DC Legends of Tomorrow: The G...

By sparkle123tt

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Everyone's favorite Glitch is back for book 2. With the Time masters now destroyed it is up to the legends to... More

The Intros
Ch 1: French Mistakes
Ch 2: Secrets and Sides
Ch 3: Time to Scatter
Ch 4: If you seek Clarity
Ch 5: The JSA
Ch 6: Stowaway's and Cast-Off's
Ch 7: Wrath of Raiju
Ch 8: Flickers
Ch 8: Say Sayonara (The Real one this time)
Ch 9: Zombination pt 1
Ch 10: Zombination Pt 2
Ch 11: Compromised
Ch 12: Back to the West pt 1
Ch 13: Back to the West pt 2
Ch 14: Invasion Pt 1
Ch 15: Invasion pt 2
Ch 16: Invasion pt 3
Ch 17: Clarity's Missing Hours
Ch 18: Better Left Unknown
Ch 19: Ignorance isn't Bliss
Ch 20: Beyond Absolution
Ch 21: Can't Catch a Break
Ch 22: Scatter-Brained
Ch 23: A decision must be made
Ch 24: Dedooming the Legion
Ch 25: The Lady of the Lake
Ch 26: Christmas Surprise
Ch 27: Mind infiltration
Ch 28: Love you to the Moon and Back
Ch 29: Stuck Between Sisters
Ch 30: Love is Doomed pt 1
Ch 31: Love is Doomed Pt 2
Ch 32: Love is Doomed pt 3
The Third Book

Ch 23: Too Close for comfort (the real one this time)

1.1K 62 158
By sparkle123tt

Okay so once again this chapter gets pretty freaking dark. As such there's gonna be a trigger warning. I repeat TRIGGER WARNING Rape gets talked about. You've been warned. on with the chapter. Hope you enjoy the trauma.


Clarity swung her purse at Malcolm, knocking his prosthetic hand right into his face. The force of the swing knocking him off his feet.
Clarity sprinted as fast as her legs could carry her. Skirting around Merlyn just out of Darhks reach bolting for the ship. She threw her purse at him knocking the gun out of his hand sending it sliding away. Though that stopped him from shooting her with that gun he seemed intent to snatch her. Darhk was right behind her. Sara was right she couldn't fight him, if she could just outrun him, get to the ship. She felt his fingertips brush against her back. She urged her legs to go faster, they were already screaming at her from running up all those stairs but she pushed herself anyways because she had to.

She threw herself over the rail leaping off the building. Arms outstretched as she dove for the open hanger doors. Sara was reaching out a hand to help her, catch her maybe if she couldn't clear the distance. The assassin's other hand throwing knives at Damien with precise accuracy. To slow him down, help her somehow. Sara's fingertips brushed Claritys, blue eyes locking. Clarity thought she was in the clear, only to feel a hand reach out and circle around the back of her bra using it like a handle. Damien's hand fisted into the back of her shirt. The villain yanking her back with all his might throwing her onto the rooftop. Clarity rolling across the ground with a cry of pain. Back and head hitting the metal railing with a clang. Both Malcolm and Damien stepping on her back to hold her down as they raised their guns.

"Clarity!" Sara yelled her name, about to jump down then and there, but Malcolm was already shooting into the cargo bay. Sara having no choice but to brace and find some cover or get shot. Stein and Jax couldn't merge, Nate steeled up just a bit too late and was lying unconcsious. Everyone else on another part of the ship.

Clarity looked up at the ship, her friends pinned down by the blasts. The cargo bay getting riddled with scorch marks. She could hear Malcolm and Darhk laughing to themselves. They were enjoying this... they were having fun trying to hurt them. She couldn't glitch, if she used her lightning her positrons would collide with the electrons. She would only end up hurting herself. There was nothing she could do. She was caught, her friends were getting shot at and it was all her fault.

Amaya vaulted herself off the top of the waverider, the 40's hero smart enough to realize the cargo bay was no longer a viable exit. Gideon having informed her that the team needed assistance. She'd crawled out the jumpship doors, invisible as her chameleon Ashe allowed. She made the leap flipping and rolling until she came into a standing position. She landed on the roof of the building summoning the Ashe of a gorilla which roared in anger. Amaya threw both Darhk and Merlyn in opposite directions smacking them both with so much force it was likely they'd have cracked ribs. She scooped Clarity up and summoned the Ashe of a kangaroo jumping back to the ship.

"Gideon, I've got her! Go!" Amaya ordered, Gideon shutting the cargo bay door the waverider flying off time jumping away. Amaya setting her down everyone else getting up from their covered positions.

"Well, that went well wouldn't you say?" Stein remarked.

"Nothing like getting shot at by assassins." Jax agreed rubbing at a scorch mark. "This baby's gonna need some polishing up again."

"Everyone alright?" Sara looked around at everyone.

Nate held up a thumbs up from where he lied on the floor unharmed. "Peachy keen, Captain."

"Good." Sara nodded turning her attention to the rest of the team. "Mick get Rip to the medbay so Gideon can scan him. Ray, professor, you're both coming too. Let's see if we can figure out what's going on with him."

"Sara I-" Clarity began hesitantly, reaching out in her direction, but the assassin's sharp tone cut her off.

"Don't Sara me." Sara hit Claritys hand away, the words dyed off from the Glitch's lips at the look in Sara's eyes, clutching onto the hand that had been swatted. Sara pointed at her eyes narrowing. "I'll deal with you later."

Sara striding off behind Mick, Ray and Stein without another word to her.

"You okay?" Nate asked Clarity as he sat up.

"She...she's never looked at me like that before." Clarity stared off in the direction the assassin went. Which didn't really answer Nate's question, but Clarity wasn't exactly sure how to put what she was currently feeling into words. She expected Sara to be mad at her. She directly defied her. But she hadn't even asked if she was okay...hadn't asked if she wanted to help with Rip.

"Yeah? Well, this is the second time you went awol on her." Jax reminded already beginning to sprits the metal to get rid of the scorch mark. Futuristic cleaning supplies sure were useful.

"Last time was different. She's never given me a reason to before now..." Clarity replied, eyes blinking for a second. "Uh, I'll-I'll be in my room."

"That's probably wise." Amaya nodded to Claritys hand which she was still clutching. "Do you want to put some ice on that first?"

"What? Oh no, it-it doesn't hurt." Clarity assured her though she made no move to let go of it. "I just...what I really want is to be alone right now." Clarity went to walk down the hall but paused. "Oh and Amaya? Thank you for saving me."

"You would have done the same had our positions been reversed. As Todd would have once said, JSA sticks together. It's what Rex would have wanted as well. I know we were never the best of friends-"

"We were friends?" Clarity raised an eyebrow at her.

"-best of Teammates." Amaya amended with a bit of a smile. "Next time you go off on your own. Let me know."

"I just might and um, Maybe we could train together. Sometime when my powers get back...you know like we used to, but without..."

"Without fighting over Rex?" Amaya finished with a smile. "I'd like that, Clarity."

"Me too." Clarity agreed, and with that said, she turned down the hall resuming the walk to her room. She didn't bother closing the door, it's not like it would lock without her powers anyways. Waiting was probably the worst part. It felt like death was coming for her. That look in Sara's eyes, cold, angry, if she didn't have a handle on her bloodlust these days Clarity was sure she would have been on the ground getting strangled. In approximately ten maybe twenty minutes what surely felt like an eternity to Clarity, Sara came walking into her room.

"What were you thinking!?" Sara demanded changed out of her nurses disguise into the normal clothes she's worn to the 60's earlier that day. The assassins voice raised to the verge of yelling, her voice quieting into a lower stern tone as she saw Clarity flinch. "Were you thinking?"

"Of course I was thinking." Clarity protested softly, fingers gently rubbing the hand Sara'd swatted away as it rested in her lap. Eyes cast downwards as she rubbed the top of her left foot behind her right ankle. "I just don't have the luxury to listen to the wrong call being made anymore."

"The wrong call?" Sara demanded hand on her hip. "You think I made the wrong call in rescuing Rip? What I was supposed to leave him at the station for Darhk and Merlyn to torture?"

"No, Phil had to be rescued-"

"Then what was wrong? Leaving you behind? Because I left you behind on the ship for a reason Clarity. You know that. You never should have been in that police station. You put yourself in danger when you didn't have the means to protect yourself. If Amaya hadn't been there they could have kidnapped you or killed you and done god knows what to the rest of us. You jeopardized yourself, you jeopardized the mission and you jeopardized this entire team."

"I know! Okay? I know!" Clarity lifted her head. "But Sara, you were going about it in the wrong way. I had to do something! Don't you get it? If you had just done it my way, the right way, we could have been ahead of them. We could have had him and they would never have known. We'd finally know something that he didn't."

"They sure as hell know we have him now. Don't they?" Sara stepped forwards. "You went out for nothing. You put yourself in danger for no reason. Your way isn't always right! Your so called plan didn't even work!"

"Because the timing was off! It would have worked. My plan would have worked if you had just backed me up. If you had trusted me enough to go out with you guys it would have. I wouldn't have had to waste time getting Phil's personal details to fill out the forms. You could have fed them to me from that room and I could have finished typing, hell I could have actually made it to a computer and gotten out before Merlyn or Darhk even made the front doors."

"Or they could have caught sight of you and decided you were the better hostage. Oh wait, that's exactly what they did!" Sara reminded leaning forwards.

"What do you want me to say, Sara? I'm sorry? Well No, Not this time. I'm not. Not about leaving the ship. You didn't give me any other choice. I did what I had to do."

"You didn't have to do anything. I had it under control." Sara crossed her arms. "I had a plan. The only thing you had to do was stay on the ship."

"Your plan wasn't good enough!" Clarity exclaimed.

"It was for everyone else." Sara waved a hand towards the door. "I'm not throwing away a perfectly good plan just because one person disagrees. Even if that person seems to think that they're the be all end all of having ideas around here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Clarity asked head tilting.

"I don't know." Sara shrugged throwing her arms out. Tongue swiping on the inside of her cheek, watching her shoe step down on Clarity's rug before she looked at the glitch once again. "Maybe Rip used to rely on your plans a little too often. Now you've got this idea stuck in your head, that you have to make a plan better for it to be good. For it to work. But that's not remotely true. It's not your decision to make, Clarity. It is not your job to come up with a plan. It's the captain's and that's not you."

"That's not me." Clarity repeated the statement softly as if she was trying to figure out the words. Almost as if she didn't understand.

"That's right. That's not you. It won't ever be you. Because you don't have the heart to do what I'm about to." Sara narrowed her eyes. "Until you can learn to do as your told and follow the plan the team agrees on, your benched. Until your powers come back you are benched. As long as this speedster is out there, you are benched. I don't care how powerful a meta you might be. How much you could help in the field. I don't even want you working coms."

"What? Wait, Sara no...no that's a mistake. That's wrong you can't do that. That's not the right call."

"I can and I will. I'm Captain. I don't give a damn if I'm tying one of our hands behind our back. I want you here. I want you safe. Your too close to this. Trust me, Clarity. This is for your own good." Sara turned on her heel pausing as Clarity spoke again.

"I don't trust promise breakers."

"Clarity, I was sleep deprived." Sara said, as she threw a hand down against her thigh sighing as she looked at her. "So were you. I didn't mean to say it. It just slipped out. Everyone was going to find out eventually."

"No they weren't." Clarity replied. "No one ever did last time it happened."

"Well maybe they should have. You should be happy it's out. Nate's treating you nicer now. Not trying to get in your skirt anymore. That's good."

"Don't tell me how I should feel. You don't know what I'm feeling. It wasn't your secret to reveal. It isn't your trauma to tell."

"Yes, I do, but you're right. It-it wasn't my trauma..." Sara sat down in front of the brunette. She looked down at her lap taking a steady breath. She'd never told anyone the truth of what happened on the Amazo. Not Oliver, not Nyssa, not Laurel, not anyone she loved before. It was something she was sure she'd take with her to the grave...again, but Clarity was hurting. As angry with her as she'd been, as worried she still was, she couldn't let her think she was alone in her pain.

"Clarity, when the gambit went down I was in nothing but my lingerie and this see through robe. I might as well have not even had it. I was out in the waters for days no idea how many until this ship pulled me on board."

"Ship? Wait...I thought you were on Lian yu?" Clarity asked sliding down from the bed to the floor so Sara wouldn't have to crane her neck.

"I was...about two years later. First I was On the Amazo.." Sara corrected. "Thought I was saved til I was thrown in a cell. The men on that ship, they hadn't seen a woman in...I couldn't tell you how long. They'd flash me, cat call, tell me to take it off. Some guys were just looking at me and they'd laugh  as they got themselves off. I was terrified backed myself up against this wall I was sure I'd get tetanus from. I don't know if I was shaking cause I was cold or if it was because I was afraid that they'd break down the cage door and make good on everything they threatened to do to me. I didn't dare go near the bars, until this one guy he offered me this pathetic looking piece of bread."

"You didn't..." Clarity frowned knowing a trap when she heard one. But she wasn't judging, Sara'd been young at the time.

"It looked stale as hell, but I was starving. I'd never missed a meal before so like an idiot I completely fell for it, got close to the bars that's when one of them ripped my robe off me. Never saw it again god knows what he and his buddies did to it. Another one grabbed my head, just smashed my face right up to the bars...it wasn't the bread I got in my mouth. He was intent on giving me a real dinner, at least that's what he called it. Thought my teeth were going to chip on the metal bars. Like a gentleman he made sure I ate every last bite, didn't stop til I swallowed."

Clarity held up a finger for Sara to pause. The glitch moved over to her desk and opened a drawer filled to the brim with candy. She searched through it before she found what she was looking for crawling back over to the assassin holding out a blue rasberry lollipop. Sara laughed at the offered candy.

"Anyways," Sara swished the candy around in her mouth, the blue rasberry taste was really strong not that Sara was complaining about that fact. "That was when I realized the cage wasn't to keep me in. It was to keep them out. I cried for hours, I think it might've been the first time I died, or at least there was a part of me that did. Not my innocence that was already gone, but something else." She took the lollipop out of her mouth waving it in the air as she narrated the rest of her tale. "They dragged me out of the cage, I guess they'd found the key, I was convinced that was it. They'd rape me and toss me over. Let the sharks eat me. So much for surviving a shipwreck. Good job, Sara."

"And then you got saved by dolphins and ended up on Lian Yu?" Clarity asked looking hopeful.

"We were in the north China sea, Pachirisu. It wasn't Hawaii. No dolphin rescue for me. Right when I thought it was all gonna be over that they'd toss me into the water. Dr. Ivo stepped in. Brought me to his quarters. Promised his men wouldn't be able to touch me any more so long as I helped him. Gave me clothes, not my size, but I wasn't complaining. We were going to save the human race together. I learned so much from him. It was kind of like having my own personal tutor. He taught me Biology, chemistry, even a little tech stuff." Sara nudged Clarity's leg, winking at her as she finished her lollipop biting the rest of it off the stick. "But I wasn't really safe." Sara swallowed down the pieces.

"One day, I was looking down into a microscope and I felt his hand on my breast. He pressed himself up against me from behind.  I froze. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell him no. He would have thrown me back to the crew or use me as his next experiment. Not sure which would've been worse. I'd thought he was my salvation, and it turns out he'd just wanted me for himself. I know what your feeling Clarity. I've been there. So if you want to make things even tell everyone the story of how the Captain almost got gang raped and was fucked against her will by some certifiable doctor looking for some super soldier serum....I'd rather you didn't but if you do, if that's what it takes for you to trust me again....okay."

"Breaking our trust even more isn't going to fix it." Clarity picked at her nails. "I won't tell anyone." She bit at her lip. "Is there anything else you wanted to share?"

"No, that-that was it." Sara got up with a sigh. This wasn't how she wanted to leave things with her. "I just don't understand how you could risk yourself like that. You know they're here. You know they want you or that this speedster does. You know they know your powerless right now. You could've hacked in from the ship."

"No, I couldn't have. Not in enough time. That was the whole problem." Clarity insisted sitting down on her bed once more.

"Don't tell me you couldn't have." Sara snatched up Claritys laptop placing it in her lap. "Because you could have. Your the most skilled hacker I know, and that includes Felicity."

Clarity stared at the blank screen in front of her. "I...what am I supposed to do with this?"

"Prove it." Sara challenged. "Prove to me you couldn't have hacked it remotely and-and I'll consider letting you be on coms next mission. You really have to try, I want to actually see you doing it, okay? I'll time you."

"Right, hacking. Yeah, I'll Uh, get right on that." Clarity chewed on the inside of her mouth. Skin rolling between her teeth as she lightly bit down. She lifted the laptop and looked around her feeling all around the bed as she searched for something.

"Clarity, what are you doing?" Sara asked in confusion pausing the timer on her phone when she realized the glitch wasn't typing.

"Nothing, I'm just um, looking for the remote."

"The remote...? For the computer?" Sara repeated slowly.

"Yeah...that's not. I don't need that um, I think I need to run gid's thingy so she doesn't crackle spark away." Clarity stared at her computer, but her brain felt fuzzy. She couldn't remember how to do anything on it. Which one was the on button again? She ran her finger along the laptop's side. When that didn't work she tapped at the camera with her pinky as if that would turn it on.

"Captain sorry to interrupt but Miss Jiwe is calling a meeting. She claims that it is quite urgent."

"We should probably-" Clarity yelped as Sara tugged her into the hall the two walking to the parlour where Nate, Ray and Amaya were already waiting. Clarity clutching onto her laptop settling herself down on Rip's desk.

"Alright, Amaya, You better make it fast. Something's wrong with Clarity." Sara frowned at the group eyes flicking to the Glitch as she clutched her laptop. "She can't remember how to use a computer. I think she really hurt her head on the roof." She looked to Clarity. "If you needed the medbay you should've said. I don't care how mad I was that doesn't matter when your hurt."

"It's not just her, it's them too." Amaya nodded to Nate and Ray who stood on the other side of the table. "Her memory loss was caused by no head injury. Apparently this Mr. Lucas is an aberration."

"He's not the aberration. The Legion of Doom scaring him is the aberration." Ray corrected.

"An aberration that directly affects our lives." Nate complained.

"And its going to destroy Gideon if I can't remember what freaking command key I use to momentarily rewrite my floaty number scratch  as Barry's." Clarity exclaimed laptop in her lap the screen not even turned on. "I can't remember how to do it."

"Floaty...wait do you mean code?" Ray looked at her confused.

"Yes! Yes that," Clarity nodded.

"Why wasn't that program already running?" Nate wondered in confusion.

"I turned off all non essential programming so Gideon could focus on finding Rip. But I guess it seems pretty essential now..." Clarity swallowed.

"Okay, calm down." Sara told the trio turning to Amaya. "Take it back."

"Gideon thinks that the Legion's attack on Mr. Hunter's film set caused this George Lucas guy to quit movie making. As a result, he never made some movie about space battles or another one about an improbably handsome archaeologist." Amaya explained.

"And we care about this because...?" Sara asked trailing off.

"In the unaltered timeline, Both my Creator and Dr. Palmer see "Star Wars" as children, and are inspired to become an inventor and technological savant respectively. Likewise, Dr. Heywood chooses to be a historian after seeing "Indiana Jones" instead of becoming a yoga instructor."

"Oh, man." Nate complained.

"You think that's bad? I'm...Gideon what do I do?" Clarity wondered realizing she didn't know.

"You're an interior decorator." Gideon answered.

"Oh, you know I kind of like that actually. It's like fashion but for homes." Clarity smiled hugging her laptop feet tapping on the ground. "I take it back, I like my job."

"Wait, so you're telling me that because some film geek drops out of school, my master hacker, my inventor and my historian are now essentially useless?" Sara demanded.

"Yes. Hey! Sorry...." Nate, Ray, and Clarity all objected at the same time.

"If the aberration is not corrected, yes and I'm afraid if my creators program remains inactive I'm to be added to the useless list once time cements. You all will be stranded." Gideon informed them all regret in her tone.

"We need to fix this now. Before we're stuck in the sixties and you all lose your powers." Sara ordered.

"I fear you may already be too late. As of today, George Lucas is no longer enrolled in film school." Gideon informed them, already slower in gathering information than normal.

"Ray, Nate, Amaya go fix this mess." Sara ordered. "Keep that geek in school."

"Clarity, not you." Sara reprimanded her grabbing her wrist to stop her from hopping off the desk and leaving. "You're benched, three times over maybe even four now that your heads all screwy."

"What? But Sara this guy was obviously a big deal to me before. Why can't I-"

"Because I said so. You are not leaving this ship. This time I'm staying to make sure that you do. So sit down." Sara told her sitting in Rip's desk chair looking at her pointedly.

"What are you going to do cuff us together?" Clarity challenged.

"If that's what it takes." Sara replied. "Do I need to?"

"No..." Clarity muttered, sitting back down on Rip's desk pulling her laptop onto her lap once more tapping at her keyboard with her two pointer fingers as she pouted. Staring at her reflection in the blackened screen eyes looking at her black shirt. Something used to be on it besides the splash of colors but for the life of her she couldn't remember what it was.

"You're killing me, Clarity." Sara groaned resting her head on the glitches leg reaching over pressing the power button for her. The tell tale sound of her computer starting up chiming around the room.

"I-I was going to press that button next." Clarity mumbled pulling her hands back from the keys.

"I'm sure you were," Sara pulled back rubbing her thigh. "You just try to remember your password. Okay..." Sara rested her hands on the desk and smoothed out the papers before her. No one had the heart to move any of them. The space was getting dusty save for the spot Clarity'd always sit in. Sara picked up Rip's pocket watch. Wiping the dust off it she opened it up. She expected to see Miranda and Jonas inside, and she did, but their picture had been moved behind the clock side of the watch. In the picture side, was a picture of the team. It seemed they were really Rip's family now.

"Huh." Phil looked around the parlour, as he walked in Sara snapped the watch closed placing it down. She'd ordered Jax to look after him. Take him to his quarters try and spark some memories but it seemed like Jax must have gotten side tracked. "Groovy office."

"It used to be yours." Sara answered lifting her head.

"It kind of still is Rip's." Clarity looked up shutting her laptop. She couldn't remember her password. "We haven't changed a single thing in here."

"Come on, none of this is bringing back any memories for you?" Sara asked turning towards him. "She's sitting on your desk. Tell her it's not a chair. Make her move."

"Hey, I'm comfy on the corner." Clarity protested pouting at Sara's suggestion.

"Listen, lady, I-I wish that I could be the guy you want me to be. "Rip," but I am not." Phil insisted. "I don't give a damn where she sits."

"Random question, Phil, how do you feel about Doctor who?" Clarity asked leaning forwards.

"It's incredible. I think I was actually inspired by it to make my movie. The time ship anyways. Why?"

"No reason, just curious." Clarity smiled at him twisting to face Sara. "See? Definitely not Rip. There is no world in which Rip Hunter would be praising that show. He'd be first in line to have it cancelled and he basically just called the waverider the tardis. Rip would never admit that to me. Ever."

Sara groaned pinching at her nose. "Clarity, that doesn't prove anything."

"Of course it does," Clarity protested. "Rip loathes Doctor who."

"I take it you three were... pretty tight?" Phil interjected awkwardly, unsure if he should leave or stay. It was weird getting talked about like you were your character.

"Yeah, he saved my life." Sara nodded to Clarity. "Hers too."

"Actually, the last thing Rip did was condemn me too a lightningless Isle where I was starved for power and was on the verge of death for months so...I don't think that's strictly true. But then again he did go to the forty's for me..." Clarity trailed as she played with her hair.

"Cool." Phil nodded awkwardly. That had seemed very complicated, and he was glad he wasn't this Rip person.

"Just ignore  her." Sara protested, growing annoyed that Clarity wasn't helping her get through to him. "You.You saved my  life. I was lost. You came, you recruited me, you gave me purpose."

"Oh, it sounds like Sandra. She's the hero of my... my movie. Well, one of the heroes Clarellia's arguably one too, but she doesn't have a lot of time for fighting. She's a pacifist and afraid of her powers. She just gives them the plan in the beginning, she talks to Sandra in her dreams, inspires her gives her strength, one scene gets pretty steamy and Uh then she shows up at the end to save everyone with her storm goddess powers."

"That's weird that..." Sara started looking to Clarity.

"What? Two female heroes?" Phil challenged. "Get with the times, lady."

"No, no sorry just the name.... Clarellia? Seriously? Was Crystal taken? Or you know..." She gestured to herself. "Clarity?"

"Clarellia's not like most people. She's different. Special. Wanted her name to reflect that." Phil shrugged. "Crystal that's the name of a stripper, and Clarity's kinda cute, but Clarellia? That's the name of a woman fallen from the heavens with the wrath of god in her hands."

"Wrath of God?" Sara raised an eyebrow with a laugh of disbelief. What had Rip been smoking?

"Yeah, you know. People believed storms happened because God was angry with them. He'd strike down all those that angered him with his power. Lightning it's an element of divine purity. Clarellia, she was graced with it, not that controlling such a wrathful power is easy for her. But someone had to have it,  something felt right about it being her. It's one of the only things strong enough to destroy the spear."

"I'm sorry?" Clarity's amused smile fell from her face as she looked at him. "What?"

"God's divine wrath." Phil repeated. "It's one of the only things strong enough to destroy the spear."

"Lightning's capable of destroying the spear?" Clarity looked to Sara with widened eyes.

"Or empowering it beyond measure. The translation Rip found has a double meaning. That's the catch 22. Clarellia could either be the teams salvation or their damnation. Makes her doubt herself, she's got self esteem issues."

"Clarity, make that benched times five. If what he's saying about the spear is true then you might just be the break we're looking for" Sara told her.

"Sara Cmon. Are we even sure any of that is even real? I mean it's a movie. He probably wrote it when he was high." Clarity squinted at her just as Jax came in the room.

"Yo, we're all in this movie. I mean, it's different versions of us, but this is definitely the team." Jax walked in Phil's script in his hands. "Like on, uh, page 89, my character, Max, he saves everybody... and then look page 97 Clarellia tears Kruella a new one because she's sick of her giving her grief. Sounds like Clarity and Kendra to me."

"Hold on. You're telling me that this burnout used repressed memories to write a screenplay?" Sara asked, Phil looking quite offended at the term.

"That's not all. He's writing about the Spear of Destiny. How Rex had the medallion and he saw it when he went to forties."

"Oh my god." Claritys eyes widened. "Rex knew about the spear?"

"I don't know, script doesn't say. The spears the focus." Jax replied.

"Which you had with you when you time-jumped off the Waverider." Sara looked to Phil who's stumbled back into a chair.

"I don't know... what you are talking about." Phil insisted completed frustrated.

"Yes, you do." Sara protested.

"Come on, now." Jax pointed at the script pointing it in Rip's face.

"What? She's right." Phil gestured to Clarity. "I tripped some acid and I just made it all up. The spear is the MacGuffin."

"The what?" Jax and Sara chorused confused.

"The sorcerers stone, the ring, the lightning bolt," Clarity listed off some examples. "You know that one really powerful object thing all stories have."

"Clarity, that doesn't explain what it is." Sara shook her head.

"The thing in the movie that everyone's trying to get." Phil explained.

"Well, where is it?" Sara asked.

"In the movie? It... It's in pieces. Rip just has a fragment of it. It's why Clarellia can't destroy it right away. It has to be whole to be fully destroyed. If even a sliver survives it could heal itself and be empowered with her magic energy."

"What inspired you to write it that way?" Sara demanded.

"I don't know. I was watching Doctor who and I just had this old piece of wood. I thought it'd be a cool movie prop."

"Where is it?" Jax asked bending in front of him.

"Uh, I gave it to my prop master, George." Phil answered.

"Oh, great. George Lucas has the Spear of Destiny." Sara frowned.

"Wait, but if he has the spear that means Darhk and Merlyn are going after them. Ray, Nate and Amaya have no idea. We have to warn them!" Clarity rushed over to the console pulling out a com sticking it in her ear only it wasn't working. It wouldn't even go on.

"Apologies but it appears I've lost communication capabilities. It's started." Gideon informed them. "The half of my code that Clarity wrote is erasing."

"Gideon can you still fly?" Sara asked.

"Affirmative Captain." Gideon answered.

"Then take us to their coms last signal. Now." Sara ordered.

"Right away." Gideon responded.

"Clarity, stay here." Sara ordered.

"But-" Clarity went to protest.

"Stay. I'm not risking you." Sara placed her hand on her shoulder. "Do you want to make it benched times 6?"

"No..." Clarity frowned back at her.

"Then stay with Rip. That's an order. If you defy it, I'll...I'll make you wear ugly clothes for a week. Clashing colors, polka dots with stripes, orange overalls..." Sara leaned in real close. "Leggings and a crop top."

"Urgh!" Clarity stamped her foot as soon as Sara walked away fists clenching fighting her powers down. "I don't only care about clothes you know!" That said...she did not want to wear ugly clothes for a week and Sara would do it too. Clarity despised leggings, and most crop tops. So she stayed with Phil inside as the fighting started.

"This rescue mission is not going very well, is it?" Phil winced as gun blasts echoed in from outside.

"I'm afraid not, Captain." Gideon answered.

"Would you stop calling me that, please? I am not a captain. I'm just a regular guy." Phil complained to the Ai.

"So was Captain Hunter. He had no superpowers, unless you count his courage, intellect, and honor." Gideon informed him.

"Well, what would he do, huh? Your Captain, if he were here?"

"He'd fight." Clarity tossed him Rip's spare revolver from his desk which he deftly caught. Phil's eyes widened. "Careful that's not a prop."

"What am I supposed to do with this? I-I'm not going out there. I'm not Rip Hunter!"

"I know." Clarity rested her hand on his shoulder. "I know you aren't. Your an entirely different man than he is. You electrical signature, your life experience, maybe even your age. No one ever really knew how old Rip was, I don't even think Rip knew himself, but anyways. Your different, you aren't him. Despite all of that...I need him right now. The team needs Rip. And your the best we've got. So, my question is, Phil your a good director, but how good is your acting?"

Outside the ship Thawne just showed up to the battlefield turning the tide in the legions favor.

"About time you showed." Merlyn complained.

"Where were you?" Darhk demanded, sick of being treated like an errand boy.

"Always busy, gentleman. And yet, never late. Where's my Glitch?" Thawne scanned over the legends.

"She isn't yours man!" Jax protested and Thawne laughed in reply.

"You know the last time firestorm decided to go against my plans, Stein lost his other half. I would hate for him to lose another. He was a friend, but that friendship has long since ended. So who do we kill first?"

"That would be me." Phil announced sounding so much like Rip that Clarity almost actually thought it was him.

"Captain Rip Hunter. It's been ages. I was beginning to think you were dead." Thawne greeted. Clarity tilted her head in confusion from where she knelt beside a crate. Rip knew Eobard?

"On the contrary, for the first time in recent memory, I am finally, truly alive." Phil tried to cock the gun back but it wouldn't work. His British accent slipped and it was already back to american. "Oh, crap." Phil was really struggling by this point. His eyes flicked to Clarity giving away her position to thawne.
"Hey, does this thing work?"

Thawne, Damien and Malcolm started laughing.

"That was a good try, Clarity. Almost had me fooled. Come out, I know your there."

"Do something!" Clarity hissed at Phil. "I need a distraction. I have to move he knows where I am. Rip was never that bad at hide and go seek. You said you were good. First rule of acting you never break character!" Clarity's heart hammered in her chest.

"Oh, screw it." Rip waved a hand as he cringed. "Gideon! Fire! Fire everything!"

Clarity ran for the ship, but she tripped over broken brick. In that same moment one of Gideon's blasts hit a cable and two by fours dangled precariously over her. One slid out of the pile, it was going to crush her.

"Clarity look out!"  Sara yelled as the two by four went falling to the ground. Clarity gasped, her first instinct was to glitch which was a mistake. The increased positrons colliding with the electrons. Her skin flaring in a red light as she screamed. The beam was about to crush her. She didn't have time to Glitch away! She closed her eyes, expecting to get smushed under it at any second. She felt a woosh, a familiar surge of lightning, a whip of wind and instead of being crushed she was held cradled in Eobard's arms. Completely unharmed, but no way was he letting her go.

In seconds he ran her to the vanishing point dropping her there. A few seconds later, he showed up with Phil and then with Malcolm and Darhk. Tears gathered in her eyes. As Thawne leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Tears silently escaping her eyes. Sara was right.

She should have stayed on the ship.

Oh no!!! Thawne has Clarity again! And now he has Rip too or well he has Phil!! 😱😱😱😱😱
Sorry this chapter took me forever I just really wanted to get it right and I think I did. Thank you all so much for your input, it really made the decision easier and it was great hearing what you all thought! In that Spirit here are some questions I'd like you all to answer!

1. What did you think of this chapter? Were their any moments that surprised you or you would have done differently?

2. So, Clarity can either destroy the spear or superpower the spear! Which do you think it'll be? Or will she be able to do nothing to it at all? And of course I want to know why you think this! Explain yourself! I know you all can, you're a smart bunch of people.

3. What did you think of Clarity and Sara's chat this chapter? Which of them do you think was right? Why were they right?

4. I don't know about you guys but Clarity forgetting how to use a laptop was just like the saddest thing ever for me. How about you?

5. Do you think my writing is still as good as the first book? Or has it deteriorated? Be honest with me. I'd like to know the truth.

6. Amaya saved Clarity back on the rooftop! Any thoughts on this?

7. Was gaining the medallion and piece of the spear worth the legends losing Rip and Clarity? Why or why not?

8. How's your Clarity ship doing? Are you sure you still want those two characters together?

9. What would be your Glitch crack!ship. Like not your otp or your brotp. But that one person you'd ship Clarity with for whatever strange reason that you can't put your finger on and it's kind of weird but you'd think they'd work. Mine is Gary Greene and Clarity 😋 like imagine it.

10. What do you think of the name Clarellia? It's a combination of Clarity and Amelia.

11. I'm thinking about making a webtoon about my original story, or maybe some comics about Clarity and the legends. Should I post a link when I make them or Nah?

12. Legends season 7 was confirmed! You know what that means 7 glitch books! You all okay to stick around for a couple more years?

13. I love this story. And yes I know I'm the one writing it but like I love Clarity's story. I feel like it's fresh and different and maybe I'm biased but, idk do you guys love it too or is it just me?

14. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant and or tell me!

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