junkyu's incident

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t/w ; harsh words

junkyu's view ;

" you should've just left them alone.. "

" what the fuck ? how can you just let them talk bad about us like that ? "

" because i made the same mistake and lost control.. " junkyu said which made jaehyuk stop in his tracks.

he knew how sensitive the topic was and sometimes he'll actually forget about it. he looked at junkyu.

" hyung, how many times do we have to tell you, it was an accident, it wasn't your fault- "

" i fucking killed someone, jaehyuk ! "

junkyu isn't one to be angry or someone to shout, people always see his very happy side and he always looks cheerful, but in the inside, he's actually an introvert, he gets shy and is actually quiet when not in school. he likes to be in his own little world.

but after junkyu had lost control that year, when he had killed one of the vampires, named san, he had gone quiet. he had stopped getting angry after being traumatised. he went from being wild to just being quiet. well, not that quiet, he gets into trouble sometimes, especially when jaehyuk is around.

" hyung- "

" let's go home, the others are probably looking for us right now.. "

the two boys went home, after hunting for food since that's what they were supposed to do when they went out. but because of their encounter with the vampires they got a little bit late, which is why they had to explain why and now the boys were furious that they had meet the vampires. even if they do go to the same school, just mentioning them boils their blood.

" ugh, those good for nothing blood suckers, they think so highly of themselves, especially haruto ! that bastard can't keep his mouth shut ! "

the pack knew how much jeongwoo hated haruto. both 04' liners hated each other so much they almost killed each other once. haruto would constantly bother jeongwoo for absolutely no reason at all.

" but i'm glad jaehyuk didn't lose it this time, good job not losing control.. " jihoon said after. they all knew how jaehyuk can lose control. but it hasn't gone far to what junkyu did. jaehyuk is known to be cheerful and playful, but when he gets angry, he's angry.

hearing this, junkyu can't help but remember what he did. everything had went down the hill and it still haunts him to this day. it's just unforgettable.

obviously not in a good way.

junkyu stood up which made the others look at him.

" i'm not hungry, i'm going to rest.. "

" are you okay, hyung ? " doyoung asked worried.

softly, he smiled at him and nodded to assure the younger before leaving the dining area. it took jihoon to realise why junkyu decided to leave the room was because he had just mentioned about self-control. of course it was going to trigger his best friend.

" you dumb ass.. "


junkyu was against his door after locking it. eyes shut as he slowly slid down to the cold floor, the visions of him murdering san mercilessly playing in his head. he was never violent before but he couldn't help it.

the terrified looks on the younger members showed how horrifying the scene was and that was enough for junkyu to know. he was surprised at how the vampires haven't killed him yet, especially one of the members named yunho, a member that was dating san.

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