"I can fight!"

"We don't have time to argue y/n." My dad said.

"Then take me with you." I magicked one of Natasha's old suits on and it fit like a glove.

"UGH, fine but stay close to one of us at all times okay?" Tony said in defeat.

"Okay." I told him grinning like an idiot. I got on the jet and sat with Peter.

"What's the plan?"

"Y/n I want you to help people get out of this area okay?"

"Daddddd, I want to fight, I'm ready."

"Do what I tell you y/n."

"Fine." I mumbled while rolling my eyes.

I ran off to help people clear out of the area. I can't believe it's my first mission and I got stuck with helping old ladies cross the street. I caught a flicker of green out of the corner of my eyes. Dad's definitely going to be pissed but what the hell.

I shot a burst of magic at the god while he was distracted and I managed to knock him off his feet. I ducked down behind a huge piece of rubble. He quickly bounced back and looked around for what had caused him to fall.

Shit, I think he saw me. I didn't have time to think as a hand wrapped around my neck and threw me into the side of a building.

"Okay, ow! This bitch is dead." I told myself.

When he began to stroll towards me I shot my magic at him again, but he avoided it easily. I was about to try again, but Loki had already pinned me against the wall of the building behind me. I tried with all my might to get out of his grasp but I just couldn't get free.

"You're new." He said intrigued.

"My name is Y/n Stark, so unless you want to die a slow gruesome death, I suggest you let me go."

"You're a feisty little thing aren't you?" He was smirking with amusement.

When his grip loosened ever so slightly, I took my chance. I brought my legs up and connected my feet to his chest. He let go of me and stumbled a little, but that was all I needed. I mustered up all the energy I could and focused it into a huge blast of magic. It hit Loki square in the chest and sent him flying back.

"Yes!" I jumped up in celebration.

Before Loki could get back up, Thor was next to him and putting some strange cuffs on his wrists, probably to keep him from doing magic.

"Y/N STARK!" My dad yelled.


"Yes dad."

"I told you to help the people! I pacifically told you NOT to fight Reindeer games and you did anyway!"

"I won though!"

"That is not the point!"

I rolled my eyes and blocked out his voice as he scolded me. I looked at Loki to really see him for the first time and holy hell! He was fucking hot! If I didn't have a boyfriend I would definitely be trying to get with that. Although, he's an evil psychopath so that probably wouldn't work out very well.

I think he noticed that I was staring at him because he started to smirk. I quickly looked away and turned my attention back to my dad.

Apparently I'm grounded for an entire month for not listening to his instructions! Which was so not fair! I fought Loki, a damn god, and I won!

When we got back to the compound, Thor and Tony took Loki to the cell he would be staying in. Since I was grounded, I was the one who got to watch Loki. Yippee, I get to babysit a psycho killer. Yay me.

I was about to go down and start my shift when I saw my boyfriend talking to Steve.

"Bucky?!" I squealed.

Don't judge me, I haven't seen my boyfriend for almost two months!

I ran over to him and he hugged me, squeezing tightly. I pressed my lips to his and held them there for awhile. I pulled back at the sound of a throat clearing awkwardly.

"Sorry." I giggled.

Steve didn't like seeing us intimidate because Bucky was his best friend and well let's face it, Steve's too pure for kissing.

I held Bucky's hand as we walked into the room where Loki was being kept. Loki turned around in his glass cage and smiled darkly at me. It was kinda uncomfortable. Bucky pulled me against him protectively even though Loki was locked up in the cell.

"Are you dating the Winter Soldier?" Loki asked with fake shock.

I ignored him and turned to Bucky.

"Can you go get us some food please, I'm starving."

"Sure. I'll be right back." Bucky kissed the top of my head then glared at Loki as he left.

"You mortals are so weak and pathetic." Loki mocked me.

"You're the one in a cage and if I recall correctly, I was able to take you out and I'm just a 18 year old girl." I said with a smile.

I had a talent for getting on people's nerves. I guess it's a family trait.

Bucky returned after a few minutes with my favorite kind of pizza.

"Thank you."

He handed me a plate and we began eating.

"Oh my god, that was really good!"

Bucky chuckled softly at me while Loki just stood in his cell watching my every move. What a freak.

After a few hours of guarding Loki with me, Bucky had to leave again. I kissed him goodbye before he left the room. I love Bucky dearly, but he was always leaving for weeks or months at a time. But that's what happens when you are labeled a hero, you have to save the world. For some reason though the world needed saving like every 3 days!

"Am I allowed food?" Loki asked pulling me out of my thoughts.


"What if I starve to death?"

"Then I won't have to babysit anymore." I replied with a smug smile when I saw the annoyed look on his face.

"You know you are required to give me the necessities to live."

"Like what?"

"Like food, a proper bed, entertainment, it is so dreadfully boring in here."


"My requests are reasonable."

"Yes, but you're not getting them."

"Why not?"

"Because you're a psychopath who kills people and because you annoy me."

"Is that so?" He smirked.

Oh god, he's going to bother me more now. Ugh, why'd I tell him that he annoyed me!

After a few hours, it was finally time for me to leave.

"I'll see you in the morning. Bright and early." Loki said with a stupid ass smirk on his stupid ass face.

As I walked out of the room I stuck up my middle finger to him and heard him chuckle as I left for the night.

Please tell me what you guys think of the story so far. I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks 😊

Can you even fix something that's already broken Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ