By potterhead_fic

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What happened after The War? Do you think it was easy for The Golden Trio after that? A little story o how Ha... More

Chapter 1: Harry's Birthday
Chapter 2: The Black Family's junk
Chapter 3: 10 year anniversary
Chapter 4: So Malfoy is back...
Chapter 5: Neville's interlude
Chapter 6: The Order of Merlin
Chapter 7: The Proposal
Chapter 8: Malfoy's interlude
Chapter 9: Cleaning weekend
Chapter 10: The Harpies
Chapter 11: Three lions and a serpent
Chapter 12: Mischievous superheroes
Chapter 13: Neville's interlude
Chapter 14: The failure
Chapter 15: The Ceremony Part I
Chapter 16: The Ceremony Part II
Chapter 17: What did we achieve?
Chapter 18: Twin whisperes
Chapter 19: The right track
Chapter 20: Dumbledore's Army 2.0
Chapter 21: Neville's interlude
Chapter 22: Midnight talks with portraits
Chapter 23: We need changes
Chapter 25: Double Trouble
Chapter 26: The Promise
Chapter 27: The first mission
Chapter 28: A Potter little Christmas
Chapter 29: Epilogue

Chapter 24: Baby Steps

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By potterhead_fic

Draco had been helping his father financially. Lucius came to see his wife once a week, disguised as him of course. Draco could tell he really cared. At least for her. And Narcissa seemed more happy and calmed but she wanted more than anything to go home. 

But Draco had been keeping secrets from them. For startes, the fact that he was part of Dumbledore's Army. The Malfoys would never imagine such thing. Also the fact that he had bloody kissed Harry Potter. He had a crush on him since Hogwarts. Draco was too stubborn to admit that he fancied St. Pottah. So he tried denying it to others and specially himself. Then Draco left to Switzerland and he honestly thought he forgot about Potter. But then he was back and him and Potter became kind of friends and were close. And all Draco's feelings came back. But Draco was sure Bloody Potter didn't liked him back. 

Now Draco was surely in trouble. His father would eventually find out about his little adventure with Dumbledore's Army. Draco was sure many of his father's former friends saw him today. Mr. Weasley did, the event will obviously be posted on The Daily Phophet. But Draco didn't care anymore. He was tired if being a bloody poppet. He was tired of everyone judging him for his name. He wanted to be different, to be good. 

Draco didn't know why Kingsley called him into his office with the Golden Trio. They were the important ones, not him. Perhaps he was in trouble or something. As he always was. 

"Well sit down" the Minister said taking his own chair. 

"Kingsley are you angry with us?" Hermione asked all of the sudden.

He responded laughing "Of course not. That was amazing... I didn't know Dumbledore's Army was back"

Draco didn't dare to speak.

"Yeah, kind of. A different version" Weasley said looking at Draco. The Minister looked at him as well. Draco tried not to be embarrassed. 

"I see that...." Kingsley said "I got to say I am proud of you" he smiled looking at the other three "And I'm pretty sure Dumbledore would be too. Well done"

"It was actually Harry's doing. We just followed" Hermione said

Potter blushed which made him look adorable through Malfoy's eyes. He tried to look away.

"Well it wasn't like that Hermione. We all worked on ideas .."

"Stop being modest mate" Weasley commented.

"Anyway" Potter tried to change the subject "I ment what I said Kingsley. About those changes?" 

The Minister wasn't angry. In fact he smiled politely

"Of course" he sighed "Actually I wanted to apologize. I haven't been the Minister Dumbledore would've expected. I haven't done anything on his honour"

"Don't say that!" Potter protested "You have done plenty. I'm really sure of it"

"I've tried Harry. But once you are in the position lots of compromises, responsabities and duties crossed in your time" he shook his head "I'm pretty sure there are people more capable than me"

"Oh sod off Kingsley. You are the best Minister so far" Weasley said "Even my dad says so. He is very happy with you"

Shacklebolt smiled "Thank you Ron"

"Maybe we can help you" Hermione said "It would be great to have more brains and wands willing for change in the operation"

"That's exactly what I was about to say, Hermione" he continued "You have a nice position here. But I would need you too. Ron, Harry..."

What the bloody hell? Why was Draco even here? It was like he didn't even exist. 

"I could help" Weasley said "But I can't work here. George needs me at the shop and I quite like working there. It's like I have a new purpose" he smiled and Hermione's gave him a kiss on the cheek. They grabbed hands. 

"Okay, Ron I understand" The Minister continued "What about you Harry?" 

Draco looked at Potter who was offly quiet, staring at his hands embarrassed. He looked around confused as everyone in the room was looking at him. Cute. See?

"I... I don't know..."

"Harry..." Hermione protested.

"Honestly Harry. You can choose whatever area or department"

"You don't have to do that because I am the Chosen One. I don't want that" 

"Harry, it's not like that"

"But it is. At the end it is..."

"Oh For Merlins Sake's Potter!" 

Draco finally spoke. The group jumped as remembering he was there. Draco hadn't spoken with Potter since the kiss. Partly because he was embarrassed. But also because he was angry at him for not wanting him back. But let's face it. It was most embarrassment. 

"Stop moaning like you do and accept the bloody job. Did you see what happened downstairs? You bloody moved them. You have power over them and you can do whatever you bloody want with it. They would listen to you more than to Mr. Shacklebolt"

Draco blushed and cleared his throat at the realization of he's just said. 

"No offense Minister"

Draco waited to be shouted at or kicked out of the office. But the bloke simply smiled. 

"Non taken" he said "He is right Harry" Potter didn't dare to look at Malfoy in the eyes. "For whatever reason, they all respect you. You can help me to really change things" 

"Yes Harry" Hermione said "There's no worth working our asses out if those wizards won't listen to us" 

Potter closed his eyes and then opened them looking directly at Draco. Which made his heart race. They looked into each other's eyes for a second. Draco panicked. And then Potter just smirked. 

"Okay. I would really like to be an auror again... Happy?" 

They all smiled.

"Honestly mate. You would be the best auror" Weasley said rubbing his friends' hair.

The best. Draco thought. 

"And that would help us a lot Harry, you have no idea" Mr. Shacklebolt smiled. 

Draco finally cleared his throat. 

"Nice prep talk and all but... What am I doing here?" 

Draco now felt awkward. He just wanted to leave. Specially after that smile Potter gave him.

"Oh yeah Malfoy" The Minister said "I'm sorry to inform you, your father is here"

"What?" Oh shit, they got him, he thought. 

"That's what I taking care of before this whole thing"

But Draco was already on his feet "Where is he?" 

The three friends looked at Draco with concerned faces.

"Calm down Draco" Kingsley said "He came by himself, he handed himself to our aurors... He is downstairs. So as your mother"

Draco went pale. He wanted to cry, scream but he couldn't let himself do it in front of them.

"Harry. Since now you are an auror, I think this concerns you as well"

No. Not Potter. Bloody hell no. 


"We lead Dumbledore's Army out, Harry" Hermione said eyeing concerned at Draco

"Thank you for everything, mate" Weasley put an arm around his girlfriend. 

But Draco couldn't care less. He ran outside without even letting Kingsley tell him where his father was. 


They found Lucius in one of the interrogation rooms. He was sitting and talking in hush voices to a very concerned Narcissa. Two aurors pointing their wands at them.

"Father!" Draco sounded angry. How stupid it was to come here by himself. But it was Narcissa who answered.

"Draco!" she stood up with tears on her eyes and hugged her son. 

"Are you okay?" he asked her. 

Narcissa nodded sniffing "Your father is an idiot" she whispered

"It is my fault!" Lucius said out loud. "Everything is my fault. I... I deserve a punishment... Yes .." and he sounded drunk. 

Draco closed his eyes on defeat. He was tired of this. He wanted to tell Kingsley and the aurors to just send him to Azkaban once and for all. 

"I am the bloody deatheater. Me.... Not them" Lucius pointed towards his son and wife "Just take me to the dementors. Me..." 

Narcissa sighed "Please sir. Be comprehensive. My husband is not in his right senses..." 

"It's okay Mrs. Malfoy..." The Minister began while Lucius kept talking.

"Jus' put me the handcuffs already... What are you waiting for Auror? I'm a bad boy..." he sang. 

"We are getting to an arrangement for him and your family" 

"Oh Potter is here!" Lucius giggled "Look Draco! It's bloody Potter!" 

Potter was stuck on his feet. While Narcissa whispered on her son's ear.

"What is he doing here, Draco?" 

"Harry is a member of the Auror Department now, aren't you?" The Minister said.

"Ammm... Yeah..." Potter cleared his throat "Don't worry Mrs. Malfoy... "

Narcissa looked at him with disgust. 

"... I will make sure they punish your husband on the right way, the way he deserves don't worry... For... It's a thank you. For ... Saving my life..." Potter finished looking down. 

Narcissa didn't answer. Just clinched to her son's arm. Lucius kept whispering drunk things and giggling now and then. Draco felt sorry for him. The man he used to admire as a kid, was now a sorry excuse of himself. 

"The Winzengamot will be excluded from this case Mrs. Malfoy" The Minister continued "I know how resentful they are of your husband. They wouldn't be fair. Instead we will get a new group of witches and wizard to decide on his trial, right Harry?" 

Potter nodded now more confident "Right"


And as Kingsley said, Lucius trial was held the next day. Draco was surprised to see younger witches and wizards as judges. They even seemed forgein. That would be easy, since The name Malfoy, wouldn't influence them to take a decision. And Draco was grateful, towards Dumbledore's Army. But specially Potter, thanks to him and his speech, things were really starting to change at the Ministry.

Lucius' sentence was as follows:

His crimes as a deatheater were already forgiven for the heroic action of his wife by saving the life of The Chosen One. And having paid for the reparations of most of the Hogwarts' damage. 

The position and use of dark objects was not as a serious crime. And Kingsley said that he won't make the same mistake by sending everyone to Azkaban for minor crimes. Lucius would have to stay home. And if he were to leave, he was supposed to be accompanied by aurors. Also aurors will be constantly watching Malfoy Manor in case something happens. 

Speaking of the house, Lucius would have to inherite the Manor to Draco before dying. Draco now owner of the place would be obliged to hand to the Ministry every dark or cursed object. And only use normal and regular magic on the house. Otherwise, aurors would know and another trial would begin.

Draco and Narcissa were grateful. In other circumstances, Lucius would've been sent to Azkaban or sentenced to receive the Dementors kiss. The Malfoys would have to adjust but at least they would be together. Now Draco had to find the right time to tell his parents what he had been up to. And who were his friends now. And perhaps tell them how he felt about a certain boy with a lighting scar. Well he didn't even know himself. It was just a bloody kiss. And obviously, Lucius and Narcissa would hate it. Baby steps, Draco guessed. 

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