The Reverend's Daughter (Book...

By Jaidesmamasmama

1.3M 62.6K 4.5K

Violet Petals has found a maid that touches his heart. Charming, funny, and extraordinarily handsome, the pir... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Part One
Chapter Six Part Two
Chapter Seven Part One
Chapter Seven Part Two
Chapter Eight Part One
Chapter Eight Part Two
Chapter Eight Part 3
Chapter Nine
Nine Part Two
Chapter Nine Part Three
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten Part Two
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven Part Two
Chapter Twelve
Twelve Part Two
Chapter Thirteen
Thirteen Part Two
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen Part Two
Chapter Seventeen
Seventeen Part Two
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen Part Two
Eighteen Part Three
Chapter Nineteen
Nineteen Part Two
Nineteen Part Three
Chapter Twenty
Twenty Part Two
Twenty Part Three
Twenty One Part One
Twenty One Part Two
Twenty One Part Three
Twenty One Part Four
Twenty Two Part One
Twenty Two Part Two
Twenty Two Part Three
Twenty Two Part Four
Twenty Three Part One
Twenty Three Part Two
Twenty Three Part Three
Twenty Four Part One
Twenty Four Part Two
Twenty Four Part Three
Twenty Five Part One
Twenty Five Part Two
Twenty Five Part Three
Twenty Six Part One
Twenty Six Part Two
Twenty Six Part Three
Twenty Seven Part One
Twenty Seven Part Two
Twenty Seven Part Three
Twenty Eight Part One
Twenty Eight Part Two
Twenty Eight Part Three
Twenty Nine Part One
Twenty Nine Part Two
Twenty Nine Part Three
Twenty Nine Part Four
Thirty Part One
Thirty Part Two
Thirty Part Three
Thirty Part Four
Thirty One Part Two
Thirty One Part Three
Thirty One Part Four
Thirty Two Part One
Thirty Two Part Two
Thirty Two Part Three
Thirty Two Part Four
Chapter Thirty Three Part One
Thirty Three Part Two
Thirty Three Part Three
Thirty Three Part Four
Thirty Four Part One
Thirty Four Part Two
Thirty Four Part Three
Thirty Four Part Four
Thirty Five Part One
Thirty Five Part Two
Thirty Five Part Three
Thirty Five Part Four
Thirty Six Part One
Thirty Six Part Two
Thirty Six Part Three
Thirty Six Part Four
Thirty Seven
Thirty Seven Part Two
Thirty Seven Part Three
Thirty Seven Part Four
Thirty Eight
Thirty Eight Part Two
Thirty Eight Part Three
Thirty Eight Part Four
Thirty Nine
Thirty Nine Part Two
Thirty Nine Part Three
Chapter Forty
Forty Part Two
Forty Part Three
Forty Part Four
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty One Part Two
Chapter Forty One Part Three
Forty One Part Four
Chapter 42
Forty Two P. 2
Chapter 42 P. 3
Forty Two P 4
Forty Three
Authors Note *Not an update
Forty Three Part 2
Forty Three P. 3
Forty Three Part Four
Chapter Forty Four
Forty Four Part Two
Forty Four Part Three
Forty Four Part Four
Forty Four Part Five
Forty Five
Forty Five Part Two
Forty Five Part Three

Thirty One Part One

9.5K 498 22
By Jaidesmamasmama

Timothy launched out of the swing to run down the steps, past Pete, to go play with Jonah in the yard.

Rebecca watched as Tim found two appropriate sticks, giving Jonah one, the adults then enjoyed watching a mock sword fight between the lads. From the start Timothy let Jonah have the upper hand. Pete and Rebecca chuckled, as Timothy put a hand to his heart and fell upon the ground, "Oh, you got me, Jonah, I am to Davey Jones locker, thanks to you."

"Get up, Timmy, do it again!" Jonah pleaded to his brother.

Timothy rose, and laughingly dusted off his breeches, picking up his 'sword' once again. Timothy called out, "En guard!" And the battle resumed.

"I have never sliced anyone's gullet, Rebecca." Pete chuckled, as he looked askance at her. "I have never killed anyone. It is all about being convincing enough to not have to."

Rebecca was relieved at his words, though she already knew Pete was a very good man. He had brought her nephews to her, had he not? "I can see how you would be very convincing, Pete." Rebecca smirked slightly as she looked him up and down, no small amount of amusement sparkled in her eyes.

"Aw, now do not be trying to turn me head wit' yer pretty words, Miss Rebecca." Pete feigned embarrassment at her assessment of him.

"They are not pretty words, Pete the pirate, I am deadly serious." Rebecca looked at him in a no nonsense manner, feigning just how frightening she thought he could be, "I can see where you would be most intimidating, your sword in hand, that lecherous grin upon your face."

She pointed at his face, as he continued to grin at her.

His eyes were filled with a warmth that made her think he wanted to pillage her at the moment, she blushed and smirked at him, as she continued, "You would have me quivering in fear, if I did not know you personally."

Pete thought he would like to have her quivering from some other emotion, but he dared not voice those thoughts to this innocent woman.

"I will tell you of all my adventures, if I could take you to have supper with me tonight." Pete tried to wrangle a date with the buxom, Nordic beauty.

Pete had worn his nicest shirt this day, he felt confident he would not embarrass the fine woman if she were to come out with him. "We could leave the boys here at the house with Paulie, or take them back to the ship."

Rebecca smiled, while watching the boys play upon the lawn, "Why would we do that, Pete, when we have a perfectly good cook here?"

Rebecca looked at Pete, her smile widening, "Have you not appreciated cook's meals?"

Rebecca teased him, as she knew he ate with appreciation and gusto. Pete had previously complimented her cook several times over.

Pete and Paulie had been spending almost all of their waking hours since first locating her, here at her home, with her and the boys.

"I would like to have an evenin' alone with ye, wench." Pete's face beseeched her, "Could ye at least try to respond a wee bit more eagerly?"

Rebecca laughed aloud at his antics, she had never been called a wench before, she found it highly amusing, "I suppose we could, if your heart is set on it, Pete." She continued chuckling, as she returned her gaze to her nephews.

The swing seat popped up under Rebecca a bit, as Pete came and sat down beside her, "Where shall we go?" He inquired.

"You are the one doing the asking....... did you not have a place in mind?" Rebecca was not going to make this simple for him.

"I have not been around for a very long time, ye'd be takin' yer chances lettin' me choose," Pete gently took her hand, and held it upon the seat between them, "I will take you anywhere you would like to go, provided I am dressed fine enough for the place. I have not made the time to see a tailor in a long while."

Rebecca smiled at Pete. She looked down at their joined hands, then she turned her sparkling, light, blue eyes to look back into his.

The boys could spend the night with their friends aboard ship, she thought. They had been doing so for weeks already, she found no issue there.

Other than last night when they had stayed with her, the ship had been their home for a good while, she doubted they would mind at all.

Rebecca decided she would make it a little easier for Pete, given that she did want to spend time with him, and she did want to hear his story, "I know a place. It is by the wharf, we can take Paulie and the boys back to the ship, and Paulie will not have the long walk home later."

"It is a date." Pete said, as he squeezed her hand slightly.

Rebecca's neck flushed and she tried to hide her nervousness. She had just accepted her very first outing with a man.....

A man not her father, that was.

She immediately wondered what she should wear.

They both started pushing the swing with a foot at the same time. Slowly swinging, holding hands, Pete and Rebecca watched the children play.

Paulie sat upon the ground, leaning back against a tree, resting, while also watching the boys.

Pete looked askance at the beauty beside him.

Her flawless skin and rosy cheeks, surrounded by the blonde halo of corkscrew curls, were emphasised elegantly by the midnight blue, day gown she wore.

She was so pretty, Pete could not believe his good fortune. His appraisal of her was not going unnoticed either, as she continued blushing under his perusal.

When she finally chanced a glance at him, Pete winked at her, then grinned, "I look forward to walking you home alone afterwards, more than anything else, I believe."

Rebecca had not thought of that.

She and Pete would be walking home alone this evening.

Was he insinuating he would try to kiss her?

Rebecca looked to him with her rosy, pink cheeks, and a daring, saucy smirk, thinking she would like that very much, "Aye, as do I, Pete."

The two shared a grin, Rebecca squeezing his hand softly before rising and gathering Jonah, taking him inside the house, as it was time to lay him down for his nap.

She left the men and Timothy to entertain themselves, as she used the time to decide what to wear and ready herself for the evening ahead.


Marcus returned to the ship after his visit with Gwen.

He found Katherine below with the boys in the galley.

"Do you ever plan to go top deck?" Katherine directed her question at Davey, as he was the designated ring leader of the bunch.

"They do not care to, Mama Katy, never have they gone topside in port. It is just safer to stay below, where there is no chance of being stolen, or left behind." Davey's wide eyes gazed up at her, willing her to understand.

"What have we here?" Marcus inquired as he arrived just in time to hear the exchange, "You do not go up at all?"

Katherine turned at the first word Marcus uttered, her happiness upon his return evident in her eyes.

"We never have," Davey answered. "It was before I came, they decided 'twas safer." The boys nodded to one another in agreement.

"It will be most difficult to show you all my animals, and the swimming lake, if you do not plan on leaving the ship." Marcus shook his head sadly, "I suppose Mama Katy and I could go alone, however."

Katy tsk tsked, "Yes, I suppose they can just stay here."

Katherine was a bit surprised to hear they would be visiting Marcus' estate herself, yet she held her own surprise back, taking part in the ruse to lure the boys from belowdecks.

"I have my carriage to take us, and cook would make us a fine lunch." Marcus showed his disappointment, "If it must be us alone, I guess we could manage, Katy girl."

"I suppose." Katy turned to go around to the galley, wanting a cup of coffee for herself, pouring Marcus one also.

"What kind o' animals?" Davey asked.

Davey wanted to go, he had seen enough of the ship, he would not mind a change of scenery.

"Many sheep, and lambs, such as the ones I brought Josh and Sissy. There are cows and horses at the barn, ducks and geese swim around in the pond." Marcus paused for a moment, thinking, "There may be puppies. Lily, my hound, was waddling under their weight when I left a sennight ago." Marcus spoke to Katy, yet answered Davey's question.

"Oh, puppies! I just adore new puppies!" Katy gave him the enthusiasm he had been looking for.

Jessie said very quietly, as he stared at the tabletop, "I want to see the puppies."

"You may come and see them, Jessie, if you are sure......?" Marcus offered.

"I want to see them!" Phillip and Zack said at the same time.

"And I." Davey nodded.

Elias was their one hold out.

Katy knew they could win him over, but it seemed he would take a bit more convincing. As they had already won over the rest of the boys, she thought they should give Elias time to get used to the idea, to not push him to decide now.

"Do you have a nice mare I may ride, Marcus?" Katy had always wanted to learn to ride, she had just never taken any of the opportunities presented to her before.

"I have a sweet girl who I think you will be perfect with." Marcus assured her.

"Can I learn to ride, Marcus?" Davey's eyes shone with interest.

"Absolutely, young man, everyone should know how to sit a horse." Marcus saw a spark of interest in Elias' eyes, but he had not been completely won over quite yet.

Elias knew he wanted to go on the one hand. On the other hand, he had been entirely safe since boarding this ship.

The last time Elias had been in a busy port, he had been scared and hungry. He had been chased down alleys with sticks by shopkeepers who did not want him there, thinking he was of a mind to steal from them given the chance.

Elias realized he was a beggar no longer, but the memory of being hit and beaten worked against what he truly desired, which was to go along with the rest of them.


The King could tell that Elizabeth was not happy.

They were dining alone tonight, as the King wanted as much time with Elizabeth as he could get, while he had her husband occupied elsewhere.

The King and Elizabeth had already spent a good bit of time getting to know one another better, he had come to care for her very deeply, much in the way a surrogate father would.

Elizabeth already held a very special place in his heart. The King would keep her in his life one way or another, any way he had to in the future.

But at the moment, she did not have the usual sparkle in her eyes, her face was saddened, though she did try to hide it.

Betsy was missing Violet something awful. She wanted to feel his heart under her palm, she wanted his arms around her, holding her while he kissed her madly.

Two days and she was pining for him. She could not imagine if Vi had been of a mind to keep sailing, leaving her on land waiting for his return. Betsy had no idea how Sissy had done it.

Betsy knew she could not have done nearly as well as Sissy did.

Betsy felt that if Violet had tried to do that, she would have stowed away on his ship, or tied him to her bed, or rendered the stubborn man unconscious....

These thoughts were not helping her mood at all, so she tried to let the King distract her.

"Elizabeth, I gave Brutus the Wench today." The King attempted to bring her out of her mood.

"Was he surprised?" She asked, her eyes sparking a bit at the thought of Brutus receiving that news.

"Only so much so that his mouth hung open, much as a fish out of water." The King chuckled, remembering Brutus' dumbfounded look.

"I wish I could see him, to share his joy, I know he must be so glad to think he shall still sail and captain the Wench himself."

Betsy missed all of the men, they being her family now, being around them would almost be as good as being with Violet at the moment.

"Shall we?" The King asked. "I have yet to see this ship of mine, I would care to go, if you would?" The King questioned her gently.

"Oh yes! Let's! You do not mind, really?" Her joyful enthusiasm convincing him he had hit upon the right thing to make her happy.

"I do not mind at all, I would enjoy being shown where you have lived these past few months. I have yet to meet the rest of the crew, and you speak so highly of them, my interest has been peaked." He gave her an indulgent smile.

His brows raised quickly, however, as she hopped up from her seat at the supper table.

"I am ready." She awaited his pleasure, as she looked upon him expectantly. "Did you mean now?"

She forgot herself, and who he was, so often. The King loved that about her, as her father had always been the same way with him.

The King rose, laughing at her, as he held out his hand, "I suppose right now is as good a time as any." He did hold her back, however, as she would have dragged him out of the room behind her in her eagerness to be on their way.

"I thought we could have some sweets packed up, to take with us to the ship, if you could just wait a few moments. You did say there are children aboard?" The King wanted to also meet the cabin boys she had told him so much about.

"They would like that, Sire, may we take them some chocolate also?" Her hopeful eyes causing him to snicker at her childlike exuberance over the treat.

"Lots of chocolate, Elizabeth, as much as you desire." He promised indulgently.

Betsy fairly danced in place in her excitement to be off and see the men, as the Monarch spoke to a servant.

The King's request, to avail them of a large basket filled with chocolate and sweets, being carried out immediately.


Elizabeth and the King walked up the dock towards the Wench. Surrounded by the King's men, two ahead, four behind, they steadily made their way to the gangplank.

On the top deck, discussing changes to the ship with Michaels, Brutus noticed the small procession heading their way.

"Hold up, Michaels." Brutus held up a hand, pointing at the group approaching, even as he made his way below decks to inform the others.

Brutus ran down the hallways, finding Marcus, Katy, and the boys, "The King approaches with Miss Elizabeth!"

The seven pairs of eyes that turned towards him were round as saucers, until Marcus' crinkled in humor, and he offered Katy his arm.

"Are you boys going to come meet the King, and see Miss Elizabeth, or are you going to hide down here while they visit?"

The boys all looked to one another for strength in deciding.

Davey stood, "I want to see him and Miss Elizabeth, I am going up."

The other boys stood also, a decision made half because of strength in numbers, the other half, to not be left behind.

Elias had already decided he would go to the country with all of them tomorrow, he simply did not want to be left alone without his 'brothers'. He knew he would be sorry and regret it later, if he did not go.

That decision had given him the push he needed to go above to the top deck and see the King. It was not as if they were leaving the safety of the ship, not yet anyway.

Elias trailed behind the others, still quiet and observant, he tried to hide a bit behind the other boys, as they followed Brutus topside.

Brutus strode across the deck, approaching the rail, just as the first two of the King's men walked up and took posts either side of the gangplank aboard the ship.

The King escorted a widely smiling Elizabeth aboard the Wench.

"Brutus!" Betsy walked straight into Brutus' arms, his smile welcoming her, as he enfolded her into an embrace.

"Thank you, Elizabeth, for everything, for, just....for everything." Brutus was overwhelmed with gratitude. He knew Elizabeth had the King's ear, just as he had known she had God's ear during the storm.

"It was because of your deeds and dedication, Brutus. I can not take credit for that, that is all you, and your willingness to serve." She assured him.

"I thank you none the less, Elizabeth, it means the world to me." Brutus smiled at her, moisture welled in his eyes as he held her at arm's length, appreciation written all over his face.

Elizabeth placed a palm against his cheek, "You are welcome, Brutus, just bring us as many children as you can find."

"That I will!" Brutus smiled fully, then turning towards the King, Brutus begged the monarch's forgiveness. "Sire," Brutus bowed deeply, "Please forgive my enthusiasm, I had not yet had a chance to thank Elizabeth for her kind words to you."

"Forgiven Marks, we are here because Elizabeth missed you all, I expected no less." The King had become quite used to protocol being tossed out the window since Elizabeth arrived, he was sort of enjoying it, truth be told.

Life was a bit more entertaining ever since this small girl showed up like a fresh breeze to blow through his life.

"Marcus, and the lovely Katherine Petals," The King acknowledged his friend and the woman who stood beside him. "A pleasure."

Marcus rose from his bow, Katy from her curtsy, as Elizabeth went to exchange cheek kisses with both of them.

"Sire." Marcus answered for them both, as he pulled Elizabeth into his embrace. "Is the King treating you well, dear?"

Laughter was shared between the four of them, Brutus smiling, as what would she say when the man was standing right in front of her?

"But of course," Elizabeth replied. "He gives me all the chocolate I desire."

More laughter was shared, as Elizabeth took the King's arm and smiled up at him. He leaned down a mite to hear her softly spoken words, "I believe you are more than a little bit intimidating for the boys, do you see them hiding there?"

Her eyes shifted to the companionway that led below. The boys were grouped in the stairwell and still had not come all the way up.

The King looked the way her eyes darted, he saw the young faces, nervous, yet intrigued. Their eyes and ears missing nothing.


Blessings my lovely readers!

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