Rose's List

By BellamioneForever22

1.3K 47 12

If Luisa had asked Rose for her list of past partners, not a list of the people she's killed. More

Jealous Luisa
Rose's Temper
Luisa's 'Plan'
Jealous Rose
Rose's Obsession
Luisa's Response - Part 2
Just The Beginning

Luisa's Response

124 4 0
By BellamioneForever22


Luisa gives Rose her answer and Rose has an idea that Luisa's not 100% happy about.


***I apologise for the slight jabs at how they ended Roisa on JTV... It made me really angry at them thinking that Luisa would've reacted that way (it also really upset me that they ended it the way they did but if I get started on that then it'll just turn into a really long rant about how much I hated it)

"Okay," Luisa whispered.

"Okay?" I asked.

"Let's... Let's do that then. I... I can't lose my family but... I... I can't say goodbye to you either... I REFUSE to lose you AGAIN, Ro." Luisa started to get upset. "It was hard enough the last few times. I... I can't go through that again. You saw how much of a mess I was when I thought I lost you for good. I... I can't imagine EVER losing you and being okay with it."*** Luisa started to cry.

"Baby... Baby, I'm sorry I put you through that... You know I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"I know..."

"I love you, Lu. I would never hurt you... Not intentionally at least... I know I've hurt you in the past but I didn't mean to."

"Ro... Take me back to our room, please." I smiled at her. My perfect girl.

"Of course, Lu. Anything for my girl." I take Luisa back to our room. As soon as we get through the door Luisa closes it and drags me towards the bed.

"Lay down, Ro."

"Okay." I lay down on the bed and Luisa snuggles close to me.

"Ro... I... I've been thinking and... I was hoping that we could talk a little about what we're going to do now. I mean I know that we're... Dating... Now... But I... What exactly are we going to do to convince everyone that you're not... You." I could tell that Luisa was hesitant to say what she's saying as she lowered her gaze so that she wasn't looking me in the eye.

"Lu..." I tried to reassure her that it's okay and I take her hand in mine and smile at her. Luisa still won't meet my gaze though. So I put my free hand under her chin and raze her head so she has no choice but to look at me. "Luisa. I know what you're trying to say... And you're right... We should talk." She smiled at me.

"Thanks, Ro."

"So, I'm thinking that I drop you off at Port Kembla and you fly home. Then, you tell Rafael and the cops everything and tell them that we broke up. Which, to be VERY clear, we haven't. Then, you find a reason to leave Miami for example tell them that you're going to your Ashram to get over me or something like that. We can meet up on your way back to Miami and you introduce me to your brother (while I'm wearing a different face) as your new girlfriend."

"That's a great plan, Ro... But..."

"But what, Lu?"

"I... Why would Rafael not just assume that you're you? How are we supposed to convince him otherwise?" God, my girl is so smart. Even I hadn't thought of that... Yet.

"You're right..." I thought about that for a couple of minutes before I had an idea. "Okay... How about we don't go the way I did before and instead of making someone who doesn't exist-"

"Like you did with Susanna."

"And we make my new face look like someone who does already exist. We get them to help us, they can pass a load of medical tests to prove to your brother that it's not just me in a mask-"

"And then he believes us." Luisa smiled at me. "But, Ro... Why would someone help us?"

"Money... I can offer them some money to help us and never come back to Miami after... But it does mean that, after we find someone to help us, you have to pretend to be their girlfriend while they pass those medical tests." Luisa pouted at me after I said this and she looks so adorable.

"But... I don't want to be anyone's girlfriend but yours." God, she's so cute.

"You won't be. You'll just pretend to be for a couple of hours at most... You're my girl. No one else's. All mine." I cuddled her closer. I knew I was getting possessive again but I can't help it. She's so perfect and I love her so much.

"Okay... But I don't have to be completely happy about it."

"Deal. This WILL work, baby. I promise. I love you, Lu." Luisa smiled at me teasingly.

"I know that Rose." She's so cheeky.

"You think I'm just going to let you get away with being cheeky with me?" I smirked at Luisa but I became concerned when she started smirking at me.

"Yes. I do think that."

"Why do you think that, Lu?"

"Well, Ro," Luisa purred. "You told me earlier that we were a day ahead. Is that right?"

"Yes." I had no idea what Luisa was trying to get at here.

"Which means it's still my birthday. Correct?"

"Yes." Now I saw where she was going with this.

"Well, we both know what that means. Don't we?" This. This was what I had been dreading, and simultaneously, looking forward to.

"Yes. Our... Arrangement... Is still in effect." Luisa grinned down at me.

"Exactly..." Luisa pushed me down and straddled me. "You... Are... Mine." Luisa said as she ravished my neck whilst ridding me of my jacket. I moaned loudly and Luisa grinned before taking my t-shirt and bra off. "I bet you're soaked right now," Luisa purred in my ear, making me moan again.

"Lu... Please." I wanted her to touch me so bad. I NEED her. Luisa took my jeans off. Luisa let out a loud gasp before grinning at me again.

"Oh, look. I was right." Luisa was now smirking at me. I knew that Luisa wouldn't touch me until she wanted to... However, I also knew the more I begged her, the faster she would give me what I wanted. "Please, please, please. Lu, please... I... I NEED you... Please." Luisa started to move down my body. She was still going WAY too slow for my taste, but at least she was going lower.

"Want me to take this off of you?" Luisa asked me, toying with the band of my panties.

"Please." Luisa took them off. God, I wanted her so bad. I was already so close. Honestly... I'd been close from the moment she had started getting cheeky with me. She knew I liked it when she did that. "Lu..."

"Yes, Ro." I don't know how she can look and sound so innocent while she's teasing me so much.

"Just fuck me already!" I was getting very impatient and Luisa could tell.

"Well... How do you want me to fuck you?"

"I don't care! Just make me cum and fast!" Luisa immediately started to suck on my clit. I moaned loudly in relief. I'm so glad she's finally giving me the relief I need. I moan loudly again as she enters me with three fingers. Then, I whine a little as she stops sucking on my clit.

"Fuck you're so wet, Ro." Luisa started fucking me fast. "It's so hot." Luisa continued to fuck me and suck on my clit. Luisa twisted her fingers a little and I came hard with a VERY loud scream of Luisa's name.

Luisa and I continue this for several hours before we tire out.

Third Person POV

Several Days Later...

Luisa is leaning against the wall of Rafael's penthouse suite, waiting for him to show up. Rafael walks around the corner, texting on his phone.

"And speaking of coming back..." the narrator says as Rafael looks up. The screen then cuts to Luisa looking up. Suspense-building music plays. Her hands are slightly touching and she has a cream-coloured handbag on her left arm. Luisa stops leaning against the wall and the screen cuts to Rafael looking shocked. The screen cuts to Luisa looking shy and uncomfortable. Luisa raises her right hand and waves at Rafael. The screen then cuts to Rafael letting Michael into his penthouse suite. They both look at Luisa.

"Tell him what you told me. All of it," Rafael says to Luisa, who is off-screen, as the door shuts behind them. The screen cuts to Luisa.

"And so she did," the narrator says. "The sex," The screen cuts to a flashback of Rose and Luisa (post-sex). "The submarine," The screen cuts to Luisa and Rose's dinner a few nights ago before cutting back to Michael and Rafael sitting on the large sofa in Rafael's suite.

The screen cuts to Luisa as she starts to talk: "she told me to come here..." Which you did. "...tell you everything..." Screen cuts to Michael. Which you did. "...say that" Screen cuts to Luisa again. "we broke up. Which we did." Luisa looks down as she says that last part. "Although if they didn't," The screen cuts to Rafael and Michael looking a little okay a lot disbelieving. "she'd be" The screen cuts to Rafael. "saying the same thing."

"And Derek?" The screen cuts to Luisa. "What happened to him?"

"He's dead," The screen cuts to Michael. "She told me." The screen cuts to Rafael. "Along with," The screen cuts back to Luisa. "Your mom." The screen cuts back to Rafael and Michael looking shocked. "I'm so sorry, Raf."

"Wait, my mom's not dead." The screen cuts back to Luisa.

"What?" The screen cuts to Michael and Rafael. Michael gets his phone out of his pocket as he stands up (blocking Rafael from the camera's view in the process).

"We need eyes," As Michael talks into the phone, he starts to rush out of the room and you can see the top of Rafael's head poking out from above the couch as Michael walks. "On Elena Di Nola. Now. Hurry! Now." Michael walks out of Rafael's suite and shuts the door behind him. Luisa follows a few minutes later after Rafael gets a call saying his mom is dead.

Rose should be glad that right now Luisa can't talk to her in person... Because when she does... Let's just say that we will be glad we're not in her place...

The Next Day...

The screen cuts to Rafael sitting on the sofa of his penthouse suite (in the spot Michael was in the night before) with Dennis (sitting in the spot Luisa was sitting in the day before). "Poison," Dennis says to Rafael as he shows the toxicology report to Rafael. The words 'DENNIS CHAMBERS, MIAMI PD' shows up on the screen in white letters. Rafael looks down at his lap as he uses his right arm to hold himself upright. "Most likely administered transdermally." The sound of camera clicks can be heard each time the screen flashes to a new photo (different angles for each photo) of Elena after her death. The screen cuts back to Rafael and Dennis. "Could've been someone who bumped into your mother-"

"Got it," Rafael says as he cuts Dennis off. "I appreciate the update." The words 'RAFAEL SOLANO, HOTElLIER' shows up in white letters on the screen. Then, the words 'JUST KIDDING, YOU KNOW THAT' shows up (in white letters) underneath. Rafael looks bored and the screen cuts to just Dennis.

"Anything come to mind at all, why she would leave you that Bible?"

"No idea," Rafael responds before the screen cuts to him. "My mother wasn't religious. She was a homicidal maniac." The screen briefly cuts to Dennis before cutting to both of them. "I'm sorry, I just want to put this whole thing behind me. I didn't know her. I had no relationship with her." The camera moves from Dennis and Rafael to Rafael and Luisa (who is also sitting on the sofa with Rafael in the spot Rafael was in the previous night).

"And it's painful, frankly." Luisa was still mad at Rose for doing that. For hurting her brother (even if he continued to pretend that he was fine). Rafael turns his head away from Dennis to face Luisa. The words 'AH, YES' appear on the screen in white letters. Then, the words 'HIS SISTER, LUISA' shows up (in white letters) underneath. The screen cuts to Luisa.

"You'll recall Luisa recently returned from a submarine with another homicidal maniac," the narrator says. A postcard of a cartoon ocean appears over the current scene. It has a small picture of Luisa and Rose on it (circle-shaped, in the bottom right corner) and the words 'Greetings from UNDER THE SEA' written on it in yellow (The 'from' written in pink).

"It's actually NOT painful," Rafael says as the postcard disappears before the camera moves to fit both Rafael and Luisa on the screen. "I'm fine, okay?" The screen cuts to Luisa (definitely NOT believing her brother).


Later That Day...

The doorbell rings after Rafael finishes his call with Jane and he opens the door to answer it. He finds Luisa on the other side looking a little frantic. She sighs in relief.

"I've been looking for you." Rafael puts his phone in his back pocket. "I was hoping we could talk?" Rafael turns around and walks a little.

"I told you, I'm fine." Luisa grabs the door before it shuts and the screen cuts to Rafael.

"No, um..." Rafael turns around to face Luisa. The screen cuts to Luisa. "I'm not." The screen cuts to Rafael. "I'm sorry, I just..." The screen cuts to Luisa. "I came from the police station, and talking about Rose again, and what happened, and going over the details, I'm feeling a little unhinged." The screen cuts to Rafael. "Like I got..." The screen cuts back to Luisa. "Like, I need to drink. Um, so I just thought, that, um, it was better that I wasn't alone." The screen cuts to Rafael.

"Oh. Okay. Yeah. Um, I just have this charity thing later." The screen cuts to Luisa looking hopeful.

"I could come." The screen cuts to Rafael looking disbelieving. He knew that Luisa hated charity events.

A Few Hours Later...

The screen cuts to Rogelio turning around to face Rafael in a blue suit as he ties his tie. "Thank you again for going with Amanda."

"Yeah, well, thank you too, for babysitting." The screen cuts to Rogelio.

"It's my pleasure." Rogelio looks off-screen. "We're going to have fun." The screen cuts to a very anxious-looking Luisa. Luisa looks off-screen to Rafael. The screen cuts to Rafael as he walks out. As you see Rafael walking out off the room (behind Luisa's chair), the screen focuses on Luisa looking at an (off-screen) Rogelio.

"Just so you know, the word "babysit" is a trigger for me. I-- I had my first drink with a babysitter." The screen cuts to Rogelio.

"I know a lot about addiction."

"Really?" The screen cuts to Luisa. "Are you in AA?"

"No." The screen cuts to Rogelio. "I am in S.A.G." The screen cuts to Luisa. "Otherwise, known," the screen cuts to Rogelio. "As Screen Actors Guild. And I once played an alcoholic flight attendant in the telenovela Addicted To Love. Would you like to see it?" The screen cuts to a slightly terrified Luisa who is currently trying to hide her fear behind false excitement. Luisa nods her head.

Even Later That Day...

The screen cuts to a laptop screen of two female flight attendants. One (One) is facing the camera and the other (Two) has her back facing the camera. One says "bitch" in Spanish. The laptop screen cuts to Two as she gasps. Two slaps One and the screen cuts to One. Both start shouting and the screen cuts to Rogelio and Luisa watching the laptop. The screen cuts back to the laptop which shows Two (accidentally) kicking a fire hydrant and it starts spewing out water. This drenches them both. They both have their arms on each other's shoulders. They shove each other and Rogelio shows up on the laptop screen dressed as a flight attendant. "Ladies, please stop," Laptop Rogelio says in Spanish before trying to pull them apart. The screen cuts to Luisa and Rogelio.

"Classic catfight. Every telenovela has one."

"Hm." Luisa nods.

"And then we all make love." The screen cuts back to the laptop. One and Two are hugging Laptop Rogelio and Two goes to kiss him. The words 'ROGELIO IMBROGLIO' appears over the laptop screen in white letters. The screen cuts to Luisa and Rogelio.

"Is this helping at all?" Rogelio asks whilst looking at Luisa. Luisa turns to face Rogelio. As she sighs, the look of hope falls from her face.

"No. If anything, seeing you chug that tiny bottle of vodka when you realized that it was Pilar that hit the attendant call button," Luisa looks at the laptop screen. "Just makes me want to drink more." Rogelio shut the laptop lid.

"Okay, I get it. Well, in that case, we have to get to the root of those feelings." The screen cuts to Luisa, looking curious.

"Did you study psychology?" The screen cuts to Rogelio who moves his head down and up once.

"You could say that." The screen cuts to Luisa.

"What school of thought?" Luisa asks as she lightly punches Rogelio on the arm. The screen cuts to Rogelio.

"Meisner." The screen cuts to them both. The words 'SANFORD MEISNER,' appears on the screen in white letters. Then, the words 'LEGENDARY ACTING TEACHER AND' appears underneath. Then, the words 'ORIGINATOR OF THE MEISNER TECHNIQUE' appears in white letters underneath.

"I've never heard of him. Where does he practice?" The screen cuts to Rogelio.

"In the heart of such performers as Sandra Bullock, Tom Cruise, and James Franco." The screen cuts to a shocked Luisa. "All of whom have used his techniques," the screen cuts to Rogelio. "To get underneath emotions." The screen cuts to Luisa. "I'll say a phrase, let's say," the screen cuts to them both. "'You're an alcoholic,' and then you'll repeat it, but with an 'I'. 'I'm an alcoholic.'" The screen cuts to an exited-looking Luisa.

"I'm an alcoholic." The screen cuts to a serious-looking Rogelio.

"You're an alcoholic." The screen cuts to a more sad-looking Luisa.

"I'm an alcoholic."


To Be Continued...

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