I wanted to give Bakugou a friend-like character, so no, I'm not shipping them.)

"Wait," Bakugou turned to Sachi, looking him up and down, making him squirm.


"How old are you?"

"Um," A bit taken back from the sudden question, Sachi wavered before shrugging. "I'm 15."

"You probably already know me!" Bakugou smirked. The other just looked at him with a hint of disappointment.


"Do you like Liam?" Another question, out of the blue. And a weird one, too. 

Sachi grinned. "Yeah, he's like a big brother to me. Almost a parent. He's the best. A bit rough around the edges, but he's really nice."

The blonde almost laughed. "Bullshit. I'm telling you. Liam's a bitch."

"I just think you two got off on the wrong foot. And why did you automatically hate him?"

"Do I need a reason?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Ha, like I'm gonna tell you, extra."

"I bet it's something really petty," Sachi off-handily commented.

"Hah?!" Bakugou demanded. "It's not fucking petty!"

"Oh, yeah?" The other smiled. "Then what is it?"

"He bumped into me yesterday and made me spill my drink on myself! He didn't even fucking do anything! He just laughed!" A spark of twisted delight grew in Bakugou's eyes. "I can't wait to beat some sense into-,"

"Yeah, no. No beating anyone," Sachi said. "Liam's had a tough life. Don't blame him. Besides-,"

"SACHI!" A voice called, bursting through the doors to the kitchen. "HEL-, oh. Who's this?" A girl, around 10 slowed down to a walk.

"Oh, hey, Zoey. This is Bakugou, he's a volunteer here."

"You mean from UA?"

"Ha! I knew someone would recognize the next number one hero! I don't take autographs from extras. So-,"

"Bye!" Zoey walked out with a sandwich and a grape in her mouth. Bakugou stood there, dumbfounded. 

"Bro, that was sad..." Sachi let loose a few chuckles. Bakugou slowly turned to glare at him, shutting him up. Though a small smile did worm its way onto his face. 

"Shut. The fuck up."

"Whatever you say, the next number one-,"

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Explosions danced on the blonde's palm, but it didn't seem to phase Sachi, it just seemed to egg him on more.

"Sorry." But the word didn't have any meaning behind it, it was obvious.

"Hey, Sachi." Another older kid with blue hair walked in, but he stopped halfway from taking a sandwich. He eyed Bakugou but didn't seem to question the literal stranger in the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich and left.

"Bye, Kags!" 

"I'm leaving."

"Wait! Bakugou!"



Sorry about not posting, I was taking a little break for the holidays, but I'm back!

Broken Barriers (Bakugou x Liam {Soft Bakugou AU; Alternate Ending})Where stories live. Discover now