True To Your Heart (Wattpad V...

By angel48183

33.3K 2.7K 2.1K

​​Amelia Grasso has had an issue with romantic relationships due to her lacking social cues because of her au... More

Look who's back
Sometimes we need a rainbow
Winging it
Begging on your knees
Rainbows, cake, and begging
Showing how it's done
Handling things
After the storm, comes truth, then a rainbow
Say what?
Coming home for a funeral
A connection
Coming back to issues
Stalking is illegal in all fifty states
After the storm comes the rainbow
A rally
An unexpected surprise
Waiting for a star to fall
Rainbows come in all shapes and sizes
Life is crazy, then there's Amelia
Halloween with a rainbow
Adjusting to Amelia
Rain to the rescue
A special Christmas
Christmas with the family
Love is in the air
What the hell?
Hanging out
Spring break
Spring break, part two
First year down
Going home
Road trip

A new year

802 68 17
By angel48183


We returned to school and dealt with the snow. It seems Mother Nature thought she would provide us with a freakish snowstorm. The college canceled classes for everyone.

I went to pick up hot cocoas for Amelia and me, then ran into Kaden at the coffeehouse. Now, this is where things get tricky. We get to talking about something, then one thing leads to another, and the discussion of sex enters the conversation.

"Are you kidding me?" Kaden asked with irritation.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't even think about deflowering my baby cousin," Kaden warned.

"Whoa! Where did you get the idea I was deflowering Amelia?" I gave Kaden an incredulous look.

"You asked me about what you should do since Amelia saw you naked," Kaden retorted.

"I meant, how do I keep her from bringing it up. Her dad wanted to rip my head off and beat me with it."

"Wait. Are you not thinking of deflowering my cousin?"

"No! Why would I tell you something like that?" I said, my voice rising.

I stared at Kaden in disbelief. You're wondering how we got to this topic. Let me backtrack. Kaden and I had a simple conversation. Then I let it slipped about Amelia mentioning seeing me naked in the shower to her dad. All I wanted was to know how to talk to Amelia about this situation. Then Kaden accused me of wanting to deflower her. It's not that my mind doesn't drift there, but he doesn't need to know that.

While arguing, we weren't paying attention to the line. A person cleared their throat as we noticed we were at the counter. The barista gave us a weird look.

"We were discussing a sex scene of a book," I mentioned.

The barista looked at me like I had two heads, and Kaden rolled his eyes. Yeah, never argue about sex in a public place. It never ends well.

I ordered my two hot cocoas, paid for them, then left before Kaden gave me a lecture about deflowering Amelia again. Once was enough for me. I trudge through the snow, making my way to Amelia's dorm room, then pressed the button to the buzzer. I heard the door buzz and opened the door, entering the building and making my way up to her room.

I knocked, and Amelia answered it as I shook the snow off of me. "I thought you would like a hot cocoa," I offered, holding out the container. Amelia smiled and took it. I followed her into her room, closing the door behind me.

"So I had a somewhat interesting conversation with Kaden," I mentioned, removing my coat and laying it over the back of the chair.

"About what?" Amelia asked, taking small sips of her cocoa.

"I'm not sure, but he thinks I will deflower you," I answered.

Amelia blinked as she stared at me. I walked over and sat down next to her on her bed.

"Do you want to deflower me?" Amelia asked.

"Uh, um," I said, trying to figure out what I wanted to say.

"Doesn't deflowering mean to have sex?" Amelia gave me a curious look.

"Well, I," I stammered because I didn't prepare myself for this conversation.

"Do you want to have sex with me?"

I could feel my cheeks burn as I blew air past my lips. I wouldn't look at Amelia because I know I'm turning three shades of red. Have you seen the color of a stop sign? I'm sure my face was as red as that sign.

I glanced at Amelia as she looked at me, blinking. I took a deep breath and approached the topic carefully.

"Okay, yes, I would like to progress to that stage, but not yet," I said as I looked at Amelia.

She stared at me.

"Amelia, sex is a big deal, and we shouldn't take it with a casual attitude. Plus, I don't want to pressure you into something you're not ready to do," I added.

"Are you a virgin?" Amelia asked.

My brows lifted as my mouth slacked.

"Because it's okay if you are a virgin," Amelia said.

Why did my body feel on fire? Most girls would jump on me and not think twice. Amelia didn't. So why do I feel embarrassed?

"Yes," I admitted.

Amelia sipped her hot cocoa. "It's okay that you're a virgin. I find it admirable."

"You do?" I asked with surprise.

"It means you won't pressure me to become physical with you," Amelia answered.

I couldn't fault her reasoning.

"I didn't know how you would react," I mentioned.

"How should I react?" Amelia questioned.

"Some girls make a big deal about a guy still being a virgin or make fun of them. I didn't want my first time not to mean anything. I wanted it to feel special. Plus, I want my first time with someone I love," I explained.

"I don't understand why people make comments about sex. Magazines, books, movies, and television claim you love someone if you have sex. People make it sound like everyone is horny," Amelia said, not flinching.

I didn't know what to say to that statement. I thought about it. "I guess because sex sells," I reasoned with a shrug.

"That's stupid," Amelia said, sipping her hot cocoa.

"Okay, explain," I said, wanting clarification.

"Sex isn't a reason to show someone you love them. You can show a person you love them with kisses, hugs, a nice gesture, or communication. People forget romance," Amelia said, surprising me.

I looked at Amelia as she sipped her drink.

"The things you mention are part of romance. Society has become so quick to jump on the bandwagon with things. They forget there's more to it than they know," I reasoned.

"But people forget everyone has feelings, including me," Amelia said with a shrug.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Elliot made me feel bad because I didn't feel comfortable with his type of affection. He called me a prude," Amelia answered.

I furrowed my brows. "Amelia, you aren't a prude. You're modest, and if someone doesn't respect your boundaries, then they don't deserve you."

Amelia looked at me as I looked at her. I didn't understand how people can judge someone on their decisions. It doesn't matter if someone is having sex or not. What people chose to do is their business.

Amelia's door opened as Kaden and Meadow entered. We looked at them.

"Okay, I don't care what you think. Sex is not an option," Kaden announced.

What the hell?

Amelia stood up and looked at Kaden. "Says who?"

"Says me," Kaden said, pointing his thumb at me.

I watched as Amelia walked towards Kaden. I'm curious to see how this plays out.

"You aren't my father and have no say in what I do," Amelia told Kaden.

"It doesn't matter," Kaden refuted.

"Yes, it does. You're my cousin but not my parent. I didn't tell you not to have sex, so you can't tell me what to do," Amelia replied.

Kaden blustered, trying to come up with reasons.

"Enough!" Amelia yelled, her hands balled into fists.

Kaden stopped.

"I'm tired of people telling me what to do. I'm eighteen and in college. I have autism, but it doesn't mean I can't make decisions for myself. I'm not a child," Amelia said with determination.

Kaden furrowed his brows. "I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did," he added.

"I won't. Jett respects me. We talked and will decide when we have sex. I'm tired of people treating me like I don't understand. I understand more than people give me credit," Amelia reasoned.

Kaden backed down from his tirade. Thank god, because I don't want to keep talking about sex with people.

"Okay," Kaden conceded.

Amelia looked at him and smiled. Sometimes we need people to listen to us for them to hear us. People would learn a lot if they did. I know I do with Amelia.

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