Gems of the Salaf | ✔

By adropofhumanity

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-the salaf series 2- "To those who wish to live in a world that kills." - sequel to the "sayings of the sala... More

Gems of the Salaf
01 || the real Faqih
02 || advise from Abu Darda on thinking and remembering
03 || Ibn 'Umar on bid'ah (Hasanah)
04 || the sound of your own voice
05 || relative values
06 || loftier goals in life
07 || the cure for death
08 || a realistic faith
09 || respect for Hadeeth
10 || who speaks wisdom?
11 || if only this was fashion
12 || thinking ahead for prayer
13 || Imaam Malik and heretics
14 || more time for the hereafter
15 || take the Qur'ān
16 || son, have you put it into practice?
17 || a sign of Knowledge and a sign of ignorance
18 || make fasting different
19 || marriage and the light of Faith
20 || the secret charity of 'Ali b. Husayn
21 || the other fire
22 || sincere and correct
23 || the Hematuria of Imaam Sufiyaan At Thawri
24 || training children for worship
25 || Imaam Ash Sha'fee: evidence that the believers will see their Lord
26 || how 'Umar received the treasure of Persia
27 || Abu Bakr to 'Umar on his deathbed
28 || more than recitation
29 || four people we should not take Knowledge from
30 || where did we get our glory?
31 || Sunnah, bid'ah and Arabic
32 || a fly or a mountain
33 || there is nothing like being safe
34 || the companions' sincerity in Knowledge
35 || the Knowledge of 'Ais'hah
36 || the best you can meet ALLĀH with
37 || be a king
38 || secret tears
39 || impressive
40 || until the heart is sealed
41 || fasting and backbiting
42 || Knowledge transforms the student
43 || talk is easy
44 || it is just a small sin
45 || more towards the end
46 || planting Nifāq
47 || i will give her all she wants
48 || only then are you pious
49 || i won't be affected
50 || preventing heart disease
51 || a fire in the masjid
52 || children of the hereafter
53 || the dislike of answering hypothetical questions
54 || attributing words to the Prophet Sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam
55 || 'Ali, the Armor and the Christian
56 || steps to Knowledge
57 || the Tawbah of Zādhān
58 || you have not prayed for 40 years
59 || they all feared hypocrisy
60 || a visitor looking around the house
61 || my favourite illness
62 || death and budgeting; speaking and deeds
63 || what is Knowledge?
64 || attend the refutations of Bid'ah
65 || responsibility in Knowledge and Daa'wah
66 || actions speak louder
67 || from the benefits of winter
68 || no bachelorhood in islam
69 || the takbeer for 'eid
70 || characterless
71 || save yourself and your families
72 || Al Awzā'i: ALLĀH is above his 'arsh
73 || differences between sins
74 || what to intend in prayer
75 || how Imaam Muslim died
76 || why people invent bid'ah
77 || at the doorstep of Knowledge
78 || the world in three days
79 || Abu Hurayrah on Tāqwa
80 || the faces of Nifāq
81 || i sit with the salaf
82 || things have changed
83 || reputation
84 || moderates who become extremists
85 || mixing with the wrong crowd
86 || hospitality and sharing: how the Salaf lived
87 || to eat a dead mule
88 || the beautiful cursed woman
89 || woe to those who study
90 || dhikr and sleep
91 || Ahl Al Bid'ah among the jinn
92 || women are 'awrah- explained
93 || worser than the end of this world
94 || two qualities a believer cannot have
95 || true repentance
96 || won't you collect your share?
97 || better to be dust
98 || hot fashion
99 || the call of Bilal and the tears of Al Shām
100 || risking your religion through argumentation
101 || argumentation versus action
102 || a penny worth thirty three
103 || flagged for follow-up
104 || 'Umar and the night prayers of Ramadan
105 || giving to spread Knowledge
106 || 'Eid greetings of the Companions
107 || chosen opportunities from Allāh
108 || generosity and community in Ramadan
109 || a comfortable life
110 || which life to pursue?
111 || the sunnah is wisdom
112 || learn Arabic, speak Arabic
113 || when to bath
114 || the madhab of Imaam Malik
115 : styles of charity: 'Aishah and Asma
116 : fathers for the Ummah
117 || relying on some deeds, forgetting others
118 || you better get married
119 || sleep fire alarm
120 || wasted devotion
121 || the softest heart
122 || going out to spread greetings
123 || rejected sunnah vs beautified opinion
124 || praying for the Muslim ruler
125 || the absurdity of envy
126 || the signs of true repentance
127 || taking sins lightly
128 || mind your own business
129 || three laughs and three tears
130 || repentance in action
131 || the successful pilgrim
132 || we can only repent
133 || two requirements for Knowledge
134 || greetings of the companions (a little known Sunnah)
135 || Ibn Mas'ud on the companions (with notes on Bid'ah Hasanah)
136 || 'Ali on the status of Abu Bakr and 'Umar
137 || intelligence in action
138 || beneficial brotherhood and love
139 || afraid of the dark
140 || men on menses
141 || start studying early
142 || pride and stupidity
143 || the sunni sinner and the devout heretic
144 || from the etiquette of a son with his father
145 || following the salaf in these changed times
146 || righteous women and the maidens of Jannah
147 || your children and others
148 || backbiting and brotherhood
149 || the person who has a need should come to the one he needs (etiquette)
150 || losing Ahl Al Sunnah
151 || why so many ahadeeth, Abu Hurayrah?
152 || food for thought, not for stomachs
153 || patience, asceticism, prudence and humbleness
154 ||the many pretenders of faith
155 || the heretic miracle worker
157 || the unfair teacher
158 || the curse of sin
159 || we beleived, they rejected (how the salaf came to Islam)
160 || in the company of swine
161|| accounts for accounts
162 || the last sermon of 'Umar bin Abd-Al-Aziz
163 || 'Ali on fear, hope, knowledge and patience
164 || supplicating for an unbeliever
165 || the weight of the Qur'an
166 || the narrations are the religion
167 || praise be to Allāh for this calamity
168 || accept the truth wherever it comes from
169 || if you care for your religion
170 || the borrowed pen (trustworthiness)
171 || the disease of this Ummah and it's doctor
172 || at the deathbed of Umm Habibah
173 || 'Umar and the Black Stone
174 || eating to fast (not fasting to eat)
175 || secret devotion
176 || helping to destroy Islam
177 || celebrating the festivals of the unbelievers
178 || an insult with a gift (backbiting)
179 || i'm the man (the youngster who puts himself forward)
180 || the salaf and the Qur'an in Ramadan
181 || breaking the fast as soon as the sun sets (sunnah of fasting)
182 || taking the predawn meal as late as possible (sunnah of fasting)
183 || a false testimony of faith (hypocrisy and the shahaadah)
184 || love for Ahl Al Bayt when they obey Allāh
185 || wasted knowledge and rhyming prayers
186 || do you have to make up fasts consecutively? (fiqh of fasting)
187 || how the salaf were (and weren't) when hearing the Qur'an and Dhikr
188 || women and food (man talk)
189 || an advice at death about direction in life
190 || Imaam Al Awzai's letter of warning against heresy and heretics
191 || patience and acceptance (realities of faith)
192 || no poverty after paradise and no wealth in fire
193 || did the companions laugh?
194 || honour in the houses of Allāh
195 || the age of Knowledge
note from the author

156 || ask Allāh a lasting faith

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By adropofhumanity

Mu’āwiyah b. Qurrah reports that Abū Al-Dardā' used to say, “We ask Allāh for a lasting faith (īmān), true certainty and beneficial knowledge.” Mu’āwiyah b. Qurrah then said, “So this indicates that there is a type of faith that does not last, and a type of certainty that is not true, and a type of knowledge that is not beneficial.”

Ibn Battah, Al-Ibānah Al-Kubrā Vol. 2 p498.

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