Black Butler x Half demon hal...

By jmsuarez12

10.9K 321 15

This is about when black butler came into the world as cats. but later in the story they become their norma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Sebastian's and Claude's ending
Sebastian's Ending
Claude's Ending
Alois and Ciel's ending
Ciel's Ending
Alois Ending
Grell's ending
Roland's ending
William's Ending

Chapter 14

248 10 0
By jmsuarez12

I looked at Alois before saying "Hang on young prince." Alois held onto me as Raven saw a wall. I went and patted Ravens head before tapping his side. Raven backed up before galloping and jumping over the wall. he landed on the ground. I sighed before looking at Alois. I smiled before letting Raven run freely.  Alois looked around surprised. I smiled before saying "Raven found a herd." Alois nodded his head i looked around Raven was running with a herd and i smiled. I looked at Alois before saying "Raven lets go back." Raven then broke away from the herd and galloped back to the Tracy's household. When he came up to the house ciel was coming over for a visit and i saw Ciel in front and i used my magic to create a harness and i pulled raven back and i sighed since he stopped. I got off with Alois in my arms then i set him down. Raven went back into his pasture. I sighed before walking with Alois inside. Ciel followed. Alois then sat down and me and Claude stood next to Alois. Ciel sat down with Sebastian near him. I looked at Sebastian and Claude looked around as if someone else was here. Ciel was about to say something until another demon walked into the place and i looked at him. Sebastian went and said "Another Demon walking into someone's home without their master how disrespectful and rude." The demon smiled before saying "I just smelled a female demon and wanted to come and see her that's all. Besides you guys are demons fighting for her after all it is near the time for demon's to find their partner." Claude sighed before saying "Well then go away." The demon sighed before saying "Fine but i will be back." The demon then disappeared. I sighed before looking at Alois. Alois went and said "Y/N come here." I obeyed him. Alois then said "What did the demon mean by it's near the time for demons to find their partner's?" I went and said "Basically its a time for demon's to go and find a another demon to be theirs for the rest of life. But it's the males finding the female demons and since i am contracted to both you and Ciel that's going to be a problem." Alois nodded his head. Ciel went and said "Well then can't demons have two mates?" I looked at him and said "Yes they can but that is rare."  Ciel and Alois nodded their heads. Ciel stood up and said "Well i only came here to see how Y/N was doing."  I sighed before returning to Alois side. Claude went over to me and wrapped his arm around my side and i stiffened. Ciel went and said "How much more time do demons have until they can find their partner?" I went and said "4 days which is the reason why Claude and Sebastian well try to catch my eye." Claude lets go of me before pulling out a white rose and giving it to me and i smiled before saying "Thank  you Claude, the rose is pretty." Alois went and said "And like demons they will follow what they know is right to do in a contract but on the day to find their partner for the last 4 days they will act different. Once they get their partner they will return to their normally selves unless something bad happens to their partner." I sighed before looking at Sebastian who was walking up to me and i froze. Sebastian then hugged me and i hugged him back smiling.  Sebastian then showed me a necklace that was a Forest green and i smiled before letting him put it on me. I was smiling as i said "Thank you Sebastian."  Sebastian smiled before saying "Anything for a beautiful demon."  I blushed at his reply. Ciel got up and said "Sebastian we are going we will come back in 2 days so then Sebastian can battle with Claude. Alois nodded his head Watched Sebastian and Ciel leave. Alois looked at me and said "Y/N i will give you the rest of the day off so then you can walk around and meet everyone Claude give her a tour of the house." Claude bowed and said "Yes your highness."  Claude took my hand and showed me around the house. we went out into the garden where three boys were and a girl with purple hair and bandages around her eye stood. I looked at Claude. Claude went and said "The triplets are Timber, Thompson, and Canterbury. and the girl's name is Hannah." I went and said "What happened to her eye?" Claude went and said "Her eye is gone." I looked at her then back at Claude i went and said "Can i do something?" Claude nodded his head. I went up to hannah and i healed her eye. I then took off her bandage and i smiled. Claude went and said "Hannah can you see?" Hannah nodded her head. She hugged me happily as she said "Thank you." I smiled and the triplets looked at me before whispering to each other. I tilted my head as i went and said "What you guys talking about?" The triplets looked at me before Timber went and said "You are beautiful." Thompson nodded his head before saying "We were also talking about how powerful you are." Canterbury went and said " That true that and we were wondering what your favorite flower is." I smiled before saying "My favorite flowers are Lavender and bluebell's. and thank you for the comments." Claude looked at me before saying "Alois is calling me  so i'll be right back." I nodded my head. I watched as Claude disappeared and i saw Hannah trembling. I went and said "What's wrong Hannah?" Hannah went and said "I destroyed the flowers. Alois is going to hurt me" I shook my head before saying "I can help." Hannah looked at me confused. I went and said "I have powers remember?"  Hannah sighed. I felt like i was being watched as i let my powers go though the ground to the flowers and i sighed as i watched the flowers slowly go back to life.  Hannah bowed and said "Your highness." I felt a hand on my shoulder and i saw the flowers back to normal and i stopped and i had lost a lot of energy so i stood up unsteady a bit. Alois went and said "Y/N what happened here." I went and said "I helped hannah with the flowers since she destroyed them by accident." Alois went and tried to slap hannah but i stopped him and i said "It was my Fault punish me not her." Alois sighed before saying "Ok never mind let's go back inside Y/N and Claude." I smiled and walked back inside with Claude by my side and Alois leading us.

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