Falling / Cobra Kai [ 3 ]

By julelena14

195K 5.4K 5.5K

"What if I'm down? What if I'm out? What if I'm someone you won't talk about? I'm falling again, I'm falling... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Book for season 4!!!

Chapter four

10K 348 306
By julelena14

"If I could change

The way

That you see yourself

You wouldn't wonder

Why you hear,

'They don't deserve you'"

When Maeve was walking home, she got a call from Carmen to let her know that Miguel woke up and that he was able to get visitors now.

Maeve couldn't believe it. Just a few days ago he was still in coma and now he was up. 

Maeve cried happy tears the whole way to the hospital.

On her way she called Demetri to tell him the good news. He was also very excited.

Maeve left a voicemail for Hawk. He was probably at the dojo.

Once Maeve was at the hospital she grew nervous. She didn't know in what condition he'd be.

When she got to Miguel's floor she almost ran into Carmen. "I'm so glad you came. He's going to be so happy to see you. Just be careful, he's still weak so he can't move much or talk." She told her, making Maeve nod.

She rounded the corner and could already get a glimpse of him trough the window.

He was sitting in his bed, watching TV.

Maeve gently knocked on the door that was already open and smiled softly at him.

Miguel turned towards her and his face lit up with joy.

"Maeve." Was all he said and that was enough for her to tear up.

She stepped into the room and gently pulled him into a hug. Miguel wrapped his arms around her and that was the best feeling ever.

"I'm so glad you're up." She told him, about to sit in the chair beside his bed. Miguel grabbed her wrist shaking his head. "Come lay with me." He told her gesturing to the bed he was laying on.

Maeve was unsure for a moment, not wanting to break anything, but who could say no to those puppy dog eyes of his.

So she carefully laid down beside him on her side, so he still had enough space. He wrapped an arm around her head and let her rest her head on top of it.

They were both staring at each other, taking in everything they could.

"I missed you." Maeve told him after a few minutes of silence. Miguel smiled and brushed some hair out of her face.

But suddenly his smile fell. "I'm sorry about what happened at Moon's party." He told her.

Maeve shook her head. "Let's not talk about that now. I'm just glad you're ok." She cut him off.

Miguel lowered his eyes and when he looked up again he had tears in his eyes. "I don't know if I'm ever going to be ok again." He told her, his voice breaking.

Maeve frowned at his words and wiped away a tear from his cheek. "What do you mean?" She asked quietly.

It took him a few seconds to answer, still fighting tears. "The doctors said I might not be able to walk again. I can't- I can't feel them Maeve." He told her gesturing to his legs and with that he couldn't hold his tears back anymore.

Maeve hugged him and rubbed his back as he sobbed into her chest. He was holding onto her like his life dependent on it.

"It's going to be ok." She whispered softly as she ran her hand trough his hair. Miguel shook his head. "They're going to find a solution, ok? They'll do everything they can, I promise." She told him and he nodded.

They stayed in this position for a while. Miguel's head on her chest, while she ran her hand trough his hair.

"So, what did you do the last few weeks? I remember hearing your voice, but I can't remember what you said." He told her smiling.

Maeve smiled at the fact that he heard her voice.

"Well, I've been suspended for two weeks, but that's ok. It gave me time to think. I got a job at this vintage looking diner, so I'm a waitress now. I think we went there on a date." Maeve told him.

Miguel smiled at her. "Oh yes, the one that had those really big burgers?" He asked, making her nod. "Yeah, that one."

"And I finally did what you told me to do and joined a bellet class." She told him excitedly. Miguel grinned at her.

"Oh, that's awesome! How are you liking it so far?" He asked her.

Maeve giggled. "I really like it. Even though the girls there don't talk to me, I'm having so much fun learning the choreography. Oh and we're performing the nutcracker in a few days." She answered him grinning.

Miguel was so proud of her for finally doing something that she really enjoyed. "I hope I'll be out by then to see you dance up on a stage." He said and that reminded Maeve of Hawk and how he also said something similar to that.

"That'll be nice. I really want you to be there." She told him. This made Miguel feel warm inside. And it made him even more guilty for kissing Sam.

Suddenly Maeve's phone beeped a few times, telling them that she got a few texts. Maeve checked it and saw that it was Hawk. He was saying how glad he was to hear that Miguel finally woke up and asked how he's doing.

Maeve smiled at how much he cared for his best friend. "So, who's texting you?" Miguel asked her, seeing how she smiled.

"It was Hawk actually. He was saying how glad he is that you woke up and asked how you're doing." Maeve answered his question.

Miguel smiled, but he then turned to look at her confused. "I didn't know you two were talking again."

"Well, when I saw you with Sam at that party, I kinda let loose with the alcohol and he was there for me and stopped me from doing something stupid. And when the fight happened he was there too, we went straight to the hospital to see you. And It went from there, we were kinda holding on to each other I guess. He's a good friend." She told him.

Miguel just nodded.

Maeve began to smile again and brought him in for a hug. "I'm just so glad you're awake." She whispered and Miguel grinned, rubbing her back.

He could see his mom standing outside his room as she smiled at them.

After a few hours of just talking to Miguel, Maeve had to get ready for work.
And she was glad that she brought her outfit with her.

She quickly changed in Miguel's bathroom and did a little bit of make up.

When she stepped out she did a little twirl causing Miguel to smile at her.

"What do you think?" She asked him, grabbing her jacket.

Miguel stared at her outfit. "I mean you look great, but i can't remember anyone walking around with a short dress like that." He told her.

Maeve chuckled at his comment. "I know right? They said it's like a new thing, but I don't know." She told him and grabbed her bag.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Miguel asked, looking at her.

"Yeah, definitely. I think Hawk'll come too. He's pretty excited." She told him, grinning.

"That's great. I can't wait." He told her. He was excited to see his best friend again and he was thankful that he was there for Maeve, but he couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous. 

"See you tomorrow, bye." Maeve said and hugged him one last time before walking out.

Miguel was a little disappointed that she didn't kiss him, but that was his own fault. And he planned to do everything to get her trust back.


Maeve arrived a bit early to her shift, so she went out the back door to wait. She didn't want to do more work then she was getting paid for.

That'd be really stupid.

So she sat down on some steps and pulled out her phone.

Hawk was asking her a lot of questions about Miguel, which made her smile.

She answered everything and went on Instagram.

Demetri posted some meme about Harry Potter which made her chuckle. She just loved his humor.

She also saw a video of Moon and some other girls from the cheerleading team do some tricks. This made her think that she should probably post some video or a picture of her doing ballet.

Everyone else always posted their karate moves or something, so why shouldn't she show her moves.

She went to scroll through her camera roll, when suddenly there was a noise by the trash cans.

Maeve immediately stood up and prepared to defend herself if it came down to it.

There was a groan and some rustling, but then it stopped and it was quiet.

Suddenly she was pushed against the wall next to the trash. Maeve blocked the attacks and shoved the figure off and they fell to the ground.

Maeve went into a fighting position as the boy stood up again, but she quickly let her arm fall down again.


And there he was, all dirty and with short hair.

"Maeve?" He asked and was surprised when she hugged him.

"What are you doing her? Everyone is looking for you." She told him and inspected his face for any injuries.

Robby immediately backed away, panicked. "You can't tell anyone I'm here ok?" He told her. "I was just looking for something to eat."

Maeve frowned at him. "I won't tell anyone. Just stay here for a second, I'll get your something." She told him and went to walk inside again.

Robby started after her in shock. He didn't expect her to steal for him and risk her job after everything he'd done.

After a few minutes Maeve came back with two burgers and a soda.

"Come we'll have to hide a little bit away from here, so no one's gonna notice." She told him and Robby nodded.

"So, what's your plan?" Maeve asked him. Robby was hungrily eating his burgers. "I was thinking I'll lay low for a little bit. I'll visit my mom in rehab later I think." He told her, making Maeve nod.

"You know you can't keep running away." She told him sadly. He looked so lost and scared.

To someone who didn't know him this might not be visible, but Maeve could see it in his eyes and the way he looked at her. When they were little, he would always do that when he didn't know where his mom went or when she was drunk with some guy at home.

Most of the time she'd hug him and tell him that it's gonna be alright. But she didn't know if that was true this time.

"I wish I could help you somehow." Maeve told him. Robby smiled at her. "You already did."

Robby stood up again and went to walk away.

"Will I see you again?" She asked her half brother.

Robby smiled at her. "Yeah, definitely. See you Mae."

Maeve had to hold back tears at his words. "I'll see you Swayze"

He smiled at her before walking away.


Because of that little incident Maeve was almost late for her shift, but she got there just in time.

It wasn't as crowded as last time, which the blond appreciated.

Everything was manageable.

She was just setting down a cake in front of a small boy, who looked very excited, when the door opened and loud chattering was heard.

In came three boys in letterman jackets, probably football players.

They sat down at a table, one of then looked at her, but Maeve didn't really think anything about it.

Maeve went into the kitchen to set down the dirty dishes.

She was fumbling with her notebook when she came back, so she didn't notice the new group of people.

"Hey, Maeve!" Someone said, making her look up in surprise.

There at a table sat Hawk and a few of the other Cobras.

Maeve smiled at them.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" She asked and made her way over to them.

"We thought we'd visit you, so you won't be so bored." Bert told her, making her laugh.

She was about to answer, but she was cut off.

"Hey, sweetheart, we were here first. We'd like something to drink." One of the football players told her, making the other two laugh.

Hawk was about to stand up, but Maeve put a hand on his shoulder and smiled at them. "I'll be right back."

Hawk watched as she walked to those boys with a smile.

They were all smirking at her.

"Hello, my name is Maeve and I'll be serving you today. What can i bring you to drink?" She spoke her line.

"All right, we'd like to have a cola each. And maybe your number as an extra." The one who called for her said. The others began to chuckle.

Maeve smiled at them politely. "All right. Three Cola coming up." And walked away.

While Maeve was gone, Hawk heard them talk about her in the most disrespectful ways, making him even more angry then he already was.

Maeve came back and set the drinks down.

"Can I get you anything to eat?" She asked them.

"No, but I'd love to have that number" he told her.

"I'm sorry, but I'm taken." Maeve told him tightly. That seemed to hurt his ego.

He pushed the glass off the table and it covered her whole dress.

Hawk and the others immediately stood up, just as the football players.

"Hey!" He said standing in front of Maeve so he was eye to eye with the boy.

"What are you gonna do, huh punk?" He asked him.

Hawk smirked. "Oh, you really want to get your ass kicked, huh?"

Maeve went in between them and pushed Hawk back.

"Hey! No fighting!" She said and the football player agreed.

"Yeah, you wouldn't want me to put in a bad word with the boss now, would you?" He grinned at her.

"I'll clean that up in a second. And I'll get you a free sundae each for making a mess, all right?" She asked them smiling.

The boys sat down again and Maeve pushed Hawk and the others back towards their table.

Hawk pulled her away from the others. "Why are you letting them treat you like that?" He asked angrily.

"Because I need this job, all right? And you know that. So no fighting, ok?" She said. Hawk let out a huff and sat down again.

When Maeve got everything she needed to clean the floor, she passed the Cobras table again.

"Remember. No. Fighting." She told them quietly and went to clean everything up. 

Hawk had to hold himself back a few times during the day until they finally left.

He waited outside for her shift to end.

He was on his phone so he didn't see her approach.

"What are you still doing here?" She asked him.

Hawk quickly looked up at her.

"Oh, I didn't want you to go home alone... And I wanted to apologize." He told her looking away.

"It's ok. I know you just wanted to protect me. I'll tell my boss about them when he's back, he hates them and they'll get banned from this place again." Maeve told him.

Hawk smiled at her. "So, can I take you home?" He asked, holding out the second helmet again.

Maeve laughed and put it on, making him grin.


You guys are so awesome, we reached one thousand votes on changes and lost!!! Like omg before season 3 came out lost was at like 500!
So thank you so much for everyone who voted, I love you guys so much!❤️

And thank you to camilalia9898 she gave me the idea with the fight at the diner.

Episode two done!

Maeve is such a sweetheart and nobody deserves her.

Who's your celebrity crush?

Have a good day or night and don't forget to vote!

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