Chubby Love | Jinkook✔️

By moonjin97

12K 691 528

What happens when Kim Seokjin feels he is heavy compared to his boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook💜❣ Main Ship. Jinkoo... More

🍧For the Readers🍨

🍧Chubby Love🍨

6.9K 471 489
By moonjin97

Happy New Year Angels🎉 A small gift from my side to all my lovely angels who's been with me and pouring all your loves and sweet words for me. Without you, I don't think I would ever find motivation to write books angels. Thank you so much for supporting me without knowing me but trusting me on my works. This is the greatest gift I could ever ask for, and thank you so much for providing me angels.💜

Word Count: 6785

"Jinni-ah, it's getting late. Get down already."

Mrs.Kim shouted from her kitchen while preparing pancake for her only son. It was Monday morning, a fresh week and a fresh start. She knew how much her son loved her pancakes.

Jin was the only reason for her to run a small home made restaurant in the end of the street. Without her son, her life would be empty. She was thankful that she had her son being supportive for her after her husband's death. She couldn't imagine her life without him.

"Ma, how many times have I told you not to make breakfast for me."

Jin pouted angrily by looking at the two pancakes on the dining table. Though he could feel his stomach growling and his mouth was watering by looking at the tastiest pancake, he controlled himself.

"You are getting thinner day by day. You aren't eating like you used to before." Jin left a heavy sigh by his mother's statement. Though he knew whatever his mother said was true, he didn't want to admit it.

"I am not becoming thin but fat." Jin thought to himself but decided not to speak against his mother. He didn't want to disappoint his mother by saying such harsh words that he was used to hear.

"I am getting late, I have to go. Bye" With that Jin picked the pancakes in his hand and rushed out of the house before giving a quick peck on his mother's cheeks.

He walked slowly on the path to his school. Though he had a choice of bus to take, he decided to walk. It would take ten minutes of a walk, and he used this as his morning exercise. The pancakes in his hand was making him crave to have just one bite. But he shook his thoughts and focused on his walking.

Kim Seokjin, a fifteen years-old high school student who loves three things the most in his life.

His lovely mother. His handsomest boyfriend. And his Food.

He loved eating. He never cared about the calories or the fat that was accumulated in his food. He always goes by the motto,

" If something is delicious, then it has zero calories."

That's how his life was and he was happy with everything he had. But happiness never stays longer, right?

Before arriving at the school, he made sure to see that no one was around him or watching him. With a heavy sigh, he placed the pancake on the bag of the homeless person. The said person was sleeping soundly on the streets without bothered about the people.

He felt hurt by giving his mother's food to others. But he didn't want to eat. He knew how he looked and how much he ate.

He could see students walking and chatting with their friends.  He looked at the school before him and wished he never entered here. But for one person he came to school.

He looked down at his uniform shirt and adjusted a little to hide his belly fat. The button was almost popping out by his belly bulge. No matter how much he walked or starved, he couldn't make the belly disappear. Jin sucked in his breath and made sure that his belly was sucked in before walking into the school.

"Wow, here comes the fat beauty of our school."

"How many more months to give birth, Jin?"

"You are popping out everyday."

"Dude, look at his double chin."

"Lucky bastard. Fatty ass got hot boyfriend."

"Break up with him, you ugly potato."

"Don't listen. Don't listen." Jin said to himself like a mantra and tried to walk past his fellow classmates who were busy in complimenting him. This was not new for him, but the harsh words never failed to hurt his heart and mind.

No matter how much he tried to ignore their comments, at the end of the day it was all true what they said.

He was just a fat boy with big belly and double chin. And to add top on cherry he had the school's handsomest boy as his boyfriend.

No wonder they bully him, no wonder they tease him, no wonder they hate him.

Jin slowly walked to his table which was in the last row. Though he loved sitting in the front row, the students complained the teacher about him hiding the blackboard because of his size. With several pushes from his classmates, he somehow managed to sit on his seat with a heavy sigh.

The school bell rang indicating the students to sit in their places. Soon the class started making Jin to forget everything around him. He tried so hard to ignore his stomach which was burning inside. He felt severe pain like something was pulling him. He knew that he was feeling stomach ache since he skipped his breakfast for like few days.

No matter how many times he drank water, the cravings for the food never decreased. He could see himself crying over the pain but decided to control it, since the classes were going on. His concentration, his mind, his heart everything was on only one thing.


"That's it." Jin thought to himself and immediately picked his bag, and reached his hands inside the bag. Within three seconds he found what he was searching for.

He opened the packet, and stuffed the roll cake into his mouth, that his boyfriend bought him yesterday. He was breathing heavily and his mouth was full with the cake. He held his hands over his mouth, and tried to hide it from his lecturer.

He groaned when he felt his stomach growling for more. Without thinking, he took three more cupcakes and started to munch it quickly. The taste, the softness and the creamy flavor everything was heaven.

Jin finished his water bottle when he found himself hiccup several times. He was glad that no one noticed him. And when he was finally deciding to write notes, he was shocked.

"W-What have I done?" He felt guilty to see himself eating the cupcakes. All his starving gone waste at the end of the day. He had been starving for the last few days and tried to avoid food as much as possible.

"I-I can't even control myself." Jin whispered angrily by seeing the empty covers of his cupcakes that was lying inside his bag. The more he starved, the more he saw himself losing himself. He couldn't understand how could all his effort go useless once his eyes landed on those food items.

He felt himself sobbing over his stupid actions. Jin quickly wiped his tears that were in his corner of his eyes. He didn't want anyone to notice it and tease him further more. He prayed silently for the classes to get over soon, so that he could see his boyfriend.

Unfortunately, Jungkook was the senior of the Bangtan's school, and Kim Seokjin was two years junior than his boyfriend. So they both shared different classes, and only got chances to meet during their lunch time.

It was just the start of the day, and there was more hours to go through the hell.

By hell, he didn't mean the school but the students who loved making fun of him. It was never a heaven for him. Until one day when he met his love of his life.

Jeon Jungkook.

The school's topper in academics, sports and the Vice President of Bangtan's school. Jungkook was called as the " Muscle Pig" of Bangtan's school and no one dared to pull fights with him. For his age he was working out, and also the champion in swimming and kick boxing.

Through all the darkness in his world, the only light he saw was his boyfriend.

He always wondered how come a sexy boy like him could date a fat guy like Jin. But he never had balls to question his boyfriend. He didn't want the other to feel sad or mad by his stupid question.

Jungkook never made Jin feel insecure whenever he was with him. He loved pampering his Jin, and adored the cute baby.

Jin wanted to run into his boyfriend's arms and cry loudly. He failed to become thinner. His eating habits was getting out of his hand. He wished he was just like his classmates who had no belly fat and were staying fit.

The remaining classes went unheard to Jin, since his mind was not here. All he could think about was to make sure not to eat anything. He decided to drink only water for the rest of his days until he sees changes in his body. He didn't want his boyfriend to think him as fat and break up with him.

"I-I need to lose weight for Jungkook. H-He may leave me if I become too fat. Many boys and girls are waiting to be his lover, I-I can't allow that. I love him so much to lose him."

Jin thought to himself and was gulping hard by the burning sensation inside his stomach. His stomach was curling inside indicating he was hungry. He immediately shook his head and clutched his stomach tightly hoping the burning would die down.

Soon the bell rang making students to disperse the class. Finally it was the lunch time. A relief filled Jin's mind and he stood up immediately to run outside the class.

"Here goes, the fatty guy."

"Hope he leaves some food in the food court."  Jin felt like crying by hearing such harsh words. But his eyes softened when he saw his boyfriend standing outside his classroom who was  panting heavily. Jin could tell his boyfriend had ran from third floor to ground floor just for him.

"Kookie." Jin whispered and jogged to his boyfriend who returned the bunny smile widely. Jungkook slayed in every outfit he wore, and uniform shirt was perfectly showing off his toned arms and biceps.

"Hey baby, I missed you so much." Jungkook softly kissed Jin's chubby cheeks making his boyfriend blush red. Jungkook never cared about other's reactions or whispers. His eyes were only on his baby who was looking so cute and fluffy. He wished he could hug him and keep him in his pocket.

"I missed you too, Kookie." Jin sincerely said making Jungkook coo at his baby. Jin finally felt relieved and safe when he was with his boyfriend.

The both Jinkook couple left the classroom with their hands intertwined together. Jin's heart broke when he saw the sizes of their fingers. His knuckles and his hand was looking bigger than Jungkook's. But it easily hid inside Jungkook's large veiny hands.

On the other side Jungkook was feeling happy and proud to see his baby with him. He waited for the lunch break from the morning, just to see his boyfriend.

With being the topper, and Vice president, he had so many roles and duties to do in school. He barely found time to talk with his Jin. He always treasured the moments whenever he was with his boyfriend.

"Jinnie, why are you stirring the ramen? Eat it, baby." Jungkook said sweetly to his boyfriend who was looking freaking cute with the cute pout. He was not an idiot to not notice the change in his boyfriend's behavior. He could hear several whispers and gossiping but he never bothered about it.

Jin was biting his lips nervously and was in dilemma whether he should eat it or not. He didn't want to gain weight more than now. But he knew he can't escape from his boyfriend who loved feeding him.

Jin gave a small smile and with lots of hesitation he slurped the ramen soup from his spoon and almost moaned by the heavenly taste. It's been really a long time since he had ramen. He had been starving himself for the last eleven days, and he was keeping it secret.

The food items that his boyfriend bought for him was in his house's refrigerator. He refused to eat anything except water. If he felt like he was about to faint, he would binge eat everything that caught his eyes.

Jungkook was happily adoring his boyfriend who was cutely eating the ramen. But soon his eyebrows narrowed when he saw some changes in Jin's face. The face that used to be chubby was looking less puffy.

Since he was busy in school works, he never concentrated on Jin's body changes. But now he was getting worried.

"Jin baby, you okay?" Jin froze in his place when he felt his boyfriend's hands caressing his cheeks. He placed his chopsticks in the bowl and turned to his boyfriend who was looking very much worried about him.

"I-I am good, Kookie. Why? Am I not pretty?" Jin asked in nervousness by thinking that his boyfriend started to hate him for being fat. But the following words from his boyfriend made him shook.

"You are always pretty, Jinnie. I-It's just that you look different. Are you eating well?" As much as Jungkook wanted to ask his boyfriend whether he lost weight, he didn't. He knew how much his boyfriend gets bullied for saying he was fate.

No matter how hard Jungkook tried, he couldn't stop people's bad mouth. And he couldn't be with his Jin forever to protect him from the insults.

"I-I eat well, Jungkook. I am doing exercises." Jin said inaudibly but thankfully Jungkook heard his boyfriend.

"Exercises? Since when?" Jungkook asked sweetly and cautiously by making sure he was not pressuring his boyfriend. Jin was always found to be emotional and he didn't want his boyfriend to cry over small questions.

"W-Walking. Now let's stop thinking about that and eat." Jin whispered and started digging his food like he has been starving for months. Jungkook's mind and heart was filled with concern.

He had never seen his boyfriend eating like this. Jin was eating like this was his last day. Jungkook was afraid that Jin would choke his food, by how fast he was eating. He knew that this eating habit was not good for health. But he didn't know how to say to his boyfriend who was stuffing everything in his mouth.

"Eat slowly, Jinnie. We have time fo-" Before Jungkook could finish his sentence he heard the school speaker switching on. Students who were busy in eating and chatting hushed a little to hear the announcement.

"Check one, two three. Ayo Bangtan girls and boys. This is the President of "Couples club" speaking. I hope you all doing well and good. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and our "Couples club" have decided to give a fun activity to the love birds of our school. The Bangtans couples are asked to assemble in our activity area for the fun task after the lunch break. And don't forget that there are gifts for those couple who win the contest. Ba-bye, see you in the field."

Jungkook's and Jin's eyes widened by the sudden announcement. Jin gulped hardly and looked beside his boyfriend whose wide doe eyes was glistening like galaxies. He could see other students cheering loudly and were running to the destined place.

"Oh my god, Jinnie. Let's go there." Jungkook said enthusiastically making Jin more nervous. He didn't want to shame his boyfriend infront of everyone. He knew how much the school hated him for being Jungkook's boyfriend. And to the worse his boyfriend was calling him to make everyone see the Jinkook couple.

"I-I, Kookie, w-"

"Come on." Before Jin could complete his sentence, Jungkook literally dragged him from the place and ran to the activity area. Jin's heart was beating fast by every step he placed. He didn't want to disappoint his boyfriend, that was the last thing he wanted to do.

He want to make his boyfriend proud of him.

Soon the couple jogged to the open field behind their school, where students were already gathered like flies. Jungkook walked front by pushing everybody. He want to make his boyfriend happy and lift his bad mood. That was the reason, Jungkook was so eager for the fun contest.

Jungkook and Jin stood front in the crowd and could see the students from the "Couples club" standing on the stage with microphones in their hands. Jin could hear several people bad mouthing him but his ears went deaf when he was with his boyfriend.

The sun was shining brightly, and it was already noon. The students were sweating lightly by the crowd and the hotness of the sun. The crowd cheered when the President of the "Couples club" started speaking.

"Wow, so many of you here. I never knew Bangtans school got so many love birds." The President Kim Namjoon teased the students making everyone giggle.

"Yeah, Joon. Maybe we should take a photo and submit it to our Principal." The Vice President, Park Jimin said making students shout a big , "No"

"Just kidding guys. We are holding this contest with our Principal's permission. So we will stop with the teasing and gets back into business." Namjoon said and earned several claps. Jimin and Namjoon were discussing something between them by hiding their microphone's mouth.

Jin looked around him and saw several eyes boring at him. He would be under nine feet if looks can kill. He visibly gulped and turned to his boyfriend who was sweating lightly. Without hesitation, Jin used his hem of his shirt and wiped the sweat making Jungkook startle by the action.

Jungkook blushed red by his boyfriend's sweet gesture and pinched Jin's nose cutely. The Jinkook couple were in their own world until they heard someone speaking through the microphone.

"Alright, so we will be doing one task per day till the Valentines day. Today's task name is, 'You are my light.' " Students started to discuss wondering what was the meaning of the task. Jungkook and Jin looked at each other in confusion and shrugged their shoulders off signaling they had no idea.

"Enough with your discussions, couples. We are here to explain it to you. Kim Taehyung will explain about the task and please listen carefully. You will be awarded with gifts and lot more fun stuffs." Park Jimin handed the microphone to his soulmate who was already giving his famous boxy smile. The students fanboying and fangirling over Kim Taehyung, and he felt shy to speak further.

"Alright, stop drooling over me. You have your boyfriends just near you and so mine. So like Jimin said, the task name is "You are my light." For every person who is in love, their boyfriend or girlfriend is the source of their happiness and everything. So we describe them as our 'Light.' You shouldn't just express it in words but by action. You mush show to the school how much light your boyfriends or girlfriends are."

Like always, no one understood anything that Kim Taehyung spoke. Students were discussing what he meant and no one had any idea what Taehyung was speaking.

"Tae, stop confusing everyone. God." Jimin face palmed himself by seeing his boyfriend confusing everyone.

"What Minnie? Maybe we should show them how the task should be done." With that Taehyung and Jimin gave their microphones to Kim Namjoon and Taehyung knelt on the stage.

All the couple were eagerly watching what the Vmin couple were doing. Jimin walked behind Taehyung and hugged him like a Koala. The crowd was cooing at the Vmin couple and were in awe by how easily Taehyung lifted Jimin.

Jimin had his legs wrapped around his boyfriend's waist and was back hugging him. It was just like a piggyback ride.

"So, here is the task. The couples should lift their boyfriends or girlfriends just like how Taehyung is lifting Jimin. The couple who stands for the long time will be the winner of this task."

"Am I heavy, Taetae?"

Jimin asked through the microphone making Taehyung chuckle by the cuteness.

"You are light as the Jasmine, baby." Taehyung's words made the crowd whine several "Aww's" by the cute couple.

"We will set the timer up. And the couple who lasts longer is the winner. You guys decide who should lift and who will be on the back. We will give you a minute to get into your positions."

And soon the couples on the ground started to stand in their positions. While Jin was feeling so ashamed of the task. He could see his boyfriend waiting for him to get back on him. But he didn't want to make his boyfriend fall by how heavy he is.

"Wow, I bet you won't last a minute." A guy commented while looking at Jin with a smirk. Jin gulped by the statement and he knew it was true.

"Jinnie, what are you waiting for. Hop up, baby. We need to try this task." Jungkook was patiently waiting for his boyfriend to jump on him. But the latter was occupied with his own thoughts.

"J-Jungkook, I don't think we should do this task. W-We will fail anyways, just let's go."

"Are you kidding me, baby? Don't you trust me? I am stronger and all you have to do is just hug me. We will win this task." No matter how much Jin tried to manipulate his boyfriend, the other was stubborn in doing this.

Jin looked at other couples who easily lifted their girlfriends and boyfriends and were waiting for the whistle to go. Though Jin knew Jungkook worked out, he didn't want his boyfriend to know how heavy he is.

It's been a long time since Jungkook had lifted him. If Jungkook knew how much he had gained weight, Jin was sure that his boyfriend would leave him.

"K-Kookie, let's ju-"

"Jinnie, I really want to do this with you, baby. It's an easy task." Jungkook tried to motivate his boyfriend who was feeling insecure about his weight. Jungkook was not a fool to not see the dilemma in Jin's eyes. He wanted to show Jin that, he was not fat but a chubby boy who was cute and bubbly.

The whistle went off indicating the students to get ready.

"Alright, one, two, three and go." Kim Namjoon announced through the microphone making students cheer aloud and they were in their position.

"Wow, fuck it. Hobi you are my sunshine, and I don't have to prove it by lifting you on my back in this hot sun. I will buy you lot more gifts. Let's go. I want to take a nap on your lap." Min Yoongi said making his boyfriend Hoseok face palm himself.

Some couples dispersed after hearing the task and some were cheering for other couples who were doing it.

With lots of hesitation, Jin circled his arms around Jungkook's neck, and hugged his legs around Jungkook's waist. With a heavy groan Jungkook stood up with his boyfriend hugging him like a Koala.

Jungkook's hands were tightly secured under Jin's thighs, and he was breathing in and out by how hot the climate was. Jin felt bad by looking at his boyfriend who was struggling to stand straight by his weight.

Jin sucked in his belly as much as he could to make him feel less heavy. He placed his head on Jungkook's shoulder while blowing some air for Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled by the sweet gesture and blew a flying kiss for his boyfriend who instantly blushed red.

 "Wow, so it's good to see you all lifting your loved ones. One minute had gone by, and let's see how many lasts longer."

And the couples were finding hard to lift their loved ones in the bright sunny afternoon. Intentionally, "Couples club" conducted this contest at noon, to see how many can stand in the sun.

They could see several couples already giving up, and few even laid on the ground by the exhaustion. Their lips and throat were getting dry, and were thirsty for water.

Jungkook was sweating buckets and buckets by standing in the hot sun, and with Jin on his back. Though he could feel Jin's uncomfortableness behind his back, he didn't want to give up. He wanted his boyfriend to realize that he was not heavy.

Jin's eyes looked worried by seeing many couples giving up on the task. He could hear his boyfriend's heavy breathing, and Jungkook's sweat was literally drenching his uniform shirt by making Jin to feel the wetness.

"K-Kookie, let's stop. Please." Jin whispered and placed a gently kiss on Jungkook's sweaty neck who in return gave a small smile with his tight lips.

"Ugh, no baby." Jungkook groaned and lightly lifted Jin up when he felt his boyfriend was loosening his grip.

"Wow, one hour is over. And already many gave up. Poor babies." Namjoon teased the couples and his eyes locked on the couples who were struggling to stand with their lovers on their back. A smile plastered on his face when he saw his school Vice President carrying his boyfriend.

He knew Jungkook since they were best buddies. He remembered how Jungkook used to pour his worries about his boyfriend's insecurities and how he wished to help Jin from all those negative thoughts.

"Wow dude, Jungkook is going to faint."

"That fat ass is selfish, and hurting our Vice President."

"Don't he have sense? How come he is putting his whole weight on Jungkook?"

"Poor Jungkook. He is going to sprain his legs."

Jin bit his lips hard by hearing his fellow school mates talking about him. Whenever Jin tried to get down he felt Jungkook's grip on his thighs making him stop his action. Jin could see Jungkook's sufferings and couldn't handle the shame anymore.

He didn't want Jungkook to get hurt by carrying him behind his back. He was fed up with all the degradation and mocking. He didn't know when and how but his eyes were filled with tears by the constant mocking of his weight.

But everything was true.

Jungkook's legs and back was hurting like hell. He could feel pain everywhere in his body. Jungkook was struggling to stand straight with Jin on his back. But Jin knew Jungkook would never give up. Jin didn't want to hear more shameful words.

"K-Kookie, I am sorry." Jin whispered inaudibly and jumped down by pushing Jungkook's hands from his thighs. With the sudden push, Jungkook stumbled down, making him fall front on the ground with Jin on the back.

Jungkook grunted loudly by the heavy pain on his knees but before he could look back to see, his boyfriend Jin was already running out from the place.

"That fat boy pushed, Jungkook."

"I wonder what he eats. Look at the way his body shaking."

Jin wiped his tears harshly and ran out of his school. He knew that the school was already over. He didn't make an effort to get his bag from his class. He ignored his boyfriend's voice which was calling for him.

The more he ran fast, the less the voice was heard. Jin found himself running on the streets like a crazy man. He felt ashamed to see what had happened in that ground. Because of him Jungkook fell down and hurt his body.

In seven minutes Jin reached his house and took the spare key behind the flower pot. He knew his mother would be working in her small restaurant. Without bothered about locking the main door he rushed inside his bedroom and locked it behind him.

He furiously ripped his tight uniform shirt that was clinging on him because of the sweat. He threw away his shirt angrily and walked towards the mirror only to spit on his image.

"I am so ugly and a fat bitch. W-Why? Just why am I so heavy? I-I deserve to starve. I need to lose weight. I can't let others bully me and mock me." Jin said to himself while wiping his tears harshly. He didn't want to listen to the hurtful words anymore in his life. He decided to eat less in order to lose weight.

His hands slapped his chubby cheeks, and he pinched his belly fat wishing to go inside. He didn't want it, he never asked for it.

"Just get lost from me, you stupid fat. I-I want to look pretty and thin. B-But this is not going." Jin knelt down on the floor and cried his heart out by seeing his reflection on the mirror.

He remembered the words that his school mates used to degrade and body shame him. All those words echoed inside his head telling him to starve.

Starve until he becomes thin.

But soon all those words disappeared when he heard harsh knocks on his bedroom door making him come out of his negative thoughts. He choked his cries when he heard his boyfriend's voice from the other side of the door.

How come he could forget that Jungkook was following him? He knew his boyfriend would never leave him alone to cry in the darkness.

"Jinnie baby, please open the door." Jungkook banged on Jin's bedroom softly hoping his boyfriend would open it. His heart broke when he heard his boyfriend's soft cries.

"W-Why do you love me, Kookie? I-I am fat and eating so much. Y-You are fit and strong. B-But I am nothing compared to you. Y-You can't even lift me like other couples. I-I can't lose my weight, I am just a pig. I-I am useless."

Jin frustratingly pushed his hair back and closed his face with his sweaty palms.

"Stop saying that, Jin. You are anything but fat. Who put those thoughts in you? Don't you believe me? You trust others words and not mine?" Jungkook raised his voice by his boyfriend's words. He never wanted his Jin to take all those comments to his heart. But he could see his boyfriend was already in that trap.

Jin chuckled by his boyfriend's harsh voice. He shook his head in disapproval by seeing his topless body in his bedroom mirror. 

"I can see myself in the mirror, Kookie. You can't fool me. My face, my arms, my belly everything is bigger. I am just a fat boy and you are just stuck with me. You can't leave me because I am sensitive and emotional and you won't say anything because it will hurt me."

Jungkook was trying to control his anger by hearing each words that came from Jin's lips. He was fisting his palms and wished his boyfriend to stop what he was saying.

"You finished? Because if you have opened this damn door, I would be punching you like a sandbag, Jinnie. You think I am stuck with you? Do you think I am faking my love for you?"

Jin never once doubted Jungkook's love for him. He felt hurt by thinking why in the first place did he said all those words.

Jin was sniffling his cries while looking at his big figure in the mirror. He felt disgusted by how fat he was. His hands reached for his chubby face and his double chin that was showing clearly.

"The moment I laid my eyes on you in that auditorium, I wanted to keep you with me. You are so cute with those big eyes, and chubby cheeks. Your plump lips that looks adorable whenever you pout. You drive me crazy, Kim Seokjin."

Jin smiled through his tears while thinking about their first meeting. He remembered how Jungkook gave a small tour to his class since he was the senior. He felt butterflies in his stomach whenever Jungkook made eye contact with him. And soon he found himself saying "Yes" to his school Vice President who asked him out for a date.

It was like a magical dream, and it still is.

"I loved how you never cared about others and always ate whatever you liked. I loved how care free you were whenever someone commented on you.

I miss that, Jinnie. He is the one I fell in love with. Not the Jin who is insecure about other's comments.

My best and happy moments in my life is whenever I am with you, Jin.

I love you, because it is You baby. I don't and can't love anyone unless it is my Kim Seokjin. You don't know the power you hold on me. I am head over heels for you, baby.

And don't you dare say you are fat. Because you are not.

Gaining and losing weight is normal, and that's not going to last forever, baby."

Jungkook placed his head on the closed door, while wiping his tears that was escaping from his eyes. He never wished to make his boyfriend cry, but he felt pang in his heart by seeing his Jin crying over some temporary things.

He knew he shouldn't ask this. But he couldn't stop himself from asking his boyfriend.

"Will you leave me if I gained weight and have a big belly, Jin? "

And that was enough for Jin to open the door with a shocked face. Jungkook gave a small smile knowing his boyfriend would open it to answer him. He could see Jin's chubby face stained with tears and had red nose from constant crying.

"W-What? No, you idiot. I will never leave you. I-I don't care how you look like. I-I will always be with you, Kookie. I love you so much to do that. "

Jin hit his boyfriend's shoulder by whispering several "No's" to his question. Jin felt hurt by hearing such question.

"H-How could you ask that, Kookie? I would never leave you." Jin whispered through his tears and hugged his boyfriend tightly. He was not bothered about him being topless. Jungkook hugged his boyfriend in return and loved the warmth from his Jin.

The answer made Jungkook to smile and he placed a kiss on Jin's hair. He could feel Jin shaking in his arms, so he lightly broke the hug and cupped his boyfriend's cheeks which was looking more puffy.

"And how do you expect me to leave you just because you gained some fat? How come you doubt my love for you, baby? You think I will leave you if you gain some? You never realized how cute and chubby you look. You are adorable just like a baby, Jinnie.

If you feel you are not fit, let's work together, baby. Please don't shut me out of your life.

I-It hurts more than you think. I love you no matter how you look like, baby. We are not going to stay young and fit forever. I want to spend my future life with you. I-If you starve yourself, how can I be happy? Don't you want to live happily with me?"

Jungkook slowly caressed his boyfriend's cheeks who closed his eyes by the soft touch. Jin melted by the touch and wished to stay like this.

"I-I do Kookie. But I-I couldn't control my cravings. I-I am just getting fat everyday."

"We will work this together, Jinnie. Don't starve yourself. The more you starve, the more you binge eat, Jin. Don't control yourself. I-I want you, baby. Please come back to me." Jungkook slowly traced his fingers along Jin's chest, and his hand landed on Jin's cute naked belly.

Jin whined when he felt his boyfriend pinching the healthy fat and opened his eyes to look at Jungkook who was adoring his every inch of his body.

"I love this little chubby belly, love this chubby cheeks and love everything about your body, baby. Trust me, when we are married I want you to be round and big with our babies in your belly. Don't you want that? "

Jin playfully hit his boyfriend and giggled by those words. T be honest he too wanted to carry his boyfriend's babies after they get married.

"I-I want that, Kookie. I am sorry for behaving like that. I-I will not starve or eat less."

"Apologies accepted, Jinnie. We will work together this out, okay. Don't hide anything from me. Let's eat whatever we want, and I will help you in disappearing that extra fat by my favorite exercise."

Jungkook whispered while tracing his lips on Jin's ear shells. He placed a kiss on the ear which instantly turned red. Jin felt shiver running down on his spine while hearing husky voice of his boyfriend.

"A-And what's that exercise, Kookie?" Jin bit his lips and hooked his finger on Jungkook's uniform tie while pulling him closer. They both could feel their hot breaths fanning over their lips. They were just merely one inch away from each other.

"That's making love, baby." With that Jungkook picked Jin in bridal style making Jin giggle loudly and circled his hands around Jungkook's neck.

"A-Am I not heavy, Kookie?" Jin asked while gaining a chuckle from his boyfriend.

"You are light as the Rose, baby."

With that Jungkook walked to the bedroom and closed the door by kicking his leg back. Soon the couple found themselves burning their extra fat by the intensive exercise that Jungkook suggested.


Don't put mathematics in your food calories. 

Focus on your health

Not on your weight

Destroy the negative thoughts

Not your body



I personally wrote this one shot by thinking about myself, angels. This is not to pin point anyone who is undergoing any eating disorders or to hurt their feelings. I was once like this in my life.

I never looked after my health and weight during my college days. But after my graduation, I decided to lose some weight, since I took a break from everything. During my first phase, I completely avoided the foods that had many calories and I completely cut out all the junk foods. I was always fatigue and felt like passing out after my exercise session.

I got obsessed in losing weight, and was nearly in the edge of slipping into Bulimia. But thankfully I didn't.

I didn't starve but constrained myself from eating foods whenever I was hungry. Which always led me to eat more than usual. The more I starved, the more I found myself eating lots and lots of foods whenever I saw one.

I realized that my body was not losing any weight but gaining instead. After lots of research, I understood the reasons about my body changes.

I thought eating less would make me lose weight, but it backfired at me. The obsession over every meals, and the concentration on the fatty foods made me go crazy. The more I controlled my body, it controlled me.

I decided not to skip any meals. If I did, I would end up binge eating lots of food at the end of the day.

I started to love what I eat. I never counted calories in my food. I do have cheat days with my family, and whenever I was craving for chocolates or cakes, I would go for it. I stopped bothering about my weight anymore. I do exercises to have a healthy life and do not force myself to eat less.

I hope angels who are reading this, not hurt your body but start to love your body. So if any of you angels have undergone or undergoing what I explained, just know that you are not alone.

I was there too, but we need to fight back with our obsession. Over eating and starving will always leads to chaos.

The perfection is in our eyes. The way how we see ourselves.

You can't live a full life on an empty stomach. You can not love yourself by starving yourself. You are beautiful with your own curves and flaws.

You are sexy if you think you are. You are beautiful, if you believe you are. Each of our body types varies, and let's try to love our body. Our natural curves, and weight makes us stand out from others. Let's cherish and worship our beautiful body.

Don't let your mind bully you body, angels💜

Please be sure to vote, and leave your comments angels.

Love Moon😘

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