Forget About It; All Time Low...

By BrokenWingsxx6

22.4K 257 8


Forget About It; All Time Low Fic
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
chapter 03
Chapter 04
chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 33
Chapter 34 (The End)

Chapter 14

430 7 0
By BrokenWingsxx6

Shay woke up her face buried into the crook of Alex’s neck a smile spread across her face hearing his light snores she sighed snuggling closer to him pulling the covers up she felt him move a little.

“Good morning” He mumbled softly into her ear.

A smile tugged upon her face, “Good morning.” She felt his lips against her neck, then his body hovered over her own his eyes meeting hers kissing her again softly his stomach growled only making them both laugh softly he rolled off her pulling on his boxers grabbing some flannel pants slipping them on, Shay smiled slipping back into her underwear and shorts back on jumping onto Alex’s back as he lifted her up higher holding her up as she rested her chin on his shoulder they both walked out of the room down the stairs and into the kitchen noticing Jack and Roo standing there making breakfast.

Jack was in behind Roo his arms wrapped around her as she was at the stove his chin resting slightly on her shoulder kissing her neck softly.

“That stays in the bedroom” Alex said with a lopsided smile on his face as he backed up to the counter as Shay sat down ontop of it as he poured some coffee.

“Oh? Then make your own damn breakfast.” Roo said. “I was going to make chocolate chip pancakes for everyone, but nevermand now.”

Alex turned his back against the counter as he took a sip of his coffee, Jack turned around a smirk plastered across his lips nudging Roo’s side.

“Roo Roo, someone has sex hair.”

“What!” Roo turned around looking at Shay a smile on her face. “Aw Shlex made up, I would cry but I’m cooking.” She smiled.

Jack turned back around kissing Roo’s shoulder, “hey no I’m cooking do you want pancakes or not?”

Shay looked down as Alex placed his coffee on the counter his hand on her knee a smile across his face, his index finger went underneath her chi n pressing his lips softly onto hers moving his hands toward her sides leaving both of them there she tangled her legs between his own.

“So, we can’t make out in the kitchen but you two can?”

Shay giggled against Alex’s lips removing her fingers from the back of his hair his lips leaving hers leaving that tingly feeling, Roo turned smiling at the site slapping Jack’s arms playfully.

“Leave them alone” Jack rubbed his shoulder glaring at Roo as she placed the plate of pancakes on the table; Shay untangled her legs from his own jumping off the counter feeling Alex’s arm slither around her waist as they walked toward the table.

“Smells good Roo”


          After breakfast Alex and Shay were snuggled up on the couch his arms around her waist as they watched TV he ran his fingers through her hair pressing his lips against the top of her head she felt him smile.

“That’s a picture moment” Roo said in awh.

Jack chuckled holding his phone up snapping the picture, she felt Alex’s chest vibrate as he laughed a little bit, he looked down into her eyes a smile spread across his lips hearing his cell go off in his back pocket he didn’t bother only knowing that it was a tweet message from Jack tagging him in the picture.

Alex flipped her over to where she was laying on her back; he was hovered over her his lips pressed against hers a smile tugged upon his lips, he was digging through his jean pocket pulling something out holding it in his hand he looked down into her bluish green eyes.

“I’ve been holding this for a while, the night Roo and I got back from the studio after working hard, I was going to ask you something but I fucked it up it never happened.” Shay stared at him as Jack and Roo stood there staring confusingly at Alex.

“You believed in me, you’ve supported me, fuck you still do when I don’t deserve it. I held onto this hoping you would forgive me that we’d get back together and we did.” Shay bit her lower lip trying to hold back her tears that were threatening to pour, his hand shook as he held it out holding a ring between his fingers.

“Will you marry me?”

Shay laid there shocked staring up at Alex, Roo looked at them in awh a smile spread across her face as Jack wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her.

“Shay I swear if you don’t say y-“

Shay laughed a little nodding wrapping her arms around his neck pressing her lips against his own, “Yes!” she choked out he grinned against her lips pulling back sliding the ring on her finger.

“Nawh!” Roo sang happily.

“So, when are you two having a little Alex or Shay running around?”

Shay buried her face in Alex’s chest as he played with her hair once they sat back down on the couch the right way he laughed a smile on his face, “Soon maybe”

Roo bit her lip lightly running her fingers through her hair looking down at her feet, “Jack?” he stared at her a moment.


“W- what would you say if I told you that you were going to be a dad?”

Jack blinked, “A- are you pregnant?” he asked.

Roo looked up nodding, “Yeah, about a month.”

Jack smirked picking her up spinning her around kissing her everywhere he possibly could, “I would say I’m the happiest person in the world.”

Alex groaned, “A little Jack running around and a Roo? We’re going to have our hands full Shay bear” Shay laughed a smile on her face.

“I think we can manage it”

Jack looked back at Alex and Shay, “But the other best part about this day is we have our Alex back.”

“God father to our unborn hell child! We missed you!” Roo tried to keep on a straight face but failed and started laughing.

Alex nuzzled his nose into the crook of Shay’s neck burying his face with her hair, “Yes well with our kid it’ll have my anger issues.” Alex restored with a smirk.

Roo laughed and looked at Shay, “Our kids would be like transformer, megatron! Stop hitting chasing optimus! Why did you break down that wall?!” She said laughing.

Shay laughed, “They really would be.” She said. “I can see us try to tear our kids apart if they get mad at one another which I’m sure they will.” She said.

“Funny shit” Roo said with a laugh.

Shay laughed and nodded in agreement.

“I’m so ready to raise my kid on dysfunction and love.” She said with a smile.

Jack laughed, “Well I know one thing for sure, their’s going to be a lot of love going around.” He said with a smile.

Alex smirked, “It’s Shaylex time” He mumbled loud enough for them to hear.

“Let me have mine first damnit”

Alex grumbled wrapping his arms protectively around Shay so no one could take her from him, “Nope never” he said. “She’s going everywhere with me not leaving my site ever” he said kissing her cheek a few times.

“Matt when are you going to play the album? They need to hear my hard work” Roo said with a smile. “And she will oh I’ll get her, I had her first don’t be stingy!”

Alex glared at Roo shaking his head slightly, “She was with me last night, this morning just a few minutes ago and now so I think I had her first.” He smirked. “Plus I just proposed to her which by the way feels fucking great” Alex said with a grin.

Matt laughed hearing Roo, “Once we all get ready and head to the studio we can play it” he announced.

“Nuu! Here! Here is where all the candy is! Why does the release party have so much candy its so beautiful" Roo glared at Alex. “And Alex do you really want to start shit with a pregnant woman? Let alone me?” she asked.

Shay laughed slightly turning to face Alex their noses barely touching just as Matt put the CD in for Roo so everyone could hear it and pressed play, Alex smirked, “No because I think I just won.” He said.

“He wants to fight!” Roo said.

Jack laughed shaking his head dragging her away, “That’s okay I’ll get her we have planning to do anyway, so much time I’ll have ahahaha fuck you.” She said laughing.

Alex sighed a little pressing his lips against Shay’s ignoring what Roo had just said, “Leave them be. Let them have their Shaylex moment.” Jack said.

“You know I just like messing with him.” She said eating another Hershey kiss. “I swear Matt put these out here for me” she said.

Jack chuckled shaking his head looking over Roo’s shoulder. “He probably did” he said smiling glad to see Alex back to himself and happy again.

“Well now I need to ask him but first I love this song, I wonder who the producer is of such a fine song” Roo smiled.

Jack laughed wrapping his arms around her kissing her lips softly, “You are and if you’re trying to get Alex’s attention good luck.” He mumbled against them.

“You taste like Chocolate! and five bucks says I can” Roo mumbled.

Jack laughed, “That I do, and fine you’re on.” He smirked.

“Hey Alex! Fuck the ravens! Steelers for the win!” Roo yelled.

Alex wouldn’t budge to move but did speak back, “Steelers suck balls! Raven’s are fucking better!” he said pressing his lips back onto Shay’s.

“You owe me five bucks”

Jack grumbled reaching into the back of his pocket handing her the five bucks, “We all knew he’d reply to that, that’s why you said that.” He said.

“I’m just smurt”

Jack smiled laughing a little bit leading her into the kitchen where there was more candy at, Alex and Shay soon walked in holding hands. “I think Shay and I are taking the party upstairs” he smirked.

“Oh my god!  I need a word with Shay!” Roo shouted wiggling out of Jack’s grip taking Shay’s hand leading her out of the kitchen.

Shay raised an eye brow, “What’s up?” she asked with a short laugh.

“What the fuck are Jack’s parent’s going to think of me coming back pregnant?” Roo asked.

Shay laughed a little seeing she was freaking out, “They love you so I’m sure they’ll be fine with it.”

“I know his parent’s love me, but with us not being married or even engaged.” Roo said looking down.

Shay sighed a little, “I think Jack will have a few tricks up his sleeve don’t be surprised if he does.” She smiled. “I’m sure being engaged or not married won’t bother them.” She said.

“I know my parents would be thrilled to be having a grandchild.” Roo said with a smile on her face.

“And so will Jack’s parents” Shay smiled. “I’m sure you have nothing to worry about when you go back.” She said as they looked at the guys with smiles on their faces, Jack glanced over deciding to try and distract Alex but it didn’t work he ran over tackling Roo, Jack’s eyes went wide seeing this laughing a second.

“Be careful! Don’t hurt little Kevin!” Jack cried out.

Roo raised an eye brow, “Um Kevin? It’s not a boy it’s a girl.”

“No it’s a boy”

Alex smirked getting up satisfied grabbing Shay’s hand rushing up the stairs leaving them to their little argument.

“It’s a girl”

“He took Shay” Jack smirked.

“Don’t try and change the subject, it’s a fucking girl” Roo said.

Jack shrugged, “It’s a boy and his name is Kevin”

“Girl and her name will be nevaeh”

Jack grumbled crossing his arms, “But Roo. It’s a boy.” He whined.

“But Jack, it’s a girl”

Jack whined a little, “Fine it’s a girl” he mumbled.

“You just don’t want to sleep on the couch tonight.” Roo smirked.

Jack’s eyes went wide, “W- what? You were going to make me sleep on the couch? But Roo!” he whined.

“Win!” Roo shouted walking away.

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