The Last Gifted//c.m.b

By WritesLyra

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This is the story of Evie Roger's. A young girl who is afraid of the dark, being alone, and most importantly... More

Cast Session
Once Upon A Time
Wolf Eye's


800 29 21
By WritesLyra

Evie Pov
I rolled over on the bed, woken by Corbyn who was breathing a bit heavy and was fidgety but still sound asleep.

Sitting up on the bed i placed my hand on his arm, he was sweating and i could feel fear, and regret.

He balled his fist into the sheets before dragging his hand down and his claws came out scratching the bed causing me to move back a bit.

He flipped onto his back with heavy breaths and i leaned over him, shaking his shoulders.

"Corbyn" i said not so quietly "Corbyn its just a dream, wake up, your fine."

Now i understand how my dad and brother felt, but atleast Corbyn's not screaming.

He didn't wake and shouted his name and shook his shoulders hard.

His eyes snapped open, the piercing blue glow of them surprised me as i scooted back a bit, not knowing what would happen.

He sat up straight, slowing his breathing and brought his claws back in.

"Corbyn" i softly said to get his attention.

"I-im fine" he sucked in a deep breath "just a nightmare."

"What was it about?" I scooted closer twards him.

"My first full moon..." he stared down at the blankets.

"Oh..." i sighed "but its in the past okay, and it wasn't your fault."

"But i still did it" he argued and his regretful eyes turned on me "that man is still dead because of me."

"Why is this suddenly coming back to you?" I asked.

"Yesterday, when Arias morphed, she turned into the man i killed, and it brought back all that pain from the past" Corbyn rubbed his forehead in stress.

Now i understand, why he let Arias go, how his hands shook, why he seemed to be in a slight panic.

Arias is now locked in a room in the basement, Gabbie put an enchantment on the room so she cant escape.

"Shhh, its okay" i tried to calm him, rubbing his arm.

"But its not okay" Corbyn stopped me "right before i woke up, it wasn't him i was was you."

His eyes watered slightly and my mouth gaped a bit.

"I was on top of you, and your body slashed apart as you took your final breath and i think" he paused "what if i actually hurt you one day, go out of control and try to kill you."

"You would never do that-"

"But if i did" he cut me off "if i did, you have to hurt me if you cant stop me any other way."

"Why hurt you? There are better ways arent there?" I asked.

"Pain makes us human, when i was having trouble keeping control i would actually shove my nails into my hands to hold back my urge" Corbyn explained.

"That sounds awful" i said.

"But it worked, so if i do turn and try to kill you, you have to hurt me" his voice serious.

"If i cant find any other way then, okay" i nodded my head, still not liking it.

"Good" Corbyn sighed and flopped on his back.

He opened up his arms, giving me a cute smile.

"Come here" he grinned and i giggled, snuggling into his side with his arms around me once more.

~that day~
"So how do we do this?" Tate asked as we walked in an open feild in the middle of the woods.

"I would actually like to know that too" Zach raised his hand as Jonah stopped.

The hot sun beat down on us as the tree leaves swayed in the soft wind that blew.

"I would like to know were Gabbie is going" Daniel gestured to Gabbie who walked into the trees.

She had Lavender on a back carrier because we couldn't just leave her home.

"I want to know as well" Jack chimed in.

"I want to know why everyone wants to know things that no one has answers for" i flung my hands in the air.

"I want to know that as well" Corbyn said and i gave him a 'seriously?' look.

"Well you can all stop asking questions now" Gabbie rolled her eyes as she walked back and dropped a log infront of us.

"A log?" I questioned.

"Why did you get a log?" Daniel asked as everyone began questioning.

"Okay what is with all the questions today!?" Gabbie freaked, making us all clamp shut.

"The only one who hasn't asked a question is Jonah" she pointed at him.

"Jonah is naturally the more quiet one" Zach shrugged.

"Anyway" Jonah cut in "why did you bring us a log?"

"Because, Evie said that she broke the chain that was tying her and Jessie together with some sort of light energy, she explained this to me the other day" Gabbie said "So she needs to snap this log."

"Uh, im sorry what?" I asked.

"Snap the log, just like you did the chain" she said plainly.

"Okay..." i rolled my shoulders back and stepped up to the log, putting my hand out twards it and focused.

I want the log to break, i want to see it snap in two.

I felt power of some sort well inside me like i was drawing it from around me, the same feeling i got in the enchanted forest, and mind skape with the chain, but i never gave it much thought till now.

Light began to swirl around the log and i lifted it into the air, strengthening the energy i had on it as everyone took a couple steps back.

And in a second, the log snapped in two right before my eyes and i let the peices fall the the ground.

I looked around to everyone's shocked face's.

"Uh Evie, you got a little thing goin on" Jack pointed at his eyes then to mine.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like this kind of thing" Corbyn said and glew his eyes.

"My eyes are glowing!?" A mixture of shock and excitement in my voice.

"Yeah, they did that when you were in the pool, we can teach you to control that two" Jonah said.

"Wait what color are they?" I asked.

"White" Tate answered.

"Cool, how do i make it stop?" I asked yet another question.

"You sort of just, will it to stop" Corbyn answered.

I did just that and he gave me a thumbs up. I will definitely be practicing that later.

"Alright, moving on" Gabbie spoke.

Freya Pov
"Is there anything even remotely interesting to do here?" I asked Andre,  leaning against my cell bars.

He rolled his eyes, continuing his book.

"I mean, what have you been doing for the past...what? Two thousand years?" I pressed further.

"Not engaging in idiotic conversations" Andre snapped.

"Well thats rude, why are you always such a shitpouch?" I asked.

Shitpouch is a frase we Scott's use, it mean 'hopeless sack of shit'.

"What the a shitpouch?" Andre grew more annoyed.

"Eeejit" i rolled my eyes, meaning 'idiot'.

"Stop saying things i dont understand!" Andre fumed.

"Mingin sassanack" i said, meaning 'revolting englishmen'.

"Stop it" Andre huffed and i smirked.

"Dour dunderhead" i continued, meaning 'miserable idiot'.

"I dont know what that means!" Andre shouted.

I was about to continue but the door swung open and Andre stood as Emma walked in.

She stood unfront of me and crossed her arms and i copied her motion.

She tilted her head to look at Allen, smothing over her lips.

"Hey handsome" she said.

"Not interested" Allen replied "didn't work when you broke into my house, not gonna work now."

Emma sighed, rolling her eyes and turning to Andre.

"Their training Evie, she surprisingly quick to learning seeing as she already created a full force feild today, snapped a log in two and shot a ball of light at Jonah that sent him across a feild" Emma said and i listened intently.

"You were there?" Andre asked.

"Well yes of course i was there, i watch her and you watch them" she pointed at us.

"So is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Andre asked and i sat back down on my blankets.

"Both, we should act fast, I'll go tomorrow" Emma said.

"Your never gonna get what you want from her" i spoke up and she turned twards me.

"You think so?" She asked.

"I know so" i replied "she may come off a sweet and innocent as a daisy but trust me."

"If you piss her off or try to force her into something" i paused and leaned forward making my voice a whisper like "its not gonna end well."

"You should have seen the black eye Jackson already had before i came for him" Allen chuckled.

"And she is just as annoying as i am if she wants to be, so, you've been warned" i snickered.

Emma took a deep breath, fighting her urge to kill me that i was pushing to its very limit and walked out and Andre sat back down and reopened his book.

"So where were we?" I asked and he let out a loud groan.

I hope you enjoy Freya as much as i do, and soon they'll have to deal with another one😂

Things are about to get really crazy

I have no idea which song of the album is my favorite.

I keep switching between 'For You' and 'I'll Be Okay' and 'Love Song' and dont even get me started on 'Look At Me'.

I played the entire album for my dads girlfriend and when i played 'Look At Me', Corbyn's part came and she's like "what did he say!?"

But she liked it, she also swore she wouldn't tell my dad about that song.

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