Kageyama Oneshots βœ”

By Wishful_author_xoxo

145K 2.7K 375

Haikyuu!! Featuring our favourite Milkboi πŸ₯› Will include fluff, angst, maybe smut and shipping. Enjoy! (Cred... More

Bad News Pt.1
Bad News Pt.2
KuroKage - A Date?! Pt.1
KuroKage - A Date?! Pt.2
Assassin Pt.1
Assassin Pt.2
TsukiKage - Snapped
AtsuKage - Comfort
Ice Skating
UshiKage - Working Out
Kags Harem - Rock, Paper, Scissors
OiKage - Jealousy
TenKage - Little Monsters
SakuKage - 7th Heaven
KageSu - Dress Up
Panic Attack
Kags Harem - Milk
KageKen - Gaming
MultiShip - Kidnapped
A Cat?
KageHina - Height
SakuKage - Drawing You Out
Kags Harem - At What Cost?
Cute Close Contact
Kags Harem - I'm So Hot
TeruKage - Flirting
Running Race
TsukiKage - Glasses
OiKage - Help Me
AtsuKage - Precious Cargo Pt.1
AtsuKage - Precious Cargo Pt.2
Beach Outing
Anxiety Headcanons
IwaKage - I'm That B*tch
Kags Harem - Exam Results
Kags Harem - ABO In Volleyball
AkaaKage - Confessions
Legend Of The Lost Prince
Kags Harem - Hogwarts AU Pt.1
Kags Harem - Hogwarts AU Pt.2
Colour Blind
You Can't Escape The Past
Kags Harem - YouTube Famous
BokuKage - Under The Stars
Team Bonding
SunKage - By Your Side
I'm Not Stupid

Halloween Party

8.6K 83 42
By Wishful_author_xoxo

Piercing eyes stared back at him as he looked into the mirror. An icy blue and a contrasting rose gold. His skin is pale and his cheeks a rose blush; his eyelids had the lightest shimmer of red and black. His hair was a wavy texture and his lips matching with a jet black colour and a silver hoop piercing at the side. His neck adorned 2 chokers: one black with silver chains and spikes and the other a red velvet. Several piercings of black and silver were on his ears- fake, of course- and there were a mixture of crosses, hoops and studs, all gleaming off the lights above him. Chunky rings covered his fingers, the nails the same jet black.

He took a step back and looked down at his body. A tight fitting, long-sleeve black top ending just above his hips covered his torso, with intentional rips on his collar bone and sides and his abs hintingly visible. He wore tight leather jeans that sculpted his thighs with cherry red docs, silver chains hanging off the belt loops. A chain belt on the tightest loop wrapped around just above his hips, emphasising his small waistline. 

"I look..."

"Say it."


"Hot! You look hot Tobio!"

"I guess I do."

Kageyama stared at himself in the mirror as his sister finished off the last touches of make-up. He was definitely the best looking goth he had ever seen; he gave a grateful smile to his sister for helping him. 

You see, the Karasuno gang were having a Halloween party and had invited some of their friends as well, instructed by Sugawara and Yachi to go all out. He wasn't going to bother, truth be told, and was just going to get a cape and go as a vampire. But, when telling his sister about the party on their weekly call, she got very excited and came home just to help him out.

"If there was a competition for the best looking anybody you'd win! I'm so glad I went to cosmetic school!"

"Thanks Miwa."

"Aw, anytime 'lil bro. But come on, time to go!"

The pair headed downstairs, carefully navigating through all of Miwa's packing, and said goodbye to their mother before heading out and into Miwa's car; Kageyama grabbed a leather jacket on the way. The drive was about ten minutes to the venue that Yachi had scored (after a long debate with her mother and too much crying) so they blasted some music and sang along. Kageyama didn't get to spend a lot of time with his older sister now that she was working in the city and so this was a very happy time for him; he was never this relaxed around anyone else. 

His phone buzzed and he fished it out of his pocket before seeing who had messaged him.

Ginger Dumbass: Kageyamaaaaaaa! When will you get here? Almost everyone else has arrived!

Supreme Setter: I'll be there in ten minutes, chill out idiot!

Miwa looked over for a second at the texts before laughing, saying the 'Ginger Dumbass' seemed very energetic.

"Don't get me started." Kageyama replied, smiling as his sister laughed.

All too soon they pulled up at the venue and Kageyama got out. He asked if she wanted to join but she said she would end up embarrassing him in front of his friends. He shook his head and said he would text her when it ended before heading inside. He had only taken a few steps when his phone went off again, this time a continuing buzz. He answered the call and pressed the phone to his ear as headed towards the door.

"What do you want now?"

"What are you dressed as?"

"What are you dressed as?"

"Day of the dead! Where are you?!"

"I'm literally outside, calm down!"

"No! Hurry up!"


He stopped answering as Hinata's voice shouted at him from down the phone. He walked inside to what seemed to be a community hall, and saw there was an open door at the end. He made his way over and saw his reflection in a glass cabinet, shocked for a second before he realised it was him who was staring back at him. At last he could hear music blasting from loud speakers and reached the doorway.

When his figure appeared in the doorway, several heads turned to look in his direction. Kageyama didn't like the attention and so scanned the room- his face remaining neutral- before he headed over to the tables at the side for a drink. His jeans felt too tight and his neck began to itch, but his sister reminded him that beauty was pain.

Yeah, a pain in the ass more like.

As he walked across the room, he heard Hinata's voice go quiet on the phone. He could see the bright orange hair in the corner of the room from a mile away and smirked before speaking:

"I'm here dumbass."

He hung up as he reached the stand and picked up a glass of punch. It was sweet and a little bitter, but not too bad. He looked at the glass as he drank and saw there was no black stain like he assumed but thought that Miwa made his lipstick stainproof. He purposefully ignored the glances that were sent his way- alongside dropped jaws- and turned around to see a patch of orange in front of him.

"Hi?" he began, wondering why Hinata was literally inches away from him, his eyes standing out amongst the colourful face paint. Did the idiot still not understand personal space?

"You're a goth." Hinata stated.

"Yeah. You're a skeleton."



"Why are you so good looking as a goth?! It should be impossible to look that good. No fair, I thought my costume would be better than yours." Hinata exclaimed with red cheeks.

Kageyama smirked at the ginger before heading over to a nearby wall and leaning against it, looking at what everyone else was dressed up as.

He saw Tanaka was dressed as a Zombie, pretending to bite a mummified Noya- who was rigid in the tightly wrapped bandages- standing next to Asahi Jesus. Suga was a ghost, dressed in white and smothered in white powder, whilst Daichi was a vampire, adorning fake fangs and a cape. He was glad he didn't come as a vampire. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were pirates, fake swords hanging round their waists and drawn on beards. Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita were dressed up as wizards, their pointy hats popping out over everyone's heads and fake grey beards reaching their knees. They looked more like old gremlins to him.

"Looks good." he commented. "But Yachi doesn't exactly make a convincing Harley Quinn." 

The pair looked over to the opposite side of the room from them to see Kiyoko dressed up as a witch and Yachi as Harley Quinn, just more scared and screamish and hiding from almost everyone.

"The outfit is good though." 

"Who else is gonna be here?"

The duo saw that Daichi was calling them over and so they headed in his direction.

"I dunno, but I invited Kenma!"


"Hey guys, you look awesome! Blah blah blah." Daichi said when they reached him.

Uh, why are you saying blah blah blah?" asked Kageyama, mimicking Daichi's weird hand movements.

"I'm a vampire, that's what vampire say. Blah blah blah."

"It's really not." Suga argued from next to Daichi.


"I think it's cool, so scary. Blah blah blah!" Hinata mimicked before grinning and running over to Noya; soon enough a whole chorus of 'blah blah blah's could be heard.

"Kill me now."

"Hey, very in character Kageyama! Your costume is so cool!"

"Thanks Suga."

"I can take you up on that offer, if you'd like."

Kageyama felt a presence behind him and an arm trying to wrap around his waist. He turned around before the person could and gave them an annoyed look, raising one brow and looking them up and down.

"I'll pass thanks, I'd rather die from spontaneous combustion." he replied in a dead tone.

"Aw Tobio, you make the cutest little goth." Oikawa teased with a grin, pointing fangs visible behind stained red lips. "You'd better hide those collarbones or else I might just sink my teeth into them."

"At least I look good."

"Got that right."

Kuroo appeared from behind Oikawa, along side Iwaizumi, Akaashi and Bokuto.


"Hey Iwa."

"Yo where's the ginger?"

Kageyama pointed in the direction of Hinata, momentarily stunned and jaw dropped at what Bokuto was wearing. Bokuto hooted- literally hooted- before running off, Kageyama watching him in shock. Oikawa pushed his chin up to shut his mouth causing Kageyama to recover and look at Akaashi.

"He's an owl."

"He is." sighed Akaashi.

"Oh my god."

"Yeah man! Swear to God! Get it, 'cuz I'm Satan?"

"Yeah I get it Kuroo. You have horns and a pitchfork. "

"I know. We'd make a great pair, all doom and gloom." Kuroo replied, his grin looking a little mad as his plastic horns flashed on and off.


"Hey guys." Daichi interrupted, coming over and placing a hand on Kageyama's shoulder.

"Hey dude!" Kuroo said. "Killer party!"

"Why hello Daichi, I'm so glad you invited me and Iwa-"

"It's Iwa and I." Iwaizumi interrupted.

"Oh whatever!"

"You good?" Suga asked quietly.

"Yeah, they're just a lot to handle, even worse than when by themselves." Kageyama whispered back.

"Where's Kenma?" Daichi asked.

"He's right... Kenma!" Kuroo shouted before running off to a black silhouette in the corner, cat ears and tail faintly visible from a blue phone screen.

"Well, time to mingle." Oikawa stated before dragging Iwa away.

"I'm going to sort that out." Akaashi said, pointing at a owl-suited Bokuto who seemed to be trying to fly with Hinata on his back.

"Yeah, good idea. Nice costume by the way." Suga added, gesturing to the skeleton makeup.


As the small group let, the trio let out a large sigh.

"I hate parties." Kageyama stated.

"Oh cheer up, and cool contacts! I can notice them better up close. That blue is so bright."

"Blue? Suga, they're gold."

"They're both." Kageyama stated slowly, freaked out by how close the two were to his face. He took a step back so they could both see.

"Oh, two colours. It looks so spooky."

"That is the point. Rose and Ice, I think that's the colours."

"You've definitely won best costume. I thought Tanaka would win ya know," Suga stated, " I mean he did smother himself with neon green paint and who knows if that will ever come off."

"I agree, though Asahi is very convincing." said Daichi.

The pair began to talk about all of the different costumes so Kageyama slipped off and headed over to a corner, getting out his phone and replying to his sister.

Miwawawa: Hey, you good?

Miwawawa: I know socialising isn't your thing. Good thing you're a goth right? Lol.

Miwawawa: I'm texting too much aren't I? Ah, my big sister instincts are kicking in!

Miwawawa: Baby bro are you alive?!?!?!

The last question made him let out a laugh, one hand covering his mouth to mask the noise. He quickly typed out a reply to calm Miwa down, not wanting her to go in full panic mode.

Tobiobro: I'm alive.

Tobiobro: Unfortunately.

He had only just hit send when a text shot back.

Miwawawa: Thank goodness! I was about call the police. Have fun. No alcohol!

He smiled at the message before shutting his phone off, absent mindedly playing with the hoop on his lip. He went to put it away when a voice stopped him.

"Why are you all happy?"

Kageyama looked to his left and saw a teen with bright green hair and facial tattoos leaning on the wall next to him. Kageyama put one foot on the wall to get more comfortable, stretching his neck from the stiffness.

"None of your business Terushima. Nice Joker, it suits you."

"Why thank-"

"Completely mad and a failure in their profession."

"Ha!" one of the Johzenji players shouted. "Roasted!"

"Come on dude, I'm pretty good."

'"Decent at best."

"Right! Anyways, why are you here all on your lonesome?"

Kageyama looked at him before gesturing to his costume.

"I'm playing the part."

"Then I'll play the part too."

Terushima lifted a hand over his mouth and a tattoo like smile was visible, the teeth grey and lips purple. He widened his eyes slightly and let out a creepy laugh; Kageyama was taken aback, his eyes widening a little too.

"Not bad."

"Hahaha, what would you say to me taking out those pretty contacts of yours and using them to blow up the city?"

"Okay, now you lost me."

"Sup city boy!"

"Tanaka, sup country boi!"

Tanaka came over to them and began talking about how they were matching with green colours.

"Will that wash off?" Kageyama asked,  interrupting Tanaka who seemed to be about to take his shirt off.

"Yeah, it should do. But whatever if it doesn't, I'm sure I can make Kiyoko love me as a zombie."


The night continued on with talking, drinking, eating, and some failed dancing. Hinata tried to get Kageyama to dance three times but he refused. He feared that if he did then his leathers would split and he was showing off enough as it is. Yachi tried her best to get people to dance  but the overwhelming height of some of the guys made her freak out and she ran off to be sick, Yamaguchi following her and telling her not to throw up, like that would help. He even had a sword fight with Tsukishima which he easily won, enjoying pressing the fake sword against the idiot's neck. Kiyoko stepped in and suddenly waves of guys were dancing, doing their best to impress her. Part way through the evening, Just Dance was brought out and this got lots of people dancing, all looking funny with the wacky dance moves. It wasn't until he heard someone mention food did he perk up.

"I love Sushi!" Bokuto exclaimed.

"Come on Mr Grumpy, we are doing this one!" Hinata dragged him onto the centre floor with a group of others. He had to stop and take off his jacket first as he was getting hot; he felt even more exposed. Oikawa was at the front with the remote having the time of his life whilst Bokuto and Kuroo were at the side of him and doing 'sexy' dance moves. He sighed and stretched his arms, pushing them above his head to loosen his shoulders. His top lifted up a bit and he saw Hinata look over and whisper:


"Hey, idiot! Pay attention, you dragged me into this."

"I'm gonna do better than you!"

"No way!"

"How about we have a competition?" Noya shouted over the chatter.

"Yeah, dance or elimination!" Yachi agreed.

"That's a great idea. Kiyoko and I can judge." said Daichi. "Ready?"


Oikawa pressed play and they all got ready, focusing on the dancer on the screen. Kageyama copied all of the moves, noticing they were rather difficult. He saw others were trying to get into the rhythm but he could tell why they were volleyball players not dancers. It was set to an extreme level so many could not keep up and Daichi was having fun kicking people out. Whenever one of the boys thought Kiyoko was watching they danced extra hard, making the vogue-like moves look funny. Kageyama kept grumbling to himself as he copied the dance, Hinata laughing loudly beside him, his arms flailing everywhere.

"You're not bad at this!" Hinata shouted over the noise.

"You are!"


They had been dancing for a while now and he noticed there were about seven of them left.

"Doing good Tobio?" Oikawa asked, smirking at him.

"This is ridiculous."

"Aw, sad that I-"

"You're out Oikawa." Kiyoko said calmly, taking the remote from his hand and passing it to Kuroo, who was having a great time.

"Take that." Kageyama muttered.

Suddenly, the dancer on the screen began to do some wild wacking movements. He copied as best he could and watched as three more people were eliminated, including Hinata.

"Dumb Kageyama." the skeleton mumbled before going to stuff his face with meat buns.

"Didn't know you could dance!" Kuroo shouted as he and Bokuto closed in on each side.

"I can't. This is stupid."

"I'm think they've let me play cuz I'm a laugh! Look at me! A dancing owl! Hoot hoot!"

"Please let me die."

"No can do your majesty!"


"I heard that!"

"Good!" he shouted back before crouching to the floor quickly.

At last the final beats hit and Kageyama's eyes widened at the final move. He saw Kuroo grin and thought he might as well finish it properly and so the three of them went on their knees and arched their backs, one hand behind their heads.

The song ended and the three lay breathlessly on the floor, Bokuto bright red and sweating in his giant suit. Kageyama took a welcome hand from Kuroo and then together they hauled Bokuto up, laughing when he fell right back on his face.

"Not bad, setter boy." Kuroo complimented.


The next song was going to start so the goth headed over to the drinks table and grabbed a soda and a packet of crisps. He joined the Karasuno first years standing near the door where the cool air drifted in, and he chatted quietly with Hinata about volleyball practice tomorrow.

"Do you think we can try-"


Suddenly, Hinata was no longer visible, instead a giant dude was in his way and Hinata was jumping to try and see over his head.


"Ushijima. Friend of a friend invited me. You're impressive, and I've seen you play volleyball. You should come by Shiratorizawa some time."

A slip of paper was put in his hand and the dude left before he could even reply. Several pairs of eyes watched him walk away and then watched as Kageyama looked for a moment at the piece of paper and slipped it into his phone case, thinking volleyball with a top player would be excellent practice.

Well, he tried to put it into his phone case but he only had two hands and they were both full. His brain was a little slow- probably from the dancing- so it took him a moment to find a solution. He held the unopened crisp packet with his teeth and pulled out his phone with his now free hand, using expert skill to slip the paper in.

"Need a hand?" Hinata asked.

He shook his head, his mouth occupied.

"Sure you do."

Kageyama looked up as Oikawa stood in front of him. He grinned before taking the phone from Kageyama's hand and slipping it into the side pocket himself, keeping his hand there for a moment, Kageyama huffing as he took the crisps from his teeth.

"What, no thanks?"

"Get lost Oikawa. I hate you."

"Tobio! I thought we were friends." Oikawa pouted. "Or would you prefer something else?"

"I'd rather go blind and never have to see your face again."

"Yeah, what he said!" Hinata echoed, jumping back into the action, recovered from the insane height of Ushijima.

"Well we could be-"

"Time to go Oikawa. See ya Kageyama."

Iwaizumi appeared and grabbed the back of Oikawa's neck before pulling him away and heading out, saying goodbye to a few others. As the door shut, Kageyama's phone rang; he put his empty soda down and the bright screen light lit up his vibrant contacts.

Miwawawa: On my way, ma wants you home. Sorry bro.

Tobiobro: No problem. I've had enough.

"No fair." Hinata argued, leaning up to read the texts.

Kageyama noticed some of his colourful makeup had smudged around his eyes so he looked like a rainbow panda. He laughed quietly before calling Hinata an idiot and returning to his phone.

Tobiobro: On my way out.

"I'm heading off." he announced, just as Daichi and Suga appeared.

"Others are starting to leave too." said Suga. "You won best costume by the way."

"That was an actual thing?"

"Yeah, it became a thing like twenty minutes ago after an overwhelming amount of people began to vote for you, so you win this."

Kageyama took the lollipop from Suga's hand slowly and with a quiet thanks. Daichi said congrats with another 'blah blah blah' before the pair went to join the Just Dance. His phone buzzed again so Kageyama unwrapped the sweet and put it in his mouth before throwing his uneaten snack at and giving the middle finger to Hinata and walking out, grinning at the angry ginger shouting after him as he picked up his jacket. He caught a comment from Kuroo who gave him a wink as he slipped through the doors.

"Bro, what do you call a goth with a nice behind?" Kuroo asked Bokuto.

"I dunno bro."


He rolled his eyes and walked back down the hallway, the cool outside air hitting him nicely. He saw his sister's car pulled up and got right in, sighing and sinking into the seat.

"Have fun?" Miwa asked.

"It was alright, my feet kill though."

"Dancing? You?"

"Don't ask."

"Don't worry 'lil bro. Anything exciting happen?"

"Uh, some guy gave me his number to play volleyball sometime. I should add it to my- what the heck!"

As he took off his phone case, several strips of paper fell out, all with different mobile numbers. Some were blank, some said call me, and some were almost illegible. He wondered how they had gotten there when he remembered Oikawa.

"Damn idiot." he muttered as Miwa burst out laughing.

"Look at you getting so much attention! You should thank me Kage, I've given you such good fortune."

"Yeah yeah, let's go home. I've got practice tomorrow and need to get this makeup off. Oh, and can we stop for sushi along the way?"

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