Reborn As Jeremy Gilbert

By crazyKate92

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I was 19 years old, I had my whole life ahead of me. I woke up as Jeremy Gilbert in a TV show I watched just... More

Chapter 1 - Death and Oh Shit.
Chapter 2 - Safety Precautions
Chapter 3 - The Road Trip To Florida
Chapter 4 - To Chicago
Chapter 5 - The Coffins
Chapter 6 - Back In Mystic Falls
Chapter 7 - Augustine
Chapter 8 - Dates
Chapter 9 - School Dances
Chapter 10 - Studying Witchcraft
Chapter 11 - Vampire's
Chapter 12 - Competition's
Chapter 13 - Games
Chapter 14 - Doppelgรคnger's
Chapter 16 - The Suit and The Hybrid
Chapter 17 - Undead Lives

Chapter 15 - Seeing Double

5.4K 171 15
By crazyKate92

February 16th, 2010 - Tuesday

Katerina will be joining us at school today, she's upstairs with Elena getting ready. We had to get her a backpack. The plan from there is that she'll compel her way into the classes that she'll need. A simple enough plan, especially since we all made sure to feed the night before.

We know that the transition won't be without some issues. Unlike in the books Katerina is not Elena's actual sister for one thing. Secondly the whole town knows of Elena only having a younger brother but no other siblings.  That means this rouse is going to be making big waves through out the whole town.

"How are you doing this morning?" I ask my sister/cousin as she comes downstairs with her bag, a small frown on her face.

Aunt Jenna frowns at Elena. "Yeah, what's up Elena? You seem kind of off this morning."

She looks away as if a bit ashamed as she rubs her left arm. "I - I feel kind of nervous. That and I don't really know my uh - 'sister' so how am I supposed to properly answer questions about her?"

"Just tell them to ask her." I answer back with a shrug of my shoulders. "She'll figure something out for the answers."

"You could also say that you were both separated because they didn't know she would survive so she was in a hospital out of state." Aunt Jenna suggests as she turns towards Elena.

That's about the time Katherine comes waltzing into the room ready for school. She looks towards Elena and then looks at herself again. "Well, at least we're not matching completely."

Elena rolls her eyes. "We wouldn't be matching at all if you didn't have the same jacket and shoes as me."

"It's not my fault that you have some good taste now is it!" Katerina says snarkly as she inspects her fingernails and leans against the archway of the living room. "Sister."

"Seems to me like you both have the sisterly squabble down pretty well already." Aunt Jenna says looking almost amused.

"Haha." Elena says with something between sarcasm and frustration in her voice. "If she starts to make me go bald I demand a refund. Besides my mom, seems to thinking that she still has control over the situation."

Katerina huffs. "Well - being without your humanity can do that to a vampire love. Besides, you will only go bald if I shave your head. Don't we have to go to school now anyway?"

"Yes, we do." Rebekah says as she takes a deep breathe and squeezes my hand tightly, the look of forced calm on her face. "Now.. if you'll excuse us, we are driving ourselves to school today."

"Are you sure you'll make it to school?" Katerina asks loudly as we walk out of the door towards the car.

So, in way of parting out the door Bekah and I flick her off and leave with a loud "Fuck off Kat."

We got to school about ten minutes before they arrived. Partially to watch the reactions and also to get some alone time to make out.

"I think I'm seeing things." I hear Matt say sulkingly as he eyes my sister and Katerina. "Because there are like two Elena's getting out of that car and that can't be right."

"Oh no bud." Tyler mutters beside him in confusion. "There's definitely two of them. Considering that cloning isn't a thing that's unlikely and .. she doesn't have a sister, right?"

Matt shakes his head silently, I honestly don't know if the whole Tyler making out with his mom thing happened or not. Vicki is still very much alive in this timeline after all.

"Hey. Kat, Elena." I call as I walk past both jocks towards my sister and my sister. "What took you two so long to get to school?"

"Oh Jere." Kat begins in a steady voice as she subtly eyes everyone around. "You know how El is, she could get lost on a Merry-go-round."

Elena huffs and glares at Kat. "I could not. You're the one who kept being a backseat driver. Mom and dad should've sent you to a class for that instead of a school for -."

"The gifted?" Katherine asks as she raises an eyebrow.

"You are so not gifted. Entitled though, that's what you are." Elena says as she shoves her twin with her shoulder. "Spoiled too perhaps."

"I was so not." Kat mutters as she rolls her eyes.

Glancing at Rebekah I notice her trying to hold in her laughter, that is until Kol showed up and walked right up to Elena and grabbed her hand as they walk into the school together.

"I feel like we missed something." I say as my hand wraps around Rebekah's waist as we stare at the place where Kol and Elena walked in to the school holding hands together.

Rebekah nods, as I glance down I notice the frown on her face. "Same. But, we have been a bit Uhh... wrapped up in each other."

"Yeah, you have. They've been talking a lot." Bonnie says as she walks up beside us looking amused. "I don't think she realizes that he's into her though."

"Stefan is going to loose his shit when he finds out." Rebekah says with a frown as she glances up at him. "And my brother, none of them actually.. give up what they want without a fight."

"I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it then." I mutter as we walk into school.

The day was filled with questions of "wait, Elena has a twin?" "Why didn't we know about her before?" "Oh the other one is much prettier, are you sure they're twins?" And crap like that. It got to the point where we left the school early and just went to the lake for the afternoon.

February 25th, 2010 - Thursday

Tonight is supposed to be when the Gilbert Device goes off and kills the Mayor along with a bunch of other vampires. The biggest difference? Pearl still has it. John is currently trying to figure out what's going on and we are already plotting a way to kill the Mayor without making people believe that he's a vampire or something. Although, perhaps Klaus would do it on his own accord if he meets the man.

Then there's the fact that Alaric isn't in Mystic Falls either since Mr Tanner is still alive.

"You look just like me." I hear Katerina say as I walk down the stairs to go to the kitchen.

After reaching the kitchen I see Stefan sitting at the table on the opposite side of Aunt Jenna and Finn. Holding back a sigh I continue into the kitchen and grab a glass of water, although seeing the broody vamp makes me want a shot of whiskey instead.

"Stefan." I mutter as I walk past him.

He nods back but otherwise keeps his eyes on the kitchen entryway. Stefan has been handling the situation with quite difficulty. One thing he can't stand is Katherine specifically, which logically makes sense considering what she did to him during his life in the 1800's and all that.

"Why are you trusting Katherine?" He asks me suddenly as Elena's laughter rings through the room.

"Because one thing she has forgotten during her undead and perhaps even her living life is that having someone at your back is much better then having someone stab you in the back. She's used to being backstabbed Stefan, she's used to being tossed away once someone gets what they want from her or after they're done using her. Even she deserves better then that."

"And you think that she won't end up stabbing you and everyone else in the back too?" Stefan asks in disbelief as he shakes his head. "And Damon bought into that bullshit?"

"Man, I'm not saying she's going to do anything." I admit, she could. Then again she might not. "But perhaps you need to actually understand why some people become the way she is. That doesn't mean you need to like her or even stay in the same room with her."

"Apparently I can't just kill her now can I?" Stefan says irritably as I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Sure you could." I answer back as my eyes meet the vampire in question as she walks in. "But even if you could, you wouldn't."

"Why not?" He asks annoyed as he crosses his arms over his chest, reminiscent of a child.

Rubbing my temples I let out a sigh. "Because if you really wanted to then you would've done it already. It's been what? A week almost since you got out of your cellar. Whatever the reason you haven't is, maybe you need to reevaluate yourself. Now I need to go and meet my girlfriend."


It didn't take me very long to get to the Mikaelson's place, it never does with the whole vampire thing. We have found that despite the enhancements done to the vampires there are still limits. The sun isn't an issue, unless we're stuck outside more then a few hours at a time. That's when we begin to burn, sunscreen removes that issue but that also only adds a few more hours. We didn't find that out until we had to be outside for hours a few days back.

So far Vervain is a non issue, that's something that was tested. However we do have a slight reaction to salt now. Which means we're all eating salt or using salt on the daily so that we don't get a bad reaction from it.

"Jeremy." Kol says in greeting as I walk into the house. "How is the stick in the mud doing? Still annoying your darling of a sister?"

"I think she's about ready to drop kick him actually." I admit as I sit down on the couch opposite of him. "He's been frustrating for her especially now with her actually knowing what's going on."

"We told Stefan everything too." Rebekah says as she walks into the living room with her hair all kinds of fancy. "But he seems to be under the assumption that we're lying to you both."

She does a spin, showing off her fancy old style dress and her beautifully braided hair.

"You look stunning." I say as I stand up and move to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her temple. "The thing with Stefan is that he seems to believe that only he can right about other's intentions. Or in some cases his brother, when they're actually working together which right now Stefan and Damon are at odds. Mainly because Stefan doesn't want to take Damon's word, with or without proof."

Of the many changes that seems to have accompanied my arrival in this body no one died. There was no Gilbert Device, no burning of vampires. However, there is now a frustrated  John Gilbert, a randomly dead Mr. Tanner and Isobel trying to fit herself in somewhere.

There is going to be a time skip after this, aside from Stefan currently being an idiot not much is causing them trouble or making waves.
You could probably consider this to be a filler chapter.
That and this story seems to be more of a light hearted one then some of my other stories are.

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