Two Different People Collide...

By bscamper

76.1K 3K 144

I recommend reading the first book in the series, "Two Different Worlds Collide" Otherwise certain details wo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18 Epilogue

Chapter 3

4.1K 176 4
By bscamper

A/N sorry for the short chapter the next one will be longer

Blade's POV

I watched Amelia bounce throughout the bar. She was smiling and laughing the whole time as she danced, drank, and spoke with my brothers. She was a strong presence in the room a light shining into our dark world, my dark world. I couldn't seem to stop watching her.

Buster and Screw were idiots. It was like Ember all over again, they needed to learn a lesson in not underestimating woman again the hard way I suppose. When Amelia began to dance on Buster I nearly came out of my corner to rip him away from her. I have never felt this before, but I know my darkness will ruin her. I can still watch her from a distance though. I caught her looking at me a few times it seemed she wanted to be sure I was still watching. I expected her tense at my obvious staring but she did not, it seemed to almost reassure her.

"Brother," Hawk's voice pulled me out of my trance Amelia's light had placed me in. "You seem to be interested in a certain someone that you haven't taken your eyes off of in the past two hours." Hawk had a knowing smirk on his face.

I didn't even notice him watching me watch or walking up to me. That is not like me at all to not be fully aware of my surroundings at all time. I hadn't even realized her presence even from a distance had calmed enough to relax, well relax as much as I can. "It's nothing Prez, just someone new and watching to make sure all is well." I knew it sounded like bad excuse as soon as I said it. How would that woman hold any threat to our club other than to drink us out of tequila. Screw and Buster were falling over themselves while Amelia almost looked like she had when she first walked into the bar. They had gone shot for shot with her the whole time.

"Blade, I know the look you're giving Amelia. It's same look Gage gives Cass and I've been told I give Ember." He replied to me. "Maybe you should give introducing yourself to her a try. Ember's been good for you; you're already different from just her I can only imagine what a good woman could do for you."

"No," I said voice void of any emotion. "She deserves better than the darkness that I can offer her."

"You have more to offer her than just darkness," He tried reasoning with me but I cut my eyes to him with a hard glare. He held his hands up in surrender towards me, "alright brother, suit yourself. Though I don't know that she's the type to sit around and wait for a man." He nodded his head across the bar.

I looked where Hawk had nodded and saw Amelia dancing with a prospect, grinding all over him. Buster and Screw were passed out at the bar so it looks like she found someone knew to entertain her. I stood up quickly and began to make my way across the bar. "Prospect!" I called out making him look up at me and I could see him gulp. What a pussy. "Don't you have some work you should be doing? Isn't it your night to watch the gate?"

"YYYYes Blade sir." He stuttered out his answer to me. I could notice Amelia studying me from the side. "Ssssorry, I got distracted when it waaas my bbbbreak. I'm heading outttt there now." With that he ran out of the clubhouse door presumably to go back to the gate.

I turned to go when I felt a soft hand grip my wrist and with that single touch my muscles relaxed. I turned towards the hand and looked at it amazed at what had just happened. She jerked her hand away causing me to look up and meet her eyes. "Sorry, I was just excited to finally put a name to the face of the man that's been watching me all evening." I grunted at her and turned to walk back to my spot where Hawk was still sitting at my table, leaning back, with his hands behind his head, smiling a huge smile. If he's not careful I'm going to knock that smile off his face, I'd do it too if he wasn't my president. Lucky him. "I'll be seeing you Blade!" I heard Amelia call out and I swear it made my heart skip a beat. I have to get out of here. Instead of going back to my table I made my way up the stairs and to my room. A lot of my brothers tend to keep their rooms a mess but my time in Special Forces did not allow for me to be able to live in those conditions. Everything was in order and clean in my room. I laid down in my bed and stared up at the ceiling. After a while my eyes began to close and I dreamed of green eyes and short blonde hair. 

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