Saving Michael Jackson

By Aichabankousli

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Cindy (Allison) and her roomate Linda who is diagnosed with cancer were living in a small apartment in New Yo... More

Credits, fun
The creepy old man
Back to 19th June 1988
Germany Bad tour
Meeting Bill Bray
James Safechuck
Jumping in weird places
Tokyo last tour
Neverland Ranch
New girl, new situation
Betrayed and Captured
Snow dance
Hello, Mom
Monopoly and a new guy
The Jacksons
Bye,bye Alfred
Vinyls with Michael
Basements are made for us
It's hard
Ryan White
Recording with Michael
Breaking in Jermaine's House
I need you, God i need you
The Dance
Everyone Knows me
I skipped months again
I'm Cindy Grande, Michael's Girl
Goodbye Ryan White
It's Okay, Wanda
1991: The 63d Academy Awards
Michael's Skin disorder: Vitiligo
Murder Scene at therapy
Visiting Children's Hospital
Dangerous tour start: Munich, Germany
1993: 35th Annual Grammy Awards
Allegation of Child Abuse
1993: Michael's First Christmas
You ain't nothing, you ain't nothing!
1997: remeeting Michael and Wanda
I love you
Bashir the Journalist
Having a Baby with Michael?
Michael is taken into custody
Interview goes wrong, Michael is on trial
He is innocent
New Home in Los Angeles
i'm doctor Conrad Murray
This is it
25th June 2009
Is this actually it?
Goodbye, Michael

New home

414 14 1
By Aichabankousli

,,Did you just call me mom?" She asks confused

,,Look, please. Listen to me" i come closer and i can see she slowly starts to get freaked out

,,I'm alone. I'm all alone, I'm so alone and when i say alone it really means that i have nobody on this earth or universe or whatever this is." She wants to walk away ,,Okay i'm getting Antonio" i grab her by her shoulders ,,I start to feel like a complete stranger who has been taken by a known figure and i hate this feeling, i want- i'm sorry mom." My eyes become teary ,,I'm so sorry, i just want to hug you and tell you i love you and i'm sorry and i miss you but i can't because you don't know who i am" she looks at me with teary eyes ,,I'm very sorry you and your mom have a past or whatever but i really don't know you"

,,Maybe you do, please remember" i grab her hand ,,I'm Ally, your little girl. I'm the one who messed your painting with red color when i was little because i thought i was a painter too like you, I'm the one who helped you get out of your toxic relationship but i'm also the one who left you alone and moved out because you just couldn't understand but most importantly, i'm the one who loves you the most and care about you" i start sobbing ,,Remember me, please?" I look at her but she starts nodding ,,You need help but not mine, you have to leave"

Michael p.o.v

I sit in the car patiently waiting for Cindy to come out. I'm very happy for her but worried since we don't know anything of the kidnaper and i don't know why she is so afraid of knowing the truth. Of course i didn't just let it be, i hired someone specially to find out everything about that man but i didn't hear anything from him. Wanda comes out of the house and bursts into the car sighing

,,What's wrong? Are they talking?" I ask

,,Wha- who- yeah. Yeah they're talking" she touches her nose and looks away

Her acting seems suspicious, how am i getting the feeling she is lying to me about something?

,,Talking? Well what did her mother say when she saw her? She didn't hug her or anything" I ask

,,God, Mike. Obviously she was surprised, what would you do if your kids went missing and they come back home safe?"

Your kids, your children. These words bring me joy because i can't wait to have children of my own, it's something i very much wish and need in life. I look away and stare at the door waiting for Cindy to come out with her beautiful big smile on her face.

,,Hey, how did you say you met Cindy again?" She asks

,,In Germany, at my concert in Berlin" i answer

,,So you just befriended a fan who was at your concert?"

I let a chuckle out ,, Not like that, i don't think she was a fan of me and i still think she is not. I guess she was just lost and i happened to find her and help her. Consider me as her saving prince or something" i laugh

,,Huh lost, you saying" she smiles

,,Why? What did she tell you?" I ask confused hoping her answer will explain her strange act but Cindy comes out of the house wiping her face or maybe tears. So it was an emotional moment for her family but why did she come back so soon? She enters the car in front

,,How was it?" I ask

,,Good, good. Where are the bodyguards? Can we leave?" She sniffles

,,They're here but are you okay?" I ask worried touching her shoulder and she immediately gets out of the car. ,,Cindy" i say

,,Alright" Wanda gets out of the car and starts talking to her. Maybe i shouldn't interrupt and stay still but i'm afraid someone will see me despite my glasses and hat. It hurts me seeing Cindy crying and like this because she doesn't seem happy which doesn't make any sense to me. I can't hear them but they seem to understand each other, i wonder if her mom just kicked her out. That would be very unkind and evil for a mom to do that to her child. Cindy enters the car and sits next to me while Wanda is sitting next to the window. I want to hug her, hold her in my arms and tell her it's okay and that i'm here but i'm afraid she will reject me and i will look like a fool in front of her and Wanda. Cindy doesn't understand the love i slowly start to develop for her, she makes happy in a way i didn't think anyone could and i would love to stay with her forever, i want her to move to Neverland and stay with me. When my bodyguards come in and start the car, we head back home to Neverland. The whole car ride was silent, no words were exchanged, i really want to know what happened today and the thing that upset Cindy. When we arrive home, Cindy goes up to my bedroom without saying anything so i follow her upstairs. She sits on the bed looking down.

,,Do you want to talk about it?" I ask

,,Nothing happened between mom and me today, if that's what were you going to ask" she responds

I sit down next to her and look at her hands because i could never look her straight in the eyes when I'm this close to her.

,,I want to know that you're okay or that you will be" i say stroking her hand

,,Why do you care so much about people you don't know,Mike?"

,,Because I'm human, you don't need to know a person to care about her or him. We all deserve love, nobody should ever be alone or deal with something that's upsetting him alone. I care about you also because i know you care about me." I smile and she smiles back

,,I'm here for you, always. Okay?" I say and she looks me sad in the eyes for a second

,,I can't go back, Mike. I will leave tomorrow but can i stay here for tonight-"

,,No,no, you don't have to leave. I'm not going to question the reason but please, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you wish. I wouldn't mind you moving in here" i say

I don't want her to leave, i got used to seeing her around. I hope she won't deny my offer

,,You're serious? Can i?" She asks

,,For sure, gee i would love to"

,,Thank you!" She smiles ,,Can i hug you?" She adds and i just open my arms for her. We hug and i can tell she wants to be here too, maybe i don't make her as happy as she makes me but that's okay. I'm happy she is staying.

Allison's p.o.v

I leave the house in tears but immediately wipe them up so Michael and Wanda won't see me. I get into the car without saying anything but sniffing when Michael touches my shoulder and asks how it was. I lie but i just can't take it and get out of the car. I have to accept the fact that I'm not going to see my mom ever again, even when i will be back home if the time here goes on and it's the same there then she will be dead.

,,Hey, what's up?" I hear Wanda behind me

,,Did you tell him? Did you say anything?" I ask in tears

,,No, i lied for you. What the fuck is wrong? What are you hiding?" She crosses her arms

,,Nothing, i'm not hiding anything. Look, that wasn't my mom and I'm never ever coming back here but don't tell him anything"

She nods while looking down and i wipe my tears. We go back in the car and the bodyguards start the car. I would want a hug from Michael so bad right now, i want to lay my head on his shoulder and fall asleep to his scent and soft hands stroking mine. I guess we're not that close to do that and maybe we won't even be in the future, it saddens me. When we arrive at Neverland and Michael comes into my/his bedroom and wants me to move in with him here it just made my whole day.

Next day:

Sonata for violin or flute and continuo no. 1 in G.... is playing in the background

I wake up to the sound of classical music like every other morning i spent here. Michael really can't eat breakfast without the music, i admire it. I go the bathroom to wash my face and teeth first and then go downstairs where Michael is waiting for me.

,,9.45 a.m" he opens his arms ,,What?" I ask confused ,,Normally you're here one minute after the music starts playing"

I start to laugh and sit down ,,Yeah well i was looking like a mess from all that crying from yesterday"

,,You never looked like a mess" he smiles and i silently look at him

,,Umm, so my family is coming for the weekend and they're excited to meet you"

Michael told his family about me? Oh my... why would he do that?

,,You told them about me?" I ask

,,Of course, Joseph was the only one i didn't tell. That's why he was surprised to see you here but the rest of the family are excited. I had to tell them so they won't think wrong of you when they see you. However i must think what to say about Wanda" he giggles

,,That's... nice?" I laugh and then we both start eating the pancakes from our plates. Maybe Neverland could be my home and if won't be able to go back home then I'm okay with it, I'm starting to feel comfortable with Michael and he surely feels the same. Maybe i can change his life, be that one person he needed when he was alive. I want to be that person, i do want to save him.

,,In the burning heart! Just about to burst!" I hear Wanda singing-shouting coming downstairs

I didn't even know she was here.

,,Good morning Wendy" Michael smiles

,,I told you to not call me like that" She points her finger at him and sits down at the table in front of me

,,Why? It reminds me of peter pan. You know i love peter pan" he says

,,I watched rocky four last night and damn it" she closes her eyes and tightens her lips ,,Freaking Apollo died" she touches her forehead dramatically

,,The movie came out four years ago, how come you just watched it?" Michael asks

,,So what? Peter pan came out 30 or 40 years ago and you still watch it" she says

,,You ain't wrong there" michael tightens his lips and raises his eyebrows

I look at both of them and start to smile, i like it how he became friends like this with Wanda but i really don't remember Michael hanging out with her or ever mentioning her name somewhere. If she turns out to be His future secret hidden from media girlfriend then i'm out, literally out.

,,Next year we're expecting rocky five so we can watch it all together in that nice big theater you have in here" Wanda says

,,You were in the theater?" Michael laughs confused ,,Hello? You told me I'm welcome here and now you question if i was exploring the place?"

Me and Michael look at each other and start laughing at Wanda's attitude.

,,You really got an attitude, Wanda" i say still laughing

,,My momma raised me right, cece" she smiles

,,Gee" Michael stops from laughing ,,I forgot i have a meeting with a producer today. I will be back later" Michael stands up

,,What? Today? Alone?" I ask

,,Yeah don't worry i will be back before eight." He grabs his jacket

I don't know what to do, is this a test? Am i allowed to leave Michael alone to go somewhere? Shit I'm too shy to say I'm coming with him.

,,Call me if anything happens" he says and leaves the house

,,Well, i'm going to shower see you in a few hours" Wanda stands up and leaves me alone. I sigh and go to the living room where i lay down on the couch. I miss checking my phone, i now realize how much time passed by and i didn't even think about my phone but life looks more interesting without these devices. Okay, this is stupid hearing it from the girl who is just spending time with Michael Jackson in the 80s, obviously life is interesting now. I feel my eyes slowly shutting and getting tired...

,,Give me some Milk... please..." i hear Michael

I open my eyes and see Michael standing in front of me with an infusion he is holding in his arm. No, this is just a dream... it's just a dream.

,,Please?" He says in a shaky voice

,,It's just a dream" I say to myself

,,Can i have some milk? I can't sleep and if i don't get it i won't be able to rehearse" his face turns to an angry one ,,Give me it!" He shouts and walks towards me, when i step aside and turn around i see Conrad who was standing behind me the whole time.

,,I hired you to make me fall asleep!" Michael shouts at him

,,Leave Michael alone, please..." i say

,,And you will fall asleep. For a long,long time and you will never wake up from it" Murray starts smirking

,,What?" Michael asks and Murray injects him the white liquid in his arm

,,No!" I shout

,,What are you going to do now? Wash his blood from propofol?" He starts laughing and Michael's body falls down to the ground, what it looks like lifeless.

,,Stop! Stop doing this to me!" I shout while crying and everything turns blurry. I open my eyes scared and immediately look around seeing that I'm on the couch and everything was just a dream.

,,What the fuck" Wanda stands with a towel wrapped around her hair staring at me as if i'm a crazy person

,,Wha- what?" I rub my arm

She sits in front of me ,,Now that's a real freaking nightmare. You look traumatized, who was chasing you? Freddy krueger?"

I look down wrapping myself around the blanket ,,No. Just some stupid nightmare, don't tell anyone about it" i say

,,You mean, don't tell Michael about it. Why are you hiding so much from him? No, better said what exactly are you hiding from him?" She rubs her chin

,,I'm not, just don't tell him about it. It's not that hard"

,,Are you really his friend, Cece? Or is it just about the money?"

I can't believe she just asked me that, she doesn't even know me! I could never stay here with Michael only for his money, i care about him and his life not his money.

,,Are you fucking serious? I should be assuming the same about you" I say

,,Oh fuck you, if i was here for the money i would've been gone the day Carl got arrested" she stands up angry

No, she can't be angry, i know her personality and people like her would immediately tell Michael everything and i can't risk that. ,,Wait, I'm sorry okay?" I say

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