The Ching Chong and Ling Long...

By fmarcelo

32 0 4

This is about a Man named Billy and his ninety-years old sidekick named Stephano tried to save the day. I thi... More

The Ching Chong and Ling Long part 1

32 0 4
By fmarcelo


Seventeen years ago in a land far far away in the Asian islands a guy named Billy tried to save day. He was an amazing adventurer until something will change his life. It was his final discovery in the pyramids's of China, he was looking for a Peasant's golden medallion that was worth saving the day from zombies that where summoned by his arch nemesis Eddie Murphy and Jackie Chan. He went with his very old sidekick who was ninety-years old and his name was Stephano. They lived in England. So they took a rusty plane and their cruddy mechanics with them. When they were riding their plane a missile launch out of nowhere and hit their plane. The plane crashed into a million pieces, luckily Billy and Stephano wore parachutes. They landed at a pyramid so Billy checked GPS to check where they're at. Billy saw he GPS and saw that they where sopose to find the pharaohs golden medallion.

Stephano took out their bag and got explosives which they will use to breach into the pyramid. But there was security guards watching the locked wooden gate. So Stephano took out his golden sword and slashed the guards' heads offs, then there was a lost tourist who saw Stephano so he stabbed took off the tourist's eyes out. Then the tourist ran away. Stephano then put the C4 onto the door, it then it exploded. Billy and Stephno went into the pyramid. When they first went inside they step on a booby trap. It set off two giant stone balls that was going after Billy and Stephano. They ran as fast as they could they saw a small hole that they could fit in so they went inside that hall. After that hey went into an old torture chamber that was full of tortured mummies. They saw one that was hanged,and another one that has a spear through his head. After walking through the torture chamber they went into the tombs of the kings. They were opening the kings' tombs so they can find the medallion.

After they were done opening the golden tombs they saw a coffin that was so cruddy and was made out of wooden planks and mossy cobble stone. Their was signs outside the tomb that they can't understand so they took out their translator and analyze it. The signs says Ching Chong and Ling Long, it means that one fine day a creature from under the ground will come up and destroy Asia and Europe and Ling Long means an evil rich guy named Eddie Murphy and his partner named Jackie Chan will use a machine to turn humans into mindless zombies and only a golden medallion will stop it. After reading the signs they opened the coffin and all they see is a skeleton and a note inside his pelvis saying that Eddie Murphy took the medallion before him. So Billy and Stephano had to go to Beijing because that's where Eddie Murphy and Jackie Chan lives. When they went outside a whole army of evil zombie ninjas were outside, they were sent by Eddie Murphy. The undead ninjas saw Billy and Stephano coming outside so what the ninjas did is ambushing them. But Billy to out his winchester rifle and shot the ninjas at the head.

After that they stole a plane from an airport and went to Beijing when they took and drove the plane was running out of fuel so they crashed into the Great Wall of China. When they crashed a hoard of zombie monks came and to captured them and brought them to Eddie Murphy's mansion. The monks put them into their van them to Eddie's mansion. When Eddie Murphy took of Billy' and Stephano's blind fold they were at a skyscraper. They were forced to fall to their deaths. Stephano tried to get his sword but they too, but he remembered that he has his tiny pocket knife and cut of the rope,then he saw a guard that was holding on his golden sword and the medallion so he stabbed the guard at the eye and took both the medallion and the sword. He gave the medallion to Billy so he can throw it at the machine that turned humans into zombies.Jackie Chan saw him and tried to stop him. He grabbed his metal nunchuks. But then Stephano gut his golden sword and chopped Jackie Chan's hands off. Then something happened to the machine. A bright explosion happened.

To Be continued...

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