AKASHI: Same question here Kei. I don't know how I manage to deal with them..

KEI: So Akashi senpai, Imma just talk to you then..

BOKUTO: So rude Tsuki.. You know we just wanna help you out.

KUROO: I changed my mind. I'm heading to Tsuki's place. I'm going to beat the hell out of him!

AKASHI: What??? Stop it you two!

KEI: So... May I continue?

AKASHI: Yes Kei. Please do.


KUROO: Only if you say sorry Tsuki.

KEI: No.

KUROO: Ok, wait for me at your place!

AKASHI: Kuroo!!! I'm going to tell Kenma!

KUROO: Ok, so I'm quietly sitting on my couch now.. Ready to listen to whatever and however long Tsuki needs to talk about the situation.

BOKUTO: Really bro?

KUROO: Well yeah bro! I don't want Kenma shouting on my ears. That would be so painful!

KEI: So, as I was saying.. We're planning on convincing Kageyama to return to Karasuno.

AKASHI: Who'll do the convincing?

KEI: Everyone, except me and Shoyo.

AKASHI: Why not you too?

KEI: I'm thinking we get to be the last option if he doesn't get convinced by the others.

KUROO: Well, I'm ok with the plan. You want us to try to talk to him too?

KEI: Yeah.. If you're willing.

BOKUTO: You don't have to say twice Tsuki. I'm going to send him a message now!

KEI: Well, just don't message him all at the same time.

AKASHI: Right. Kotaro, message him tomorrow. Kuroo, the day after tomorrow. I'll message him on the third day. Are we good?

BOKUTO: Oh, okay Akashi!

KUROO: Got it!

KEI: Thanks guys.

AKASHI: Wait. Are we supposed to say anything about Miya? How he's treating Shoyo?

KEI: No Akashi-san. Just tell him you heard about the transfer, and something like Karasuno is just not the same without him.. Something like that. The team wouldn't be saying anything about Miya. It's gonna come from me if ever we need to get to that point.

AKASHI: I see.

BOKUTO: Ok, ok.

AKASHI: So is Shoyo doing ok?

KEI: Yeah, he's just worried about Kageyama. We found out he was drinking earlier.


KUROO: Woah.. He's really not handling it well huh?

KEI: Yah, I guess.

AKASHI: But you're ok with Kageyama getting back to Karasuno Kei?

KEI: I'd rather have him back than Miya.

BOKUTO: Yes, me too! No one's allowed to hurt Hinata!

KUROO: Yup! Chibi-chan protection squad! Haha!

KEI: Thanks guys. You're kinda lightening up my mood.

AKASHI: Some times these two really are a lot of help..

KEI: Yes Akashi-san. But most of the time they're just pain in the ass.

BOKUTO: Ouch Tsuki!

KUROO: You're lucky I'm hungry Tsuki. Gotta eat. Chat with you next time, that ok?

BOKUTO: Go ahead bro! Imma grab something to eat too.

AKASHI: Message us if you need anything Kei.

KEI: Yes, I'll try to update you. Thanks for the time.

AKASHI: Kageyama will return to Karasuno, don't worry.

BOKUTO: I'll kidnap him if I need to.

KUROO: My car or your car? As get-away car?

BOKUTO: Yours bro. You drive faster.

KUROO: Sure!

AKASHI: Oh my jeez you two! No kidnapping!

KEI: You guys are crazy! But I'll message you if ever we need to get to that.

AKASHI: Tsukishima Kei!

KEI: Kidding. Bye guys! Talk to you tomorrow.

Kei looked at sleeping Shoyo as he puts his phone down on his bedside table.

He slips underneath the blanket and hugs Shoyo.

Shoyo pulls Kei's arms to tighten the hug.

Kei drops a light kiss on Shoyo's ear before he rested his head just above Shoyo's.

KEI: I love you Shoyo.

Kei heard Shoyo say "I love you Kei", not sure if Shoyo was half awake or just plain sleep talking.

But he loved it.



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