I'm taking a bus to the other side of the world: cya!

Start from the beginning

"His ideals? So... being a hero?" Hatsume asks, with Kendo replying with: 

"Yeah, think so! I think it's because everyone told him he couldn't do it, so now he's disgusted in himself to know that he still clings on to it." She finishes with a frown. 

'An obvious display of self-hatred. Of course, this is very evident throughout all these universes but this universe in particular points at it directly.' Aizawa thinks to himself.  

 What value is there to a life that wants to end? 

Am I just being selfish?

 I don't even know what to think!

"Every life has value, you simply have to find it and pursue it." Shoji states. 

 In the end, after a few years I'll just be a nuisance.

"It's disturbing how many people actually feel this way." Ectoplasm says, sighing guiltily. "We should set up some more awareness for these feelings." 

"Agreed. We shall discuss this in our next meeting." Nezu says, writing down in his notebook (which appeared out of nowhere-) 

 So stab me, kill me, and take me away

 I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya! 

"I hate how natural some people can think of their own deaths... I never would've known the extreme extent of these feelings if not for this..." Sero says. 

 I still remember all the times I was made fun of as a kid 

These unreasonable thoughts that I don't even remember thinking just won't go away 

"Bullying is a very hard thing to get over... he might have thought... recklessly." Koda says

"But how can you call it reckless, kero? Yes, it does indeed seem like it from a third person view, but it's probably what seems to be the most reasonable and easy way to take care of problems.." Tsuyu says, keroing 

 Looking back now, how did I just swallow the pain? 

Ah, if only I had fought back... 

"He really should've fought back..." Monoma mutters, glancing away. Midoriya had now gained his respect and admiration. 

 Sulking about in a hazy crowd of people 

Displaying a life that seems worth living 

"He doesn't think he, himself, can ever relish that feeling..." Momo says, ' what did I do to get such a good life anyways?' swirling in her mind. 

Unintentionally, everyone seemed to be referring to the character as he and him, but never really Midoriya, Deku, Izuku etc. I suppose they didn't really want to think of the characters as Izuku himself, the one they talked to and actually interacted with. 

 The "theory of happiness" is uselessly deep 

Just some words that don't serve any purpose 

"It must be really frustrating for him to ever hear about it, because he knows what it feels like, but people talk about it like... like an object I suppose. One that can be taken and cured easily." Toru says

My shallow heart is driven by an uneasy, fretful rush

Nothing but time passes, and it can never come back... 

What takes root in life just makes me want to disappear

"Passion, I believe. Passion is a root of life and he wants it to disappear? That also connects back to before when he says he doesn't find meaning in life." Sato says

What concerns Aizawa a bit is the fact that his students are talking about real-life issues and problems like it's some sort of illness. Like it's wrong to have them, like they're facts. They're not understanding the full-extent of the emotions within it. 

You say I'm a nuisance? No one asked for your opinion! 

In the end, after a few years it'll just be the same thing... 

So stab me, kill me, and take me away

"The voice is getting more desperate and angry... probably from all the pent-up emotions and thoughts." Bakugou mutters. 

And isn't he one to know all about building up emotions until they burst, crashed and burned?

Is there any meaning to life if you want it to end?

 Are there any dreams seen in a life that wants to end?

 There are none 

"That phrase was so powerful yet so sad..." Jirou says, tears once again in her eyes. It was a rather teary day for UA. 

 What value is there to a life that wants to end?

"That must suck." 

"I get it." 

Don't act as if you understand!

Many students feel an unwelcoming and unfamiliar feeling bloom in their chest at that phrase. There, they realised that they had been speaking of these emotions like some sort of clinical illness, like facts and statistics, like an idea which is true but has no insides to the matter whatsoever. 

They instantly felt so bad and guilty. 

What right did they have to talk about depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and all that like it was something they would never have to deal with? Did they stop and think to imagine the thoughts and feelings of someone going through depression? 

Now, they realised that no matter how much they think they understand about depression and the thoughts within it- they'll never understand. 

They never will until they go through depression themselves. 

 In the end, after a few years, I'll still be suffering 

"H-he has no hope of recovery in himself..." Ojirou says, tail drooping. 

So stab me, kill me, and take me away 

This is the only thing I thought to do, my first and final struggle in vain... 

"Is he going to...?" Aoyoma says, sparkles dying like dust in space. 

 I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya!

 And yet, I regret, and scream as the rain falls...

The screen fades to black. 

Suddenly, a loud tear rings through the theatre, and screams are heard as Class 1-A get sucked through into a mysterious black abyss. 


A/N, 1393 words not counting A/N! Hope you enjoyed! This is like, what Day 7 of 12-days-of-Christmas-chapters? Anyways, Merry Christmas (nearly)! 


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