|| Under Control || ✔️

By Zamsa88

24.5K 586 520

Jake is having a normal happy day heading to the music room for music club, he had a weird dream the night be... More

🎶 Practice 🎶
💭 Bad dream 💭
♥️ Confession ♥️
🩹 Pain 🩹
🏥 Hospital 🏥
⚫ Shadow ⚫
🕳 Touched by darkness 🕳
⚫ The 2 between darkness and light ⚪
🖤 Now the cinnamon rolls 🖤
🔊 Voice in our heads 🔊
⛓ Slowly, But Surely ⛓
⛓ Slowly, but Surely: Part 2 ⛓
❓Losing Memories❓
⚕ Kidnapped ⚕
⁉️ Gone ⁉️
⚔ Ready to Fight? ⚔
💟 I've got You 💟
💟 I've got You: Part 2💟
💮 Final Fight 💮
🗝 The End 🗝
Announcements + Q & A!

🌱 Recovering 🌱

835 16 29
By Zamsa88

(Jake's P.O.V.)

I slowly open my eyes, I feel a bit of pain in my arms and legs, but it wasn't to bad. I look to my surroundings to see that the walls are white, there's chairs that are red, and I'm on a bed.

The hospital?

I sit up to see Luke beside me in another hospital bed, that's when I panicked. I care more about my friends than about myself


I look to see a nurse, the same girl who had taken care of me before

"Oh, Ella" I say

"Hello, it's nice to see you again. Your friend is fine, he woke up yesterday and reacted the same way when he saw you, you should take it easy. If you do, you should be able to walk in 3 days" Ella smiles

"That's a relief" I sigh

Then it hit me

"Where are my friends!? Are Daisy and Elliot okay!? Are they hurt?!" I frantically ask

"Your friends are okay, in fact they were here yesterday to visit while you and Mr.Peterson were asleep" Ella responds calmly

I sigh again and lay back down while putting my arm over my eyes

"I'm beat"

"Yeah, me to"

I sit up and look to see Luke up playing with the hospital stuff

"Mother of Rosy Luke! Don't do that, you scared me you asshole" I pout

Luke laughs

"Okay, okay, I won't"

I sigh and lay back down for the third time, I was a bit jumpy becuase of everything that has happened with the shadow. I make myself a bit more comfortable

"So how are your wounds?" I ask

"It stings a bit, but I'll be fine. What about yours?" Luke points to my scars

"Doesn't matter, w-"

"Of course, it matters!" Luke exclaims

"I feel like their on fire, but I'll manage" I say

Luke gives me a worried expression

"You need to care about yourself more Jake, your body isn't invincible. It takes damage just like the rest of us"

I stare a Luke with a blank face for a few seconds before responding

"Fine, if it makes you happy, I'll start caring for myself more"

"There we go" Luke smiles

"I'm glad to see you guys awake"

Me and Luke both jump to see Daisy and Elliot standing there smiling, they both were dressed nicely, but not to fancy. Elliot had flowers in his hands, supposedly to replace the ones next to us

"Holy shit guys, can you not jumpscare us like that?"

Daisy giggled

"Sorry, we really didn't mean to"

"Language. It seems like you guys are doing well, if you take it easy you'll be able to get out of here in about 3 days" Elliot smiles innocently

"So we're told" I say

"Oh! I bought you guys some clothes with the help of your parents" Daisy places a bag down next to us

"Aww thanks Daisy" A smile forms on Luke's face

"Your welcome!"

I look out the window to see snow falling, I don't react to it for a few seconds, but thats when it clicked


"Language Jake, don't worry, you two have only been asleep for 5 days, it's not like a month passed" Elliot scolds me again for cussing

"Oh thank Rosy" Luke sighs in relief

"H-How are Zander, Milly, Sean, and Hailey?"

"Don't worry, their okay, they were really worried, but they are fine now" Daisy responds

"Thats good to hear" I look at the bag of clothes

"What did you guys buy us?" I mutter

I reach towards the bag and pull out a bunch of clothes, figuring out which ones were supposed to be mine or Luke's was pretty easy

"For some reason, this reminds me of an older style." Luke chuckles

"Sorry, I thought it would look cute because me and Elliot wanted to dress like this for the winter-"

"No no it's fine! There's nothing wrong with it, I think it'll look good to"

I examine my clothing and realize my necklace wasn't on me


"It's right here, here's your scarf to Luke" Daisy bring out both, my necklace and Luke's scarf from her purse

I grab my necklace and put it around my neck as I see Luke do the same with his scarf

"I figured they were important, considering you two never really take them off if not necessary" Daisy comments

"Thanks Daisy" Luke says

"Hey, I got an idea!" Elliot smiles

(Hailey's P.O.V.)

"You okay Hailey?"

"Yeah I'm okay Zander"

I hug Zander tighter and he just keeps me in his embrace, we've been super clingy to one another after.........you know.....

"We're back"

We turn to see Daisy and Elliot in the doorway taking off their shoes and coats

"Are they awake yet?" Zander asks

"No.....but their doing well the nurses said, it shouldn't be to much longer before they wake up" Daisy smiles reassuringly

I let out a sigh and grab my hot cocoa with whip cream, I take a sip and put it back down

"I left them their clothes, I also left Luke's scarf and Jake's necklace"

"Thats good, they probably would've freaked out if they didn't have them" Zander says

"Actually, we've been meaning to ask you" Daisy sits down on the couch infront of us with Elliot

"Why are they so important to them?"

Zander sighs and explains

"I gave that scarf to Luke as a symbol of our friendship when we entered high-school, he swore to never take it off if not necessary so when he has it off he starts beating himself for not wearing it and Jake...." Zander looks to me

"His dad gave that to him, he unfortunately got murdered and so, that necklace is really important to him"

Daisy and Elliot let out a gasp as Zander jumps a bit

"So now I feel really bad commenting on if he had daddy issues on that day" I murmer

It was true, I felt really guilty, I sometimes wonder how Jake secretly toke that. It must've hurt and I'm surprised he didn't snap at me, but he must've wanted to, I mean I can imagine him yelling at me for talking about his dad like that

"You didn't know, don't worry, I'm sure he isn't mad" Elliot says softly

"Thanks Elliot"

"You two should get some rest, it's 11:27 pm" Daisy suggests with a smile

"Yeah, I think we'll turn in" Zander gets up

"See you two tomorrow"

~2 days later~

(Zander's P.O.V.)

I lay in my bed staring at the wall infront of me, my back was to the rest of my room as I kept staring at the wall. Luke and Jake had not waken up yet as we're told, we didn't want to visit them yet because we just want to see them awake and not passed out on hospital beds, I close my eyes and start to drift off

I shuffle around and look to see its still dark outside, it was bright from the moon and stars that dotted across the sky

"Stop moving so much, I want my cuddles"

I freeze, I slowly look behind me to see Luke, in his pajamas, hands around my torso, eyes closed. I felt tears start to form in my eyes

"Luke?" My voice cracked

"The one and only" He smiled, his eyes still closed

I turned to face him and he pulled me close to him

"Why are you crying?" He muffled into my hair

"I-I'm just so h-happy *hic* your okay *hic*" I managed to say through my tears

"Shhhhhhhh, its okay, we're all okay" Luke placed a soft kiss on my forehead

I continue to cry into Luke's chest as he comforts me, running his fingers through my hair

"I-Is Jake with Hailey?" I ask

"Yeah, we got home maybe around 15 minutes ago"

"A-And you d-didn't bother to w-wake me u-up?"

"No, sorry"


We both chuckle, Luke places a kiss on my lips and then whispers in my ear

"But I'm your idiot"

(Hailey's P.O.V.)

I open my eyes and let out a sigh to see that it's still dark, I sit up and look at the moon when I hear the door open. I look behind me too see Jake with a towel on his head as he rubs his hair, he is only wearing some shorts which makes me blush,

'Oh, Princess, I'm sorry did I wake you?" Jake gives me a soft smile

"No, you didn't" I smile back

"When did you get home" I sit on the edge of the bed

"About 15 minutes ago"

I stand up in a tang top and some shorts and walk to Jake and hug him, Jake wraps one arm around me while kissing my head.

"I showered because I didn't want to in the hospital, who knows if they even clean those things" Jake sighs

I chuckle and go on my tip toes to peck his cheek

"How have you been princess?"

"I've been sad without you, but I've been taking care of myself" I respond

"Sweetie, do you have anything to eat? Sorry, but the hospital food is gross"

I giggle "Yeah, I have some food downstairs. What do you want?"

"Anything is fine"

"Ok, I'll be right back"

~A few minuets later~

"I'm back"

I brought some hot chocolate and peaches for Jake to eat, I see him looking out the window. I stare at him for a moment, his hair was messy from the shower he had just taken and he still had some drops of water all over him with the moonlight focusing on him which made him look even better.

I smile "Sweetheart, I got you your food"

Jake looks to me and as soon as he does, he smiles back

"Thank you princess"

~Next Day~

(Milly's P.O.V.)

"Elliot, are you okay?" I ask softly

We were both sitting on his front porch on his porch swing, the others were busy so we decided to hang out

"Yeah, just feeling a bit guilty" Elliot's eyes darken

"About what happened?"


I softly grab his hand and rub it gently

"You were under control Elliot, you weren't doing it on purpose"

"But I could've tried to take control back-"

"Elliot, I don't want to hurt you by saying this, but there was nothing you could've done."

Elliot sighs and puts his face into his hands

"It was horrible Milly, being under someone's control. We were completely aware of what was going on and it hurt so bad, it as like thousands of tiny needles stuck in our bodies as we were under the shadows control. We saw what we were doing, but at the time we couldn't do anything"

I look and Elliot lean my head on his shoulder
"All that matters now is that you and the others are safe"

"Hey Milly?"


"I have something to tell you"

I tense up a bit and fox my posture, I look Elliot directly in the eyes as we both stay silent for about a minute.

"I-I.....I like you Milly" Elliot breathed

My heart exploded at those words

"I-I have since the time we both fell on each other, t-that's when I realized I was in l-love with you. I-It's okay if you don't feel the same way I-"

I peck his cheek "Elli, I like you to"

(Daisy's P.O.V.)

"Sean, how is your shoulder?" I ask

"It's fine, it doesn't bother me to much" Sean gently rubs it

"I-I'm really sorry, I didn't mean-"

"I know you didn't mean it Daisy, you've said sorry about a millions times" Sean chuckles lightly

"I know, but....." I look down

"Hey.....look at me"

Sean gently grabs my face and we make eye contact " You were under control, you didn't want to do it. If it's anyone's fault its the shadows"

I smile lightly "Thank you Sean"

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