Bobby Singer's Daughter - A S...

By NesaWurster

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A strong willed girl brought into this world by Bobby Singer and his wife. More

Chapter One - Melanie Singer
Chapter Two - Demon in the Details
Chapter Three - Lost Love Reunited
Chapter Four - Hospitals, Angels and a Grumpy Old Man
Chapter Five - Omens, Demons and Ellen, Oh My!
Chapter Six - Ambush!
Chapter Seven - It's War, kiddos!
Chapter Eight - Unexpected Surprise
Chapter Nine - Angel Interrupted
Chapter Ten - Whose fault is it anyway?
Chapter Eleven - I've got news
Chapter Twelve - Back to the Future
Chapter Thirteen - Parent Trap
Chapter Fourteen - I've got a Plan
Chapter Fifteen - You will Always End up Here
Chapter Sixteen - An unexpected Surprise
Chapter Seventeen - Unexpected Miracles
Chapter Eighteen - The curious case of Dean Winchester
Chapter Nineteen - The Clap among other Things
Chapter 20 - I'm all in!
Chapter Twenty - One - The Trickster Returns
Chapter Twenty-Two - You're not Dr. Sexy
Chapter Twenty-Three - Your Destiny
Chapter Twenty - Four - I want this to be Over
Chapter Twenty-Five - Pour it on Thick, Man
Chapter Twenty - Six - What's really Important?
Chapter Twenty - Seven - We're Family
Chapter Twenty - Eight - A Hunting we will Go
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Bend your Knees
Chapter Thirty - Back to the Future Part II
Chapter Thirty - One - Mother Knows Best
Chapter Thirty - Two - And Death shall be His name
Chapter Thirty - Three - Rough Seas ahead, Friend
Chapter Thirty - Four - Zombie Invasion
Chapter Thirty - Five - Next time, I won't Miss!
Chapter Thirty - Six - Welcome to the Family
Chapter Thirty - Seven - Flight Risks
Chapter Thirty - Eight - I'll do it!
Chapter Thirty - Nine - It's Raining Gods
Chapter Forty - And the Devil Shall appear
Chapter Forty - One - Don't hog the Baby!
Chapter Forty - Two - Home Sweet Home
Chapter Forty - Three - She's a Stubborn One
Chapter Forty - Four - Let's Have a Wedding!
Chapter Forty - Five - King of the Crossroads
Chapter Forty - Six - Let's make a Deal
Chapter Forty - Seven - The Trio Rides Again
Chapter Forty - Eight - What a Messy World
Chapter Forty - Nine - It's just a Soul
Chapter Fifty - She's special that One
Chapter Fifty - One - Then there was Blood
Chapter Fifty - Two - A Fiddle of Gold Against your Soul
Chapter Fifty - Three - Samifer
Chapter Fifty - Four - Rock of Ages
Chapter Fifty - Five - Bunkmates
Chapter Fifty - Six - Together Again
Chapter Fifty - Seven - A Year Later
Chapter Fifty - Eight - Do you Miss it?
Chapter Fifty - Nine - Spidey Sense
Chapter Sixty - Guess who's Back...Back Again
Chapter Sixty - One - I dream of Djinn
Chapter Sixty - Two - Are you in or Out?
Chapter Sixty - Three - Help me, Melanie you're my Only Hope
Chapter Sixty - Four - Shifter Trouble
Chapter Sixty - Five - Campbell Trouble
Chapter Sixty - Six - One Man Band
Chapter Sixty - Seven - It's your Fault!!
Chapter Sixty - Eight - Newbie Vamp
Chapter Sixty - Nine - Our Father who are Undead
Chapter Seventy - It ain't no Kiddie Ride
Chapter Seventy - One - The Truth Hurts
Chapter Seventy - Two - You asked for it
Chapter Seventy - Three - Would it be okay if I stayed?
Chapter Seventy - Four - The Family Business
Chapter Seventy - Five - Old Friends, Bad Memories
Chapter Seventy - Six - Where's Crowley?
Chapter Seventy - Seven - We're not Supposed to talk about It
Chapter Seventy - Eight - Demons, Monsters and Samuel
Chapter Seventy Nine - Oh, Death
Chapter 80 - Life and Death, The Natural Order
Chapter Eighty - One - Hard Feelings
Chapter Eighty - Two - A Case, PTSD and more...
Chapter Eighty - Three - Trying to be a Hero
Chapter Eighty - Four - Being a Hunter ain't easy
Chapter Eighty - Five - The Truth comes Out
Chapter Eighty - Six - Home Again
Chapter Eighty - Seven - Angry Mama Winchester
Chapter Eighty - Eight - Reunions
Chapter Eighty - Nine - Back in the Saddle
Chapter Ninety - We're not in Kansas anymore
Chapter Ninety - One - You Married Ruby?!?
Chapter Ninety - Two - There's no Magic here
Chapter Ninety - Three - Win or Lose, you're Choice
Chapter Ninety - Four - Herpe Parasite
Chapter Ninety - Five - Down but not quite out
Chapter Ninety - Six - A Fighting Angel and a Drunken Hunter
Chapter Ninety - Seven - Holding Grudges
Chapter Ninety - Eight - Let's Play Cowboys and Indians
Chapter Ninety - Nine - We've got what We need
Chapter 100 - Eve's play thing
Chapter One Hundred and One - Muddled Brain
Chapter One hundred and Two - Superman and Kryptonite
Chapter One hundred and Three - Leverage
Chapter One Hundred and Four - Troubled Waters
Chapter One-Hundred and Five - You do want to Conspire, don't you?
Chapter One Hundred and Six - Death and the Scooby Gang
Chapter One Hundred and Seven - The Devil and I
Chapter One Hundred and Eight - Under the Radar
Chapter One Hundred and Nine - Guilty Conscious and Doppleganger Trouble
Chapter One Hundred and Ten - Chet the Chatty Leviathan
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven - The Mentalist
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve - Going through Changes
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen - Who's Hungry?
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen - O' Father where art thou?
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen - Please don't Go
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen - Let's Just Work
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen - One and Done
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen - Betrayal
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen - I still love you
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty - Devil Riding Shotgun
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty - One - You left the door open, pal
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-two - Dancers, Man
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-three - Of course it's Leviathans
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four - Stupid Satan
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five - Nut House
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six - What's Next?
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven - Back Again
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight - Food and Family
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine - Van Ness
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty - Reunion of a Different Kind
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three - Hello There
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two - A Heroine Approaches
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three - Chicken Scratch
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Four - Read the Word, O Prophet
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five - More Troubles Ahead
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Six - Vamptonite
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Eight - Where do dead Monsters Go?
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Nine - You won't Remember
Chapter One Hundred and Forty - The Return and the lies there In
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One - Troubled
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two - I'm gonna be a Hunter!
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Three - What is Happening to me?
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Four - The Burning Bush
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five - Samandriel
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Six - We make our own Choices
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Seven - LARPing
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight - Boltar the Terrible
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Nine - Henry Winchester
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty - What is meant to be will be
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-One - The end and the beginning of Legacies
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Two - The First Trial
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Three - I have a smell?
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Four - You wouldn't Understand
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Five - I don't want to be Controlled anymore
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Six - I'll back your play
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Seven - Confrontation and Paranoia
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Eight - Back door to Monsterland
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Nine - Deliver a Soul unto Heaven
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty - Trial Sickness and a Surprise Guest
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-One - I dream of Genie.... again
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Two - Not so music to my ears
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Three - The Scribe of God
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Four - To Cure a Demon
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Five - Where do we go from here?
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Six - The Start of the End
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Seven - I Stopped
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Eight - My Final Bow?
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Nine - Better than New
Chapter 170 - Where there's a trail, there's a red headed bitch
Chapter 171 - Understanding is my Middle Name
Chapter 172 - Come hither, Little Lost Angel
Chapter 173 - Calling all Nerds
Chapter 174 - Heel, bitches!
Chapter 175 - Dog Dean, Afternoon Part One
Chapter 176 - Dog Dean Afternoon Part Two
Chapter 177 - Even Dahmer got a phone call
Chapter 178 - Blood is blood after all, right?
Chapter 179 - Betrayal, amongst other things
Chapter 180 - Vesta
Chapter 181 - Gadreel, the Original Chump
Chapter 182 - I'm done
Chapter 183 - It takes time
Chapter 184 - Grace Extraction
Hunter gone Rogue
Chapter 186 - It's all in the family
Chapter 187 - Ragnarok
Chapter 188 - Awkward Times
Chapter 189 - Mrs. Tran
Chapter 190 - Reunions
Chapter 191 - Ghostfacers
Chapter 192 - Thinman
Chapter 193 - Crowley the blood junkie
Chapter 194 - Reconciliations and Owed favors
Chapter 195 - Magnus and his Zoo
Chapter 196 - Blade and Mark, reunited
Chapter 197 - Winchester Duo
Chapter 198 - Winning the War
Chapter 199 - Angel for an Angel
Chapter 200 - Vampire 101

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven - Possession

33 0 0
By NesaWurster

It's dark out as Sam drills the girl with questions about where the Alpha would be.

"We left at night," she tells us, "got in before dawn."

"So, six, seven hours?" Sam asks and she nods, "I think so, yes."

"Any highways?" she shakes her head, "no, just back roads."

I look at Sam and Dean in the rearview mirror, "so figure no more than 300 miles," Dean states, "right." Sam and I nod.

"What direction were you going?" Dean asks her, "I don't know, I'm sorry." I put a hand on her shoulder, "it's alright, you're doing great, was there anything else that you remember?" she taps her chin with a finger then says, "bells, as we pulled up. I heard these loud bells."

"If it was still dark out there's no way it was a church," I say and Sam agrees, "could have been a monastery, monks get up at 4am to pray."

"Ugh," Dean groans, "can't get laid, forget sleeping in. A friggin' tragedy. So, Alpha's camping next to a uh, monkey house," Sam's typing furiously on his phone, "how many we got in range?"

"Looks like just one," he says, "just outside, Missoula, Mt."

It's late and dark still when we get there, Emily assures us that the place is indeed where the Alpha is, the boys decide that we'll take her someplace safe and then circle back to go after them. We hang up our boots at a motel with two queen sized beds and an oversized sofa, Sam shared the bed with Emily while Dean I slept together as usual; the next day we're up and ready to go while the girl has some TV show on.

"All right here we go," he takes the blood from Sam, "10ccs of Vamptonite," we give him a look, "it's a thing."

"What's a Kardashian?" Emily asks after a long pause and we all look at each other, "oh that uh...that's another blood sucker," the girl pales and he has to reassure her that it's a joke. Sam goes to give the girl Jody's number, but I take it from him instead, "you two go on ahead, I have a feeling she needs protecting; call me if there's trouble?" They nod and head out but not before Dean gives me a quick kiss on the forehead.

As they reach to pull the door open it pulls against them and slams shut, Dean looks at me over his shoulder, "it was the wind," he says but I know better, "just be careful."

I take dad's flask and set it in the nightstand drawer before telling Emily I need to freshen up, she nods eyes still glued to the TV as I'm cleaning up dad appears looking pissed off more than usual but before he can say a word Emily hits me in the back of the head with my own weapons bag and I crumple to the floor.

After a while I sit up groaning rubbing my head in pain, dad's standing in front of the TV staring at Dick Roman's face oh God what is he thinking about? And where the hell did Emily run off too? As he gets angrier and angrier the mirror in the bathroom cracks, lights switch on and off and the door slams in my face as I go to join him.

"Dad," I growl beating on the door, "calm down, damn it! Don't do this!"

The door then pops open this time dad lunges for me and I let out a squeak before I realize that he's taken possession of my body, I can feel the tension and anger rolling over his soul, but he ignores me shoving my own soul into a box like the demon that possessed me.

"Just need you for a little while," he murmurs to me, "till I get the bastard, Mel."

He raises a hand and wipes dark ectoplasm from my face that had fallen out of my eyes; damn it! All I can do now is try and fight and watch him do whatever it is he wants to do; I have tried to fight him as he's on his revenge fueled tirade. I wonder what Dean and Sam will think when I'm no longer there or when they find dad's flask missing because he's tucked it into the back pocket of my jeans. We've hitchhiked and walked miles upon miles to get to Dick Roman's office, we're walking down a small-town street where a TV is playing more information about Dick. Dad stands with my body and watches for a long while, in the reflection though I can see us both his overpowering mine and then I start to beg again, to let me go so I can help him but he's got a one-track mind.

I don't know where we are anymore, I've lost consciousness at least twice trying to fight my own father for possession of my own body, which sounds wrong, but you get the idea. I know when he finally let's go of me, I'm going to have pounding headache which will probably require several days of sleep to make go away. I've wondered about the guys, if they are looking for us or if they are still searching for the other parts of the weapon to take down Dick; I kind of hope it's the first option but if it's not then I can't blame them at all. I know I was tired before when Satan was riding shotgun but when your whole soul is tired and you can't rest that's something else; I've prayed to Cass inside my own head hoping he'll hear me but he hasn't shown. Maybe his new character has an effect on hearing prayers I have no clue, I never thought I'd live to see the day that my dad's ghost would possess me for any reason.

Dad has pulled change from my pocket and gotten a newspaper that has even more information about Dick Roman; he's just adding more fuel to his fire which I can't stop him from. We go for a truck, and he tries to open the door but when he can't he reaches in the back where there are a few tools but when his hand comes into contact with something he shouldn't, and I'm flung backwards landing hard on the ground and gasp in surprise to be me again.

"Son of a bitch!" Dad growls, "pure iron, damn it," his eyes find me, "my mistake, let's go."

"No, dad," I get shakily to my feet, "no more."

His eyes move to the newspaper I had dropped the title reads, 'Dick Roman nominated for Man of Year.'

"I need you Lennie," he whispers, "this is my unfinished business."

'NO!" I shout and turn to run away from him, but I don't get very far his spectral body engulfs me again and takes over once more, "I'm sorry kid, this needs to be done."

This time dad keeps me under a black wall of nothingness where I sit cross legged in anger and fear of what's happening out there, huddled in on myself I can't will myself to fight I'm just too damn tired after being repossessed by dad's ghost. Out of nowhere I feel myself rushing to the surface and blink bleary eyes at Sam who's leaning against a Sucrocorp truck.

"Sam?" I ask, "how'd'd I get here?"

"Your dad," he says, "possessed you."

"I know, I remember that part, he had been expelled by mistake and then when he took over again, he.... he trapped me in my own mind. I couldn't see or hear anything just trapped in darkness."

Sam puts an arm around my shoulders as he leads me back to their car, Dean comes out burying his face in my hair.

"You're okay," he breathes, "we were so worried."

"Please tell me you didn't waste time looking for me?" I look up at him and he shakes his head, "we were looking for you and finishing the weapon."

I nod as we get back inside the car and high tail it to Rufus' cabin, the flask is now sitting on the coffee table in front of Dean and me. Meg and Cass are back in the picture again, apparently this is the last hope to end Dick.

"Tell me again why you turned tail for a ghost?" Meg asks and Sam turns to her, "because Dick made more Dicks," we look at him, "he must've kept a chunk of the original Dick Roman somewhere, uh they'd have to touch it."

Castiel has turned away taking care of the few dishes.

"Hey shifty," Dean says to him, "what's your problem?"

"Do we need a cat?" He asks turning to face us a plate in hand, "doesn't this place feel one species short?"

"You got anything on the topic of Dicks?" Dean asks, "Crowley was pretty sure that you could help."

"I can't help," he states, "you understand? I can't, I destroyed...everything and I will destroy everything again. Can we please just leave it at that?"

"No," I get up abruptly," no we can't Castiel, I got my ass handed to me by my old man's ghost, which was caused by Dick Roman whom you set loose!!" The boys say my name in warning tones, but I don't stop, "you let these friggin' things in, so you don't get to make a sandwich. You don't get a damn cat, nobody cares that you're broken," he blanches, "clean up your mess!"

I storm away to sit outside annoyed and angry, maybe it's the remaining bit of my dad's vengeful feelings but damn it it's his fault that my dad's dead! His fault that half the world is in danger from human eating psychopaths who want to breed us like livestock! After a while of pacing madly on the porch I go back inside to find Dean watching the footage from the offices and then dad appears however I refuse to look at him even when he says, "is that the best you can do? Idjits."

"Bobby," Sam says, "we didn't think you'd, uh," Bobby cuts him off, "well you should've. You got the flask; you should have burned it right off."

"Even though you hog tied my ass with your spirit which by the way I can still feel your vengeance crap in my head," my eyes start to water, "I don't want to lose you again, I can't dad."

"I'm still jonesing to go back.... grab some poor bastard or one of you, kamikaze'em going after Dick, it's bad."

The laptop makes noise then Dick's voice can be heard from it, Dean quickly snaps the thing shut.

"Let's be real," dad says looking at Sam, "I dam near killed you," his eyes find me next, "and you if it hadn't been for Sam interfering."

"It wasn't your fault Bobby, not really," Sam says.

"Right," he nods, "that's just what ghosts turn into. I really bet the farm I could outsmart that."

"So, what's it feel like?" Dean asks and Dad looks at the floor, "what? Going vengeful? It's an itch you can't scratch out. Look... I'm done. Go get Dick; but don't do it cause you think it'll scratch the itch. Do it cause it's the job and when it's your time....go."

I can't hold back the tears, I thought I had already said goodbye to my father, I thought that he was already gone but now it's like losing him already again. Dean's got hot coals going and I have the flask clutched tightly in my hands afraid of letting go. Dad comes over brushing a strand of hair off my face, "it'll be alright Melanie, I promise. We'll be together again, okay?" I nod, "just not too soon." I laugh but it's watered down with tears and he turns to the guys, "the same goes for you two, I'll see you on the other side, just not anytime soon."

Removing the leather cover from the flask I step forward and toss it into the coals where it slowly starts to melt. Dad begins to light up with flames, but he doesn't scream like others we've put to rest he just smiles at us until he's gone for good this time. I'm huddled on the couch knees pulled up to my chest, Cass is playing cards at the dining room table, Sam had stepped out and Meg is surprisingly sitting next to me.

"You're holding it together better than I thought," she murmurs and I scoff, "yeah because neither of those two idjits will let me near alcohol right now."

There's the flutter of wings as Cass disappears and I look over my shoulder to find that Dean too has gone. He must be going where I think he is and I smile at Meg, "you ready to fry some Leviathan ass?"

She grins in anticipation.



"Did you really think you could trump me?" He growls and I laugh the sound cold as ice, "honestly? No."

"I may have," he mutters, "but I can't say for sure."

"Go Cass," I rasp, "get out of here, it's... it's over for me."

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