Lexa The story (Clexa)

By littlemix_lover

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Lexa the original story This story starts with lexa as a child before even the conclave. We are going to read... More

Chapter 1: the night blood child
chapter 2: Commander Lexa
Chapter 3: Lexa's weakness
chapter 4: Lexa's Coalition
chapter 5: The 100 and Heda
CHAPTER 6 Leader's alliance
Chapter 7: The connection
Chapter 8: Our People
Chapter 9: Heda and Wanheda
Chapter 10: The True commander
Chapter 11: Demons
Chapter 12: Lexa's Decision
Chapter 13: The 13th Clan
Chapter 14: Leadership
Chapter 15: New
Chapter 16: Bonds
Chapter 17: Winter is coming
chapter 18: Past, present, future
Chapter 19: the truth
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: falling apart
Chapter 22: Risk
Chapter 23: Osleya
Chapter 24: Praimfaya
Chapter 25: Family
Chapter 26: Complications
Chapter 27: together
Chapter 28: war and peace
Chapter 30: Commander of the blood (2)
Chapter 31: The last war
Chapter 32: Rising from Ashes
Lexa's Legacy

Chapter 29: Commander of the blood (1)

248 10 28
By littlemix_lover

"I can't let anything happen to Maddie" Clarke said gripping on the gun in her hands while she aimed it at her friend.
the room was silent. Lincoln stood in front of Octavia. "Clarke think this through, you kill me, my people kill you Maddie still becomes a commander" Octavia said and Clarke shed a tear and aimed at her more.
"I don't want her to become a commander either. She is a child Clarke" Octavia said and took her sword out. "I think you, me and Lexa know more than anyone how much it breaks a person to lead" Octavia said and Clarke took a step back.
"the only person who wants Maddie to be commander less than me, is you and you know that I can kill you now before you can fire the gun so why don't we just settle" Octavia said and Clarke sighed and took her gun away. 

Maddie was unconscious on the ground and Lexa ran and hugged her. "Maddie?" Lexa said softly.
Maddie wouldn't wake up and she shook her more. "Maddie" she said loud. "why doesn't she wake up?" Bellamy said. "the flame affects every commander differently. She should wake up" Gaia said. Lexa grabbed her dagger and put it on Gaia's neck. "if anything happens to my child Gaia, you will wish I had killed you." Lexa said. "Titus said you were screaming for hours. Maddie will wake up. trust me Heda, I will never harm her." Gaia said and Lexa just walked away and held Maddie and put her on the table.

The guards came inside and aimed at Bellamy. Clarke walked in and stood in front of Bellamy. "Clarke" Bellamy said and Clarke slapped him and shook her head at him.
"I need to get it out" Clarke said and Lexa stopped her. "the flame is linking with her mind. if you take it out now, she may not wake up anymore" Lexa said softly.
Octavia came inside. "so much for the Blakes Brother" Octavia said. "Clarke what did you do?" Bellamy said. "you already know" Clarke said with a lump and looked at Octavia. "I can't take it out" Clarke said with tears in her eyes. "take them to the rover" Octavia said to her guard. "I will go get Aden" Lexa said and Clarke nodded.

the guard put Maddie in the rover and Clarke looked at her and caressed her face softly. Maddie opened her eyes slowly. "Clarke" Maddie said. "Hi, you're okay I'm here" Clarke said caressing her hair. The guard aimed his guards at them.
Clarke turned around and raised her arms. "no.. no please. We had a deal. you don't have to do this. we are leaving now" Clarke said. "gon Bloodreina (for the red queen)" he said. "put the gun down Joroum" Maddie said with a calm voice.
 Clarke looked at her shocked. "you are Joroum kom sangedakru. Son of Lisbeth kom Sangedakru. You served with honor in the royal guard of Lexa kom Trikru. You believe in her, now believe in me" Maddie said and Clarke had tears in her eyes. He looked at her and knelt down. "Heda" he said and Lexa shot him. "why did you do that?" Maddie said while Lexa was helping Aden to sit in the trunk. "you know why" Lexa said and closed the door.

Clarke was driving and Maddie was sleeping. Lexa was grabbing her head in her hands and Aden was looking at her. "I know that you wanted to prevent that from happening" Aden said and Lexa sighed.
"we can still get it out" Clarke said and Lexa sighed and looked at Aden. "how are you feeling?" Lexa said and he smiled. "like I was shot in the stomach" Aden said and Lexa smiled sadly. They stopped the rover to rest and Clarke was looking at Maddie. Clarke took her hand close to Maddie's neck and Maddie woke up. "no" Maddie said and ran out.
Clarke ran after her. "I'm going back" Maddie said and Clarke pulled her. "that thing will not stay in your head" Clarke said. "Clarke" Lexa said.
"If you want to take the flame out, you have to kill me" Maddie said. "Maddie" Clarke said frustrated. "what? You are willing to let Bellamy, Gaia and Indra die. Why not me" Maddie shouted. "get back to the rover" Clarke said loudly.
 "why are you doing this? commanders don't run away I have to go back" Maddie said. "good thing you are not a commander" Clarke said and Maddie started walking again. "dammit Maddie. you wanna know why I'm doing this? okay I will show you" Clarke said going to get Lexa's journal and Lexa stopped her. "she has to see" Clarke said and Lexa shook her head and Clarke shed a tear.
"Octavia won't run away and because of you she will go on war. Thousands of people will die. Your people." Maddie said to Lexa and Lexa looked at her. "you are the one who united 12 clans with only 3 wars" Maddie said and Clarke looked at Lexa because Maddie was saying things Lexa never had told her.
 "I don't want war Maddie. I hate war and you should know it more than anyone by now. But we can't stop Octavia if we get back. Wonkru will kill all of us and she will still go to war because she is broken now" Lexa said and grabbed her face. "The flame doesn't make you wise if you don't know how to use it" Lexa said and Maddie looked at Clarke and nodded to Lexa.

Lincoln was in the room with Octavia. "almost half of our army don't want to fight." Lincoln said. "you poisoned me. Indra went behind my back. Bellamy helped Gaia make Maddie commander. I don't expect others to do anything anymore" Octavia said. "Octavia" Lincoln said and Octavia turned to him.
"I don't think any of you know what I am saying. If we don't kill them all and share the valley with them, we will be in war forever" Octavia said. Monty knocked the door and went inside.
"I need to show you something" Monty said and Octavia went after him to the farm.

"two days ago, these plants were on life support. Imagine what will happen in two weeks, two months. Cooper said this hasn't blossomed in years. Look at this" Monty said and turned the light on.
"the protein crops are rebounding. The flowers are becoming fruits. If I am right, I can do the same thing to the soil on the ground. It will take longer. A few years maybe more but the point is, we don't need shallow valley" Monty said. "we don't have a few years" Octavia said and walked away. Harper stopped her. "you don't need to go on a war Octavia" Harper said.
"you fight or you die. That's how we survived even when this farm stopped feeding us. you don't know what I had to do. What we have done to be alive today. If you were here, you would get it. but I am not giving those people empty hope. I lost the right to do that when I changed from Osleya the savior to the red queen" Octavia said and looked at Monty.
"the farmers don't save the world Monty. The warriors do." Octavia said and was walking away that Monty handed her a paper. "read this when you can. I hope it won't be too late" Monty said and Octavia saw the letter.

"to my friends. Jasper"

Raven went to see Bellamy in the prison. "you know that you will have to fight in the pit right?" Raven said and Bellamy nodded. "it's my fault she had to go through that by herself" Bellamy said. "don't die Bellamy. If anything, you dying will throw her in the dark forever. Anyways. Murphy radioed me and I have to go." Raven said. "what?" Bellamy said. "I will stop this war one way or another. I am useless here" Raven said and hugged Bellamy. "we couldn't survive in space without you. don't leave us now. I can't lose you too" Raven said.

Clarke was driving and Maddie was sleeping in the trunk and Aden was next to her. suddenly Maddie started screaming and Clarke pushed brake. "Maddie" Lexa said and ran outside and opened the trunk.
 "no please don't do this" Maddie was screaming. "Maddie wake up" Clarke said. "please I can save you don't do this." Maddie shouted. "it's a memory" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her.
Lexa sat down and touched Maddie's hand. "no" Maddie screamed and cried. Lexa was controlling her tears. "the flame will change everything" Maddie said crying and Lexa closed her eyes. "wake up Maddie wake up" Clarke said crying and Maddie opened her eyes sighing loudly. "it's okay, you're safe" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her.
"they burned her alive" Maddie said looking at Lexa. "burned who honey?" Clarke said confusedly. "Becca pramheda" Maddie said. "that wasn't a dream. it's a memory" Lexa said. "I.. I felt her.. I was her" Maddie said and Lexa hugged her tight. "It's okay. You're okay." Lexa said and looked at Clarke.

They reached the valley and Clarke took a look at Aden's wound. "are you sure you can do this?" Clarke said and he nodded smiling. Maddie was sleeping with her head on Lexa's lap.
 She moved slightly and Lexa caressed her hair. Maddie woke up again in a daze and saw Lexa. "have you seen enough now to know that you don't want to see anymore?" Lexa said looking at her
"yes" Maddie said looking down and Clarke sighed. "good" she said.
"but I have to, they want me to see it" Maddie said looking at Clarke. "let's get one thing straight. You are my child and I will protect you with my life. so If you think of challenging Octavia, I will take that out faster than you can say ascende.." Clarke said. "okay" Maddie said grabbing her neck and frowned at her.
Lexa smiled and got out of the trunk and rubbed Clarke's back. "now that she wants to keep it, maybe I should teach her how to use it" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "I agree" Clarke said and Lexa kissed her head.

They were walking in the woods. "why are we taking the long road?" Maddie said. "I'm guessing Diyoza stays in her ship. I need to talk to her" Lexa said. "as soon as they see us here they will know the eye is out" Aden said. they heard gunshots. "stay close" Lexa said and looked through the bushes. "it's McCreary" Aden said when he saw him killing a man. "it's the defectors" Maddie said and was getting up that Lexa pulled her.
"he and Diyoza seemed like they had disagreements" Aden said looking at Lexa. "if he is killing the defectors, he is in charge now. Diyoza made a deal with you right?" Maddie said and Lexa nodded. "I need to find Diyoza" Lexa said. "your mother is a defector too" Maddie said to Clarke. "McCreary is sick. Seeing he is still pale, means your mom hasn't found a cure for him." Aden said.

McCreary gave a shovel to a guy and went. The guy threw the bodies in a pit and Clarke put a gun on his head. "shsh where is the doctor?" Clarke said. Maddie was looking at the bodies and Lexa was looking at her. "the doctor is in the gas station. I can take you" the man said and Clarke loaded her gun. Lexa went for her dagger and just the time she was about to throw it, Maddie cut him with her dagger. "they'd have heard the gunshot" Maddie said and Clarke looked at Lexa holding a dagger.

Clarke went to Lexa and looked at her. "we have raised this kid Clarke what do you expect." Lexa said. "she is just like you" Clarke said whispering. "a part of my consciousness is inside her head" Lexa said smiling. "don't enjoy this" Clarke said. "she was Clarke and now she is me. we have done a great job" Lexa said. Maddie and Aden buried the bodies and went to them.

"I have to go save my mom" Clarke said and Lexa nodded. "you 3 go. Stay close to each other. I will find Diyoza" Lexa said. "I'll go with you" Aden said. "stay with Maddie" Lexa said and looked at Maddie. "you can control the flame. It takes time to master it but try to breathe and be in present. This way the flame can show you things that you need better. Don't fight with it like it's an outsider." Lexa said and Maddie nodded and hugged her. Clarke looked at her vulnerably and Lexa hugged her softly. "let's go stop a war" Clarke said and Lexa nodded to her and kissed her forehead.

Clarke opened the door of a room and pulled the 2 of them behind her. "Clarke" Aden said and Clarke looked at where he was looking. "mom" Clarke said shocked when she saw Abby unconscious on the ground.
Clarke sat down and checked Abby's pulse. "mom.. hey wake up. come on don't do this right now.. mom" Clarke said and hugged her. "her pulse is weak" Aden said. "what happened to her?" Maddie said. "I don't know.. mom.. mom please wake up" Clarke said and Maddie found an empty bottle of pills. "Clarke" Maddie said and gave it to her. "she has over dozed. Help me put her on the bed" Clarke said and they put Abby on the bed. Clarke got a tube and a bottle of saline.
"come on mom" Clarke said and put the tube in her mouth. "Aden keep the funnel up high. Maddie the saline" Clarke said and Maddie gave her. she poured the saline in the funnel. "stand back" Clarke said and took the tube out and moved Abby to the side. Abby vomited and started breathing. Clarke sighed in relief.

"Doc you're ready to get to work?" McCreary's voice was heard and he saw Clarke. "how the hell did you get in here?" he said.

Octavia was sitting on her throne and they brought Lincoln, Indra, Bellamy and Gaia in the pit. She had tears in her eyes but was controlling them.
"Octavia you don't have to do this" Anya said and she looked at her. "shouldn't you be gone by now?" Octavia said referring to Anya and Lexa's relationship.
"you can stop this now. Change the way you do things. You can't win the war like this. you may win the battle but the war is lost if you let any of them die" Anya said. "if I don't act the same with people I love, they won't follow me" Octavia said.
Anya went in the farm and looked at the plants. Monty saw her. "pack all the rations we need for a 10 day trip" Anya said. "what? Why?" Monty said. "because the only way to save Octavia from herself is to stop the fight in the pit and only war can stop her right now" Anya said and Monty looked at her.
 "no way. I won't let you destroy the farm" Monty said. "I will do it Monty" Anya said. "Lexa doesn't want war and you want to push Octavia to do it?" Monty said. "if I don't stop the pit fight right now, Octavia will be broken forever. Do you think you can make Polis a living place if she is broken? Lexa and Clarke will stop the war and I believe in them. if we don't do this now, she will go on war with half the army anyways." Anya said. "so you're going to take away their choice?" Monty said. "victory stands on the back of sacrifice. Clarke sacrificed for you. you should know it" Anya said.

Lexa put her war paint on and she was close to the spaceship. "1 2 3" Lexa counted the guards and realized they had electric collars on. "they must have been divided" Lexa said and waited for the door to open. 4 guards came out who didn't have collars on. "McCreary's men" Lexa said and put 6 bullets in her gun. She laid in prone position and aimed at their necks. "1" she said and shot. "2 3" she said and shot. The remaining guard opened the door again and 4 others came back out. "come out. search" Lexa said as she was climbing a tree.
they got in the woods and started searching it and Lexa ran towards the ship when they were gone. the guards with collars aimed at her. she raised her arms. "don't waste time and tell me where is diyoza" Lexa said. "she is the one who was talking on the radio" a man said and the other one nodded. they opened the door and Lexa went to Diyoza and opened the door.
she helped untie Diyoza and was getting out that Diyoza stopped her and opened a door. "Kane" Lexa said. "commander" Kane said and Lexa shot his chain. "I have electric collar" Kane said. "don't worry" Lexa said.

Octavia threw the weapons down and Bellamy looked at her. they wouldn't attack each other.
the alarms went off. "it's a fire" Miller said and Octavia ran to the farm. "we don't have time. we're going to war. I will deal with them later" Octavia said and Miller made the army ready.

"we can't stop the war anymore. My men are with McCreary" Diyoza said while they were going out of the ship. "listen. My family is in danger. My people are going to die fighting a war that they don't need to fight. You didn't sleep for a hundred years just to die now did you?" Lexa said. "let's go" Diyoza said and on their way out, she grabbed a radio of the fallen guards.

"so when does the loop begin?" McCreary said looking at the monitor. Clarke looked at Maddie and Aden and they had a gun on their heads. "stop just before midnight and play forward" Clarke said. "clever. How long do we have?" McCreary. Clarke looked at Maddie and she shook her head. "assuming they left this morning, 6 days" Clarke said and he started coughing. "you're all sick" Clarke said. "yes and now that you're here maybe your mother will do her job." He said. "you seem to have some skills. That boy over there cured our wounded too. So get her back on her feet and make her cure us. if you can't.. I guess you will both see your daughters die" he whispered in her ear.

Lexa, Diyoza and Kane arrived in a cave. "a cave? That's your plan?" Diyoza said. "no. they are" Lexa said and Murphy, Emori and Raven got out. "Kane" Raven said and hugged him.
"so?" Lexa said. "so Raven made antennas and we have installed them aiming at polis." Emori said. "it's not connected yet" Raven said and started working on it. "what about the collar?" Kane said. "I like it on you" Murphy said and Emori shook her head. "handle it Emori" Raven said and she nodded.

Lexa was hearing a radio call over and over again. "what's wrong?" Kane said. "they aren't looking for us. something is wrong" Lexa said. "all units moving north" the radio said. "moving north means Wonkru is marching" Diyoza said.

"they must know about the loop and the attack" Raven said. "how can they know?" Murphy said. "without the element of a surprise, it will be a massacre" Kane said.

Lexa looked at the radio and Raven looked at her. "we need to tell them" Raven said and Lexa nodded. "try to get the radio working." Lexa said worriedly.

"what is it?" Murphy said. "Clarke is in trouble." Lexa said. "why?" Murphy frowned.

"because the only they would know about the loop, is Clarke telling them and she would if they threaten Maddie and Aden" Lexa said. 

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