The unexpected wizard (Fred W...

By Gryffinpuffgirl_2310

9.7K 195 23

The cover is entirely mine although the pictures were found on google ❤️💛 First off the plot is entirely my... More

Part 1
part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
part 7
Part 8
part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30 - really short prolog

Part 19

231 3 2
By Gryffinpuffgirl_2310

A/N = A quick A/N, this chapter happens a month after the last one....

I looked in the mirror, why hadn't I started yet, I was supposed to have started a week ago, Molly Molly would know the answer, I hurriedly put my jacket over myself, the fall air beginning to become cold. I hurried over to the Weasley's household and I knocked on the door, hoping that Molly would be inside, thankfully after a minute of waiting Molly opened the door up and smiled at me "Y/N dear, is something wrong?" she asked when she noticed the worried expression on my face. 

"Yes, I'm late, by a week" I told Molly and she raised an eyebrow until realization hit her and she hurried me inside, she went and got something hurrying to do a lot of things, when she was done doing whatever she was doing she smiled at me "lay down will you? if it is what we both think it may be then I will know" Molly said and I quickly laid down. Molly took her wand out, she said a spell and waved her wand over my stomach, then her face became as bright as the sun "you're pregnant dear" she said and I quickly sat up in horror, "I can't be, Fred and I have only done it a couple of times, we used protection" I said panicked until I remembered our first time. 

No protection had been used that one time, as realization hit me harder and harder I felt tears fall down my cheeks, "Molly I'm not ready for this, Fred and I have only been together for just over one month. I don't even know if he wants children, I mean I love him but what if he'll get mad or upset?" I asked freaking out over this pregnancy, there was just no way I could be pregnant. 

"I'm sorry dear, but that spell doesn't give wrong news unlike those muggle tests you can take" Molly said and I stared in horror at the floor, "could you send Fred a patronus? I need to speak with him at our place" I asked Molly and she nodded getting her patronus out and sending it to Fred with the letter. "You should go dear, he'll probably be there in a minute or two" Molly said and I nodded putting my jacket on and leaving after thanking Molly for the help. 

When I got back to our place Fred pulled me into a tight hug, "Fred air" I whispered to him "sorry" he said as he pulled away "mom said something was wrong, what happened?" Fred asked, he sounded so concerned. I took a deep breath, "can we sit down" I asked and I noticed his eyes glisten over telling me he was scared "you don't need to be scared, I'm not breaking up with you" I told Fred and I noticed him relax a little. 

After we had sat down on the couch both of us turning in the direction of the other, I took another deep breath "I'm pregnant" I whispered out but Fred heard me, he sat in silence for a couple of seconds until I looked up at him and I noticed he was trying to hold back a scream. "You can scream" I whispered "I'm becoming a dad!" Fred screamed happily running around the house and then outside to call it to the world "are you really that happy about it?" I asked and he seemed shocked at that question. 

"Of course I'm bloody happy about that Y/N! we're going to be parents" Fred said as he helped me stand up from the couch and he kissed me passionately on the lips, I smiled at his excited composure "I love you Y/N" Fred said and I smiled "I love you too Fred" I told him and he kissed me once again passionately on the lips. "How are we doing this?" I asked Fred as I looked down at my stomach "we'll take it one step at a time, lets start with trying to keep it a secret until you're three months in" Fred said and I smiled. 

"Your mom knows" I told Fred and his face turned into one of horror, "okay, well I guess we will have to go straight to step two then" Fred said and I smiled and kissed him "what is step two then?" I asked Fred. "Pick a room for this one, I know you have more than just two bedrooms here, I also know you only said you had two that time the jerk was here because you didn't want to sleep alone" Fred said and I smiled at him kissing his lips passionately. 

"I know about the perfect room" I told Fred as I started walking up the stairs with Fred on my heals, I opened the door into the room closest to mine and Fred's, "this one" I said as I entered the room, it was fairly big and had an en-sweat so when the kid grew up they could have their own bathroom. There were big windows looking to the backyard on the wall to the left after you walked in but other than that it was nothing in there "isn't it a bit big?" Fred asked and I looked at him in horror. 

"It most certainly is not to big, especially since the whole time she will be using a crib she'll be sleeping in our room" I told Fred and he got a horror face on "no way, I want some sleep through the night, I know what the two younger once did to mom and dad" Fred said and I shook my head. "Sleepless nights is a part of parenthood, if you don't like it you can sleep on the couch" I told him sternly and he sighed, "fine" he gave up and I smiled and kissed him, "I'm pretty sure mom has a used crib she can give us" Fred said and I smiled at him kissing his lips. 

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