Chapter Ten: Under the Surface

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Adam barely managed to keep his fire from breaking free. He sized up the two agents, but it was hard to focus on anything besides the guns pointed in his direction.

The agents' arrival snapped Willow out of whatever trance she'd fallen into. She yanked the USB out of the computer and jumped out of her chair.

"Don't move," the agent on the right ordered. She took a slow step forward. "How did you get in?"

In the same moment, in the same heartbeat, Adam and Willow looked at each other and said, "I'll handle this."

While Adam's confusion made him pause, Willow didn't hesitate. She lifted her chin and took a step forward. Both agents jumped in surprise and let go of their guns. The weapons fell to the ground, coated with a thin layer of ice.

The agent on the right pressed a hand to the comm device in her ear. This time Adam sprang into action, holding up a hand and letting fire ignite in his palm. "Don't call for backup, or I'll burn this place down." He wasn't sure he could actually do that, but all he had to do was sound confident, right?

The agent lowered her hand. "Why are you here?"

"We're looking for someone," Adam told her. "Do you or do you not have my brother?"

"We don't have any prisoners if that's what you mean," the second agent said. He reached into his suit jacket and drew out a badge. "We're a part of the United States government, and we're here researching the cause of the accident."


"Twelve years after the fact?" Willow asked.

"We had to make sure it was safe to come in," the agent replied.

So, this had been a waste of time, after all. The flame in Adam's hand brightened and grew, threatening to jump out of his control. He sucked in a deep breath and forced it to go out. "Come on," he said to Willow. "If he's not here, someone else has him."

"You might get past us, but we've got another dozen agents between here and the exit," the first agent warned, her eyes narrowing.

"We'll manage," Willow told her. She glanced at Adam. "Ready to run?"

Adam ignited his fists and stormed toward the agents, forcing them to move out of the way. Willow followed behind him, and once they were in the hall, they ran.

Willow didn't bother checking the cameras this time. They came across agents, usually in pairs, and the occasional researcher. They all backed off at the sight of Adam's fire, but the agents were quick to issue warnings over their comms.

When Adam and Willow found the staircase up to the lobby, eight agents waited, all with their guns at the ready.

Willow lifted her hands, slowly. She flexed her fingers. Ice crept across the metal in the agents' hands and forced them to drop their weapons. Adam charged forward, waving his fire.

As he and Willow passed the agents, one man picked up his gun and lunged forward, swinging at Willow. She lifted her arm to match the blow. As her arm moved through the air, layer after layer of thick ice expanded across her skin.

The gun struck the ice, shattering it. Frozen shards sprayed the ground around them. Willow gasped in pain and stumbled backward into the wall.

In a panic, Adam swung his hand wildly, sending a ball of fire shooting at the agent. The agent ducked. The flames scorched the wall above him.

"Willow? You okay?" Adam reached for her arm.

She nodded as he helped her up. "Run!"

They raced up the stairs. When they reached the top, Adam's gaze darted through a gap in the wall and found a loose wooden board. He stopped, reached in, and yanked it free. It caught fire in his hands. He tossed it down the stairs, hoping to delay their pursuers long enough for them to get away.

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