Bad × J.G. [ completed ]

By blurredgilinsky

262K 5.9K 841

→ In which a good girl falls in love with a bad boy. → 2015 © blurredgilinsky More

Bad ; One
Bad ; Two
Bad ; Three
Bad ; Four
Bad ; Five
Bad ; Seven
Bad ; Eight
Bad ; Nine
Bad ; Ten
Bad ; Eleven
Bad ; Twelve
Bad ; Thirteen
Bad ; Fourteen
Bad ; Fifteen
Bad ; Sixteen
Bad ; Seventeen
Bad ; Eighteen
Bad ; Nineteen
Bad ; Twenty
Bad ; Twenty-One
Bad ; Twenty-Two
Bad ; Twenty-Three
Bad ; Twenty-Four
Bad ; Twenty-Five
Bad ; Twenty-Six
Bad ; Twenty-Seven
Bad ; Twenty-Eight
Bad ; Twenty-Nine
Bad ; Thirty
Bad ; Thirty-One
Bad ; Thirty-Two
Bad ; Thirty-Three
Bad ; Thirty-Four
Bad ; Thirty-Five
Bad ; Thirty-Six

Bad ; Six

9.9K 218 37
By blurredgilinsky

Cher || EDITED

Jack Gilinsky : Hey, can you come over? The guys are over here and they want to chill with you again.

Me : I would but I'm grounded. Sorry. Maybe another time?

Jack Gilinsky : Ah, can you just please come over? You don't even have to stay for long, just a little bit. Please? The guys are practically begging me to get you to come over. They miss you, lol.

Me : Fine, Jack, fine. I will be over in about ten minutes.

I put my phone in my back pocket and walked over towards my bedroom door and locked it. Then I walked over to my window and opened it. I started to climb out very very quietly.

Once I made it down, I started walking to Jack's house. My parents took my car keys so I can't even use my car. They have to drive me to and from school which absolutely sucks. Good thing Jack lives close to me, it's only about a ten minute walk.

Once I arrived at his house, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer it. A few seconds later, a shirtless Nate opened the door with a wide smile on his face and a blunt between his lips. "Hey Cher, come on in," he said, opening the door wider for me to step through.

I walked into the living room to see the Jacks, Sam, and a few other people I didn't recognize.

"Hey Cher!" Sam exclaimed as he pulled me into a hug. "I'm so glad you're here, I missed you and your little crazy ass."

I laughed at his statement and took a seat next to Johnson. "This is Nash, Hayes, and Swazz." he said pointing at each of them. Nash and Hayes looked exactly alike, they both had beautiful blue eyes. Swazz was the cute one with the dimples.

"Hayes and Nash are twins, in case you were wondering," Jack said with a small laugh. "That's why they look exactly the same."

Oh okay, that makes sense. "Lets play a game!" I suggested because I was honestly bored out of my mind.

"Okay," everyone agreed with each other, "what game are we going to play? No truth or dare, though. That's childish," Swazz said with a small laugh. Thank you, finally someone understands me.

"I don't know," I shrugged and ran my hand through my hair. "We could play...."

Nate's eyes went wide like he just thought of something incredible. "Seven Minutes in Heaven!" He exclaimed with a smile on his face. I swear, these boys and their sexual games.

"Uhm, Nathan, how exactly is that supposed to work?" I questioned with my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "There's only one girl here and I doubt any of you guys are gay."

"Plus, we just met her," Nash pointed out and Hayes and Swazz nodded in agreement.

Nate groaned and rolled his eyes. "Fine, we can play that next time then."

"Oh wait," Sammy said, pulling something out of his pocket. "I have something we could do. Who's down?"

He held up the two blunts with a smile on his face.


I was currently high as hell and I had absolutely no clue what was happening around me. All I know is that Jack is sitting next to me with his head on my shoulder while everyone else is sitting in a circle passing around the blunts.

"I'm tired," Jack whined as he looked up at me.

I giggled slighty. Not because it was funny or anything but because I was high off my ass. "Then go to sleep, duh."

"Come sleep with me," he stated with a small smirk planted on his face. "It'll be fun."

"No, Jack," I laughed and shook my head. "You can go sleep by yourself."

He groaned and shook his head. "No, can you please please come with me? I don't want to sleep on my own."

"Fine," I sighed a sigh of annoyance. I already know that he won't stop bugging me until I go with him so I might as well just say yes.

We both both got up and he grabbed a hold of my hand and led me upstairs into his bedroom.

Once the door was closed, he pinned me up against the wall and smashed his lips onto mine. For some odd reason, I didn't push him off me. Maybe because I was high or because I was enjoying it? I don't know.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and walked both of us towards his bed.

author's note

I know Nash and Hayes aren't twins but it's just for the story! I already know that they're not twins so don't tell me because I already know that, lol.

Anyways, I know I'm kind of rushing into things but whatever, lol.

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