Xavier and Nevah

By jobarnett24

949K 20.1K 1.6K

Xavier isn't the happy little boy he used to be. At fourteen he turned to weed and alcohol just like his Abue... More

1. Don't you ever
2. They're brats anyway
3. No
4. Family day out
5. Nevah
6. Party
7. Meeting him
8. Meeting her
9. Sleepover
10. I have you
11. You are to me
12. I need advice
13. Have you?
14. Breathe
15. Dont leave me
16. So cute
17. You're mine
18. You make me...
19. Cramps and i dont know what to do
20. A turn on
21. Te amo
22. Caught
23. Age is just a number
24. You dont have to
25. First date
26. Party
27. I trusted you
28. What happened
29. Please do this for me
30. Daddy Nate
31. What the actual f*ck
32. It's proof enough
33. I will never hurt you
34. You can tell us
35. Do you want one?
36. I promise
37. Two years later
38. Happy birthday Nevah
39. What?
40. Who are you?
41. Do carry on
42. Do a retake
43. First time
44. Dont start
45. It's ok
46. I'm here
47. She isn't
48. I've got you
49. Merry christmas
50. I love it when you're bossy
51. In your own time
52. I love you
53. He's not forcing you is he
54. Shave the beard
55. Lets try this again
56. A night to remember
57. Are you going to wear one
59. Wedding reception
60. I didnt wear it for nothing
61. My forever
62. It's far from ok
63. Shes strong
64. You have to wait
65. It's a...
66. He's coming
67. Owen Lucas
68. Meeting the family
69. Epilogue
Authors note
Owen and Knox

58. F*ck yes I do

8.6K 176 4
By jobarnett24

3rd POV

Nevah's heart beat in her chest faster than it has ever done in her life. As she looked in the mirror she couldn't recognise the beautiful woman looking back at her. Woman. Today is the day she really does become a woman. She's had enough time for her childhood, now it's time to become the woman she has to be. For Xavier.

A white dress hugged her body snuggly, with long sleeves stopping at at her palm. There was a beautiful dress that Nevah wanted with an open back but her scars would be on show. The only person who saw them was Xavier, other than that, no one. It was a cruel reminder of what she had been through, what Phillip and his goons made her feel.

But now she was a woman, a strong, independent woman who could look after herself. Nevah ran her hands over the smooth material of the dress as it spread out from her belly to the floor, hiding the white heels she was forced to wear. Thankfully the dress had padding in the chest area as Martha, Diana and paisley insisted she didn't wear a bra. They didn't want her wearing panties either but Gabbie could see the worry in the small girls eyes as well as the tears. Then telling the mother in law to back off and let the girl breathe.

That opted for Nevah to wear a thong, which that didn't really cover much. At least she had the dress covering her up so she didn't have much to worry about. The only one who will see what's underneath would be Xavier and Xavier alone.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" Memphis stood by the door. A soft smile on his ageing face. Wrinkles forming by his eyes and mouth, yet he still looked handsome as ever wearing the navy blue suit with a white rose on the jacket.

"More than ever." Nevah nodded.

Meanwhile Xavier was stood in the bathroom of his old bedroom. The gel in his hair keeping the messy curls back in a neat slick look. His black three piece tux fitting him nicely with a red rose on the jacket. All the groomsmen wearing white roses as well as the bridesmaids having small bouquets of white roses.

Nevah having a mixture of white, red and baby blue adding a little of other colour to the wedding. Xavier's heart beating in his chest, eager to get to Nevah and make her his wife already. After three years of being engaged, he was so ready to call her Mrs Matthews. Maybe even little Matthews' running around soon, the want to expand his love to a son or a daughter of his own with Nevah.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes picturing Nevah. The love of his life, the light in his darkness, the Mrs to his mr, the mother of his future children. He wanted to marry her and get it all over with, he just wanted to take her on their honeymoon and make love to her like he's never done before. To absolutely ravish her so she'd be a shaking, moaning mess under him.

He had made sure paisley had packed some condoms as well as the morning after pill just incase.

"Ready to get married?" Nate and Logan stood at the door with smirks on their faces.

"More than ever." Xavier replied. They both got in the car and drove to the courthouse renting out a room. Many guests had been invited the whole family, some that Nevah didn't even know.

Once there, Xavier walked the idle waiting for his bride to arrive. He didn't wait long, with his dad stood behind him, as well as Nate, Cole, Sebastian, Christian and Finn in a row. The music started making Xavier's heart go a hundred miles an hour.

The girls walked in, liana, Hope and Bella all pretty in their bridesmaid dresses, as well as Gabbie and Devyn. Paisley the maid of honour while Diana and Martha sat with their partners, Liam and Jamie in the front row ready to cheer on their great nephew.

Then she walked in. Xavier's staying on his bride as she walked down the isle with Memphis. Their arms linked as Nevah had a nervous look on her face. Once at the end of the isle, Memphis kissed Nevah's cheek and went to stand next to his husband.

Nevah was more nervous than she was at home. The nerves creeping up on her yet she tried not to let it show. She knew this was it for her, the man in front of her, she knew she wanted this. Nevah knew she was doing the right thing. Never in her life has she trusted someone more than Xavier, let anyone in to know her. She never had friends until Bella and Hope, but she never fully trusted someone until this incredible man holding her hands now.

"We are gathered here today, to witness the joining of these two people. Who have come to be married and show their love for each other from this day forward. Xavier, please read your vows." The marriage officiant calls out so everyone can hear.

"Never in my life did I think I'd have such an amazing woman marrying me. Bringing a side of me out that I never knew existed until you. Nevah, you made me a better man than I could ever be, a better brother, a better son and most of all a better friend. To my family, to friends, to you. You made me realise what I had before I had the chance to lose it. I can't explain enough how glad I am to be here with you today. To wake up to you, to fall asleep holding you close. Knowing you're safe in my arms is better than anything anyone could give me, as well to see you smile and to hear your giggle." Tear fell down Nevah's cheeks, to which Xavier raised a hand to wipe it away.

"I was in a bad place when you came along and swept me off my feet. You gave me a reason to walk this earth, to see the things I have and how they felt when I was a stubborn prick. You mean more to me then I could ever put into words, I love you to much Nevah Leigh, and I can't wait to call you Mrs Matthews." Xavier finished with a few stray tears falling down his cheeks.

"Your turn Nevah." The man turned to her.

"To think I'd be here with you, never crossed my mind. From the first day I met you all those years ago, I thought it was just a silly school girl crush. If someone told me eight years ago I'd have the best person to save me and be by my side, I would have laughed in their face and say that I would never leave the care home. Then all of a sudden you're there, holding me I cried." Nevah sobbed. "Cleaning my wounds and kissing me to forget the pain for even a second. In my heart I know I'm no where near the best girl for you, I know that. But you staying with me has impacted me more than I can admit. The things you make me feel, the things you let me feel I could never repay you for. I thank god everyday for the people that saved me, who adopted me into this amazing family. But I thank god for letting you stay with me. Holding me when you know I need it most but won't ask for it. I could go on and on about all the amazing, incredible things you have done to me, but that'll take too long." Nevah giggled through her tears. "Never in my life did I think I'd be here today. I always thought I'd stay in the care home where no one cared for me, where I could be right now laid on the floor battered and bruised. So thank you Xavier, it's you that gave me hope. Hope to stay strong, to fight and tell someone what was going on. I love you so much, even when I don't tell you, you already know because you know me."

"Amazing." The marriage officiant wiped a stray tear from his eye as well as everyone else in the room. "Xavier, please repeat after me..."

"I Xavier Lucas Matthews take you, Nevah Leigh to be my wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, through sickness and health, through the good times and the bad, to love you from this day onwards, 'til death do us part." Xavier smiled at Nevah.

"Nevah, repeat after me..."

"I Nevah Leigh, take you Xavier Lucas to be my husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, through sickness and health, through the good times and the bad, to love you from this day onwards, 'til death do us part." Nevah looked up at Xavier.

"Please bring the rings." The man announced. Finn walked up and gave the small pillow to the marriage officiant then went to stand next to Nate again. "Xavier, do you take Nevah to be your lawfully wedded wife, to show her love, and with this ring show you are hers, 'til death do you part?"

"I do." Xavier slid the ring on Nevah's finger with her engagement ring. Right next to her promise ring.

"Nevah, do you take Xavier to be your lawfully wedded husband, to show him love, and with this ring to show you are his, 'til death do you part?" The marriage officiant asked.

"Fuck yes I do." Nevah slid the ring on Xavier's finger.

"I now pronounce you, mr and Mrs Matthews. You may kiss the bride."

Without hesitation, Xavier pulled Nevah to his chest. His hands around her back holding her tightly as hers went around his neck. Everyone cheered and whistled, of course the men over powering the guests that were seated.

"I love you Mrs Matthews." He pulled away.

"I love you Mr Matthews." She smiled through her tears and pulled him back to kiss her.

A day to remember.

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