The Lost Tomb : Restart (The...

By Sky_gh0st07

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This novel is a sequel of the Lost Tomb Series and where the Reunion: The Sound Of The Providence (2020) dram... More

Chapter 1: Nanjing Locker
Chapter 2: Abandoned Weather Station
Chapter 3: Uncle Three's Body
Chapter 4: Thunder
Chapter 5: Yang Daguang
Chapter 6: Those Who Listen to Thunder
Chapter 7: Bare Grave
Chapter 8: The Yang Family's Old Tomb
Chapter 9: God of Thunder's Coffin
Chapter 10: My Name Is Zhang Qiling
Chapter 11: Into the Tomb Again
Chapter 12: The West Sea's Falling Cloud Country
Chapter 13: South Sea King's Tomb
Chapter 14: Baiyue People
Chapter 15: Wu Erbai
Chapter 16: Expert
Chapter 17: Fan
Chapter 18: Listen to Thunder by the Evening Sea
Chapter 19: Exploding Mud
Chapter 20: The Raksha Country and the Sea Market [1]
Chapter 21: Mud
Chapter 22: Looking for the Tomb Entrance
Chapter 23: Tomb Passage
Chapter 24: Thunder God Statue
Chapter 25: Meet Up
Chapter 26: Block the Sound of Thunder
Chapter 27: Wall of Eyes
Chapter 28: Flash
Chapter 29: Something In The Mud
Chapter 30: Full Moon Sacrifice
Chapter 31: Superfluous Tomb Passage
Chapter 32: Street Caller
Chapter 33: Liu Sang the Psychopath
Chapter 34: Mute Emperor
Chapter 35: People Everywhere
Chapter 36: Sudden Epiphany
Chapter 37: Abandoned Passage
Chapter 38: In the Tomb Passage
Chapter 39: Strange Hole
Chapter 40: Why Do You Want to Go into the Hole?
Chapter 41: Rough Guess
Chapter 42: Stuck
Chapter 43: Distance Marker
Chapter 44: Horn Candles
Chapter 45: Exit
Chapter 46: Blind
Chapter 47: Strong Current
Chapter 48: Jump into the Waterway
Chapter 49: Shadow Under The Water
Chapter 50: Leather Figurine Woman
Chapter 51: Jade
Chapter 52: Climbing Up
Chapter 53: Hanging Stone Boat
Chapter 54: Mummified Person
Chapter 55: Take a Vote
Chapter 56: Stories In The Murals
Chapter 57: At Present
Chapter 58: Intuition
Chapter 59: Will of Heaven
Chapter 60: Countless Hands
Chapter 61: The Shuikao's Owner
Chapter 62: Connections
Chapter 63: It Reappeared
Chapter 64: Echoed In The Silent Tomb Passage
Chapter 65: Insects
Chapter 66: Eyesight
Chapter 67: Blood Run Cold
Chapter 68: Traces
Chapter 69: Revive A Soul
Chapter 70: Loud Noise
Chapter 71: Voices From Inside
Chapter 72: Tunnel
Chapter 73: Designed Path
Chapter 74: New Year's Bonus
Chapter 75: Endless Nightmares
Chapter 76: Old Porcelain
Chapter 77: Memories
Chapter 79: Liu Sang Again
Chapter 80: Old Age
Chapter 81: Shadows On The Beach
Chapter 82: Like Evil Spirits
Chapter 83: Intense Fight
Chapter 84: Coincidence
Chapter 85: Retribution
Chapter 86: Unexpected Gift
Chapter 87: Uncle Two's Note
Chapter 88: Key Information
Chapter 89: Another Possibility
Chapter 90: Warehouse Eleven
Chapter 91: Hollowness Inside
Chapter 92: Bai Haotian
Chapter 93: Ha Zong's Shop Expert
Chapter 94 : Sinister Setup
Chapter 95: Legendary Insect
Chapter 96: Definitely A Lie
Chapter 97: Bad Instincts
Chapter 98: Distorted Face
Chapter 99: Horrific Situation
Chapter 100: Awake
Chapter 101: Xiao Hua's Private Matter
Chapter 102: Mute Village
Chapter 103: Information From Black Glasses
Chapter 104: Important News
Chapter 105: Second Possibility
Chapter 106: Fatal Consequences
Chapter 107: Back to Warehouse Eleven
Chapter 108: Zhang Da Fo Ye's Number
Chapter 109: Underwater Goods
Chapter 110: Suspended In The Water
Chapter 111: Psychological Effect
Chapter 112: Wu Sanxing's Serial number
Chapter 112.5: A Drunken Gibberish
Chapter 113: Uncle Three's Goods
Chapter 114: Thunder Recordings
Chapter 115: Mysterious Meteorological Team
Chapter 116: Origin of Everything
Chapter 117: Thunder Possession
Chapter 118: Sound of Thunder's Effect
Chapter 119: Desire to go to Thunder City
Chapter 120: Poker-Face is Gone
Chapter 121: Hairbrained Scheme
Chapter 122: Rejection
Chapter 123: Strange Candidate
Chapter 124: Unusual Recruiting Process
Chapter 125: Fatty's Proposal
Chapter 126: Shanxi's Goods
Chapter 127: Antique Trading
Chapter 128: Faint Knocking Sound
Chapter 129: Endless Pain
Chapter 130: Retreated Into The Darkness
Chapter 131: Solve The Problem
Chapter 132: Arrived
Chapter 133: Discovered
Chapter 134: Strange Iconic Figures
Chapter 135: Motionless People
Chapter 136: Possessed By Evil Spirits
Chapter 137: Deep Connection to Thunder
Chapter 138: Inconspicuous Disguise
Chapter 139: Chance Encounter
Chapter 140: Mystery Underneath
Chapter 141: Restart
Chapter 142: Next Phase Plan
Chapter 143: Not An Ordinary Person
Chapter 144: Protagonist of Their Own Life
Chapter 145: Relive The Past
Chapter 146: Oppressive Nature
Chapter 147: Wreak Havoc
Chapter 148: Entrance of The Calling Spring
Chapter 149: Passage Full of Dead Bodies
Chapter 150: Hidden Danger in The Calling Spring
Chapter 151: Escaping Into the Wilderness
Chapter 152: The Monster That Knows Everything
Chapter 153: Predict The Future
Chapter 154: Ancient Method To Interact With Heavens
Chapter 155: Xiao Hua's Elaborate Scheme
Chapter 156: All-in-all-out Strategy
Chapter 157: Part Of A Huge Game
Chapter 158: Secret Code
Chapter 159: Explosions in The Mountain
Chapter 160: Fatty's Message
Chapter 161: Thousands of Snakeskins
Chapter 162: Three-way Formation
Chapter 163: An Old Spy Station

Chapter 78: Old Technique

133 2 0
By Sky_gh0st07

"Forget about it. You can carefully recall the memories some other time." Fatty took a hard drag of his cigarette.

I scratched my head, suddenly feeling that the scenery in front of me wasn't as beautiful as before. As we kept walking, I remembered how the tattoo was obviously a map of Banai. But why was it so similar to this island?

Wang Zanghai once built two identical cities. One was located in Yunnan and the other was on the coast. Compared to those two cities, this island and Guangxi were in a symmetrical geographical location with similar terrain. Was this kind of terrain something God drew with a pen?

"Is it a coincidence?" I asked Fatty.

He smiled and said, "It's nothing for you to worry about. Studying and researching is a good way to pass the time."

"Don't you have a preliminary conclusion or something?" I asked. "The fact that you're talking like this shows that you've been thinking about it for a long time. Or, do you have inside information?"

"That's not true." Fatty told me he was surprised when he found out. He glanced at the address, continued looking at the house numbers, and kept talking, "You would probably think the same thing. The Zhang family may have studied this island. The Zhang family's ancient building in Banai was built later, but this island has existed since ancient times. Maybe a Zhang family member had been to this island and especially liked it here, so he stipulated that every Zhang Qiling had to have it tattooed on his chest."

I thought about it and realized that it was also possible. The Zhang family did have too many unsolved secrets, after all. Fatty arrived in front of a village house and looked at the house number, "Found it." After he said this, he started knocking on the door while singing, "I'm a little flower, I'm a little apple [1]."

After singing a few words, the door was opened and a fat, middle-aged woman with a big smile looked at us, "Did you come here for something?"

Mandarin was fairly standard, so Fatty and I were both relieved. Fatty pulled up his WeChat and showed it to her. The middle-aged woman looked behind us before letting us in.

There was a courtyard behind the house that was filled with all kinds of snakeskin belts and paper boxes. It seemed to be a place that helped factories process sticky packaging for boxes. If there were some food factories or small light industrial products factories in the village, the children and elderly from every household would pick up some work putting the sticky packaging on boxes and bags. A box usually cost anywhere from one to five mao [2], so someone with good skill could subsidize the household.

I looked at the boxes and found that they seemed to be for some kind of cake. Across the courtyard was the house where the homeowner's family slept. There were side rooms located on either side of a small living room in the middle where you could eat. There was no path in the back. Before my eyes could start looking for the goods, the middle-aged woman moved the old wooden cupboard near the inner wall of the small living room. There was a door behind it that was covered in a thick cloth. Once the cloth was pulled aside, we found that there was another courtyard in the back.

To my surprise, the yard was full of people. Porcelain was piled up everywhere except for the places where people stood. Some people were washing the sea porcelain, while the remaining number of people appeared to be customers. They were all very quiet as they ordered goods and watched the porcelain washers work.

"Drink. This shopfront is big enough," Fatty ordered as he handed me something colorful. I thought it was a small-scale private blend, but I didn't realize that this coastal area had become a wholesale market.

The elder sister was particularly skilled as she took out a small notebook that looked like an order pad and wrote two 12s on the page. Then, she tore half of it off and handed it to me before placing the other half in a basket. She used a clip to clamp it on the basket and said to us, "When you see a good one, put it in the basket and pay me the money. We'll wash it for free."

I was stunned and looked at Fatty, who muttered, "This is some awesome shit. It's just like treating yourself to some hot spicy soup." The woman left without paying us any mind, so Fatty and I began to walk around the piles of barnacle-covered porcelain. I wasn't interested, so I told Fatty to pick them out while I went to see an old man who was washing some of the porcelain. As I watched his technique, I realized that he must have made a living washing these kinds of things. He definitely must've been washing them for decades.

At the seaside, everyone did part-time work. Most of those who devoted themselves to making a living like this were old grave robbers, so they had to know a lot about what went on around the island. There weren't many people in front of the old man, so I leaned over to watch him work. He looked at me and I looked back at him before asking, "This technique must've been around for thirty years, right?"

"Fifty years." The old man's accent was very heavy, but I could still understand it. I continue to stand close to him, "Have you passed it on? It's a pity that this craft will be lost."

The old man shook his head. "Unfortunately, the things in the sea are almost gone." 



[1] I think it's from Chopsticks Bros. It could also be Ha Jingjing's song "I'm Your Little Apple" but I couldn't find it.

[2] One mao (aka jiao) is equal to 1/10 of a yuan or 10 fēn.

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