He tasted of somthing sweet, probably the muffin he had eaten this morning. The front door was still wide open, shamelessly showing the two kissing in the doorway for all the neighbors to see.

Aone was the first to pull away, and he then leaned his forehead agsint (L/n)'s. "Don't scare me like that." He pleaded, his voice softer than (L/n)'s skin, and his eyes half lidded, drunken with love.

When he realized what he had just done - how he had kissed her, how he had just held her - his cheeks ignited red again, and he quickly took a step away from (l/n).

She smiled up at him weakly, finding the embarrassed boy completely adorable. "As I was saying, did you run here?" She repeated. Aone weakly nodded at the ground, unable to wipe the blush or smile off his face.

(L/n) decided to stop questioning his actions for now, seeing that his brain seemed to be fried for the time being.

"Anyways, I'm not going to school today. I think I have a cold." And as if on cue, a sneezed erupted from her body. Aone frowned, reaching his hand up to touch her forehead. "Your warm." He said softly, letting his hand fall to his side.

"Go to bed." His voice was still soft, but it had a hint of sternness, telling her to obey his words. "I'll make you some soup." He was already waking around her and stepping into the kitchen as she spoke. (L/n) smiled to herself as she watched him and leaned agsint the wall to get a clear view of him manuvuing around her kitchen.

When his eyes met hers and notticed that she hadn't gone to bed like he had ordered, her frowned. "Bed." He used his finger to point towards her room, and she laughed to herself before turning towards her room.

"Alright fine." She laughed out.

Although being sick, and having a killer headache, she was always in the mood to tease him.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She cooed.

Aone blushed bright red, turning away from her quickly to hide his embarrassment.

"J-just go!"


He pushed her bedroom door open with his foot, the bowl soup within his hands. "(L/n)?" He called out quietly in case she was sleeping, she hummed weakly in response. Aone smiled softly upon seeing her curled up in her comforter, curled up in a little ball and watching the Tv.

"You're already done? That's was quick." She said, sitting up slowly but keeping the blanket around her head almost like a veil. He nodded and placed the bowl on the bedside table next to her. "Thanks." She rasped, but didn't reach for the bowl because her body felt entirely too weak.

Aone notticced her halfidded eyes and let out a long sigh. He hated that she was sick, he hated knowing that she felt like crap.

"Want me to feed you?" He blushed.

(L/n) weakly nodded, leaning against the wall next to her bed, and waited for Aone. The bed creaked as he sat beside her with the bowl in his hands again.

Aone lifted the spoon to her mouth and watched as her soft lips wrapped around it, a deep blush covered his entire face and he quickly turned away. This was too much! There was no way he could handle this.

"It's good." (L/n) said weakly, smiling gently up at the boy. He turned back to her with a small smile.

Aone helped her finish the soup, trying his hardest to avoid looking at her lips again. "I'm tired." She groaned, leaning back agsint her wall even further.

"Go to sleep, you need rest." Aone said and turned to place the empty soup bowl on her bedside table.

(L/n) nodded her head and laid down on the bed, when Aone stood on his feet and turned towards the door, she let out a loud whine. "Come lay with me!" She whined.

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