Not good enough

By tcact04

98 0 0

after a year of love and self acceptance. things start to get hard again. love breaks and comes back promises... More



8 0 0
By tcact04

Harry's pov:
- I'm on my way to the hospital mum... love you too- I hung up
so, today it's family therapy session. Alex mum called me, and told me that I should come, because maybe Alex would be calmer if I was here.
I park in the first place I found, and I meet the family in the hospital.
they're talking to a doctor, and I join them.
- You must be Harry, I'm doctor Peterson- he shakes my hand.
- Nice to meet you sir- I tell him.
- So, I will guide you to a waiting room, and you'll meet her there for a couple of minutes, to catch up, and then we'll go to the other room for the session, okay ?- he explains while leading us to the first room. - I'll be back in a moment- .
- How have you been Harry ?- her mum asks.
- It's been hard, but I'm doing fine – I tell her.
I contemplate Alex dad and her sister. For some reason, I haven't seen them in so long.
The door opens, and there she stands.
She looks tired, but not as tired as she used to be.
We all stand up.
- My girl !- her mum runs towards her, and gives her a hug.
She smiles. I missed her smile.
All the family talks to her, and I stand behind them, in silence.
Her family now leaves us alone, they sit close, but not close enough to hear us or anything.
*play another love by flavio and anne lukin*
- Hello Harry- she smiles.
I can tell she's nervous. So am I.
- Hi Al- I tell her.
She smiles at me, and I can't help but to smile too.
- Can I give you... can I give you a hug?- she asks looking down.
- Hey... look at me- I gently grab her chin, and pull it up. So she can look me in the eyes. - Of course you can- I tell her while opening my arms.
She hugs me, very very tight. And I do the same.
I missed her. I missed her touch. I missed her voice, I missed her perfume... I missed her.
- God, I missed you- I whisper.
- I missed you too Harry- she tells me.
We sit now, and catch up a little.
I tell her about therapy, and how I've been. I told her I flew back to London, and I'm staying there for the whole year.
- That's great Harry- she smiles.
I smile back at her. She looks so pretty when she smiles.
- We can go now- Doctor Peterson states.
We all get up, and walk to another room.
- Everyone take a seat, please- he smiles.
- Well, as you all know. I'm doctor Peterson, and I'm Alex's doctor and therapist-

Peterson finishes introducing himself, and now explains the dynamic of the session.
- Today, she'll barely speak, today is more about your feelings- he tells them. - We both need to know how you feel about her, and the disease- he keeps talking. - I will ask you all a few questions, okay ?-
everyone agrees.
I can feel my heart beating so fast.
- Gina, as Alex's mum, tell us a little bit about her, and how everything clicked-
*play a little too much by shawn mendes*
- Um... I,...- she takes a deep breath. - She used to be a lovely child, she was always happy, she would make many jokes, and will always be trying to make you happy- she keeps saying. - But when she became a teenager, she started dating this boy... Daniel, and she, she completely changed-
- How so ?-
- She would stay out and didn't come back home for days... when she did, she'd come back high, or with a black eye- my mom cries. - She would tell us that it was just at school, that she hit herself with a door or something, until... until he, until he abused her- she cries harder now.
- He abused her ?- Peterson writes confused. - You never told me about it Alex-
- I didn't think it was relevant- I whisper.
I look around, all of them are crying, Harry as well. He was the only one who knew the hole story.
- And how did you notice the change?-
- She started becoming much more applied with her studies, which at first I found it great, because she's always been very lazy... but then, she wouldn't sleep for days studying, she would miss her meals...- she says. - I never thought it was going to turn into this... and then I met Harry- she speaks. - he told me about her in the hospital, the first time we came-
- Alright... thanks Gina- Peterson says.
- Andy, you're Alex's father... what would you like to tell her?-
- I... I just don't know where we went wrong... For 15 years you were a normal girl, but one day, you stopped eating- my dad says.
- I'm sorry...- I whisper with tears in my eyes.
Peterson talks a little bit more with my dad, and writes everything down.
- Laura, Alex's sister- he reads. - How do you feel about this?-
- I... I feel like, I feel like I'm losing my sister. I feel like she's fading away, and every day that goes by, she fades away even more- she cries. - This fucking disease man, I hate it- she laughs in tears.
- I agree with that Laura, I hate it too- Peterson smiles.
- Harry... You're Alex's boyfriend- he begins to say. - How did you first noticed ?-
silence fills the room. harry looks at me and takes at deep breath.
-take your time harry- peterson says.
i look at him, and encourage him to speak. letting him know that it's okay.

- I met her at school... I asked to sit next to her, because I was new at school- he begins to say. - She doesn't know, that I chose to sit there, because I heard what those girls did to her, and I needed to meet her. What they did was wrong, and I wanted to help her- he keeps saying.
- What did those girls do ?-
- They told her that she wasn't thin enough to hang out with them...- he says. - I sat with her at lunch, and she told me that she wasn't really hungry, that she had a huge breakfast in the morning... then, she stared at my meal for a long time, and told me every single calorie it had- he keeps saying.
*play hold on by chord overstreet*
- At first it took me a while... but then she fainted at school, and that's when I knew... I didn't wanted to put pressure on her, but I let it go too far, and she became sick...- he cries. - I tried my best to help her, but every time I do something I feel like I'm screwing up... I just want to make her happy, you know ?-
Peterson smiles, and writes.

- How have you been this past months?-
- I... It's been hard, probably one of the hardest thing in my life... I was used to see her every day, seeing her smile, listening to her laugh, her voice... her touch- he takes a deep breath. - And all the sudden, I held her one last time, and lost her- he whispers with a broken voice.
- I read that you found her when she hurt herself-
he nods, covering his face with his hands.
- She locked herself in the bathroom... she was lying on the floor when I broke through... I run to her, and saw her bleeding wrists, she was crying, and apologizing... she's always apologizing, but she has nothing to be apologizing for... non of this is her fault- he says.
I feel like I can't breathe. My tears keep coming down, faster and faster.

-I just, I want to take care of her, you know? I want to hold her and never let go... but- he stops. - Sir, she's way too good for me, I am lucky to be loved by her... I can't afford to lose because... I don't think I would survive without her- he cries harder now.
everyone's crying.
I did this. everyone's sad and broken, because of me.
- Alex, do you want to say anything?-
- I'm terribly sorry... For putting you all in this position, where you have to suffer, because of me... and I'm sorry for becoming a problem to you all... I never meant for any of this to happen- I whisper with a broken voice. - I love you all very much, and I never meant to hurt you. I swear this time I'm trying- I cry.
- Honey, this is not your fault... we are here for you, but you have to stop pushing us away- my mom says.
- I know...-
- I think today was great... I got to hear everyone's side of the story, would you be down to this for a couple of weeks ?-
everyone agrees, and decide to do this every week.
My family hugs me and leaves with the doctor, harry and I are the last ones to leave.
- Harry...-
he holds me tight.
- Harry... I love you, I love you so much, I am the one that's lucky to have you- I tell him while holding his hand. - Don't ever think that you're less than me, because you are just as good as I am, okay ?-
he cries on my shoulder.
- I love you baby...- he whispers with a broken voice. - Please come home-
- I will... I promise, okay ?- I tell him. - Look at me, I promise Harry, I'll be home very soon, sooner than you think- I whisper.
He kisses me harshly.
-just hold on okay ?- he whispers
i nod. crying.
- See you next week ?- he asks smiling.
- See you next week Hazz- I kiss him back.

definitely one of the hardest chapters to write :(
also, a bit late but, welcome to part two!!
unfortunately it won't be lo hurt than 12 chapters, so sit back, grab your snacks, and read because... you'll see

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