
By Rebelidiot

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Jenna, the typical small-town rich girl, is kidnaped by some not-so-bad guys and is forced to spend a entire... More

Chapter2- The beginning
Chapter3- Confused
Chapter4- WallMart
Chapter5- Free or so I think
Chapter6- Again, Really?
Chapter7- Alex's P.o.V.
Chapter8- I'm Sorry.
Chapter9- Las Vegas.
Chapter10- Oh no!
Chapter11- Just a kiss.
Chapter12- Alex's P.o.V
Chapter13- I saw my life flash before my eyes.
Chapter14- Lost.
Chapter15- Hello, get in my car.
Chapter17- Don't.
Chapter18- Fate had otherwise.
Chapter20- Love is Blindness.
Chapter21- Blindness.
Chapter22- Almost Home.
Chapter23- A new beginning/friends once again
Chapter24- A carefree day
Chapter25- Meanwhile with Alex P.O.V.
Chapter26- There's Someone I've been missing(Alex P.O.V.)
Chapter27- At the wrong place trying to make it right

Chapter16- I wont give up.

2.8K 60 18
By Rebelidiot


   I tried to focus my vision. I reached down to the floor. I felt a blanket on top of me, it was so soft I didn't wanna get up. So I leaned up and saw Jack, Daemon and Alex. My hear sunk when I saw Alex nodding at Jack. Alex had his head sitting on his hand leaned forward on the one-seat sofa. Jack's back was turned to me. Daemon looked at me.

"Hey! Sleepy head!"

   He shouted loud, and that waked me up. Jack turned to me and smiled.

"Hey, sweetie. How was the couch?"

"It felt wonderful, its so cozy."

"Glad you like it, but you know what? Our bed is way better."

"Oh yeah, I bet it is."

   Alex turned his head an looked out the window. I felt sad that our love happened. I started to think about the cute moments we had. No, I can't think of this. I couldn't stop though. I fell back onto the couch while the guys talked.

   I got up quietly and went to the kitchen, I was very thirsty. I opened the fridge and saw orange juice. I searched the cabinets for a glass. When I found one, my orange juice was missing! I looked back in the fridge the counter behind the microwave. Then I heard a laugh behind me. I turned around and saw Jack holding the juice laughing. I went to grab it but he put it behind his back.

"Of you want it come and get it."

"Ha ha, now please hand me the juice before you get hurt."

"Before for I get hurt? You're cute when your like think."

"Well, thanks but please let me have my juice." I started to whine for the orange juice.

"Get it."

   I reached for it behind his back, he spun around. I looked at him with a devilish smile.

"Oh-boy, you know I am game."

   I ran to him, he spun around again. Then he stood there waiting for me to grab it. I walked up to him and reached for the juice while looking into his eyes. We were face to face, I could smell his aftershave. He let go and I spun around prancing to the glass like a little girl.

"Wow, how on earth did you do that. I like that, what you just did there for the split second."

"I don't know, it just happened." I let out a laugh.

   I walked back to the living room, and there was Alex looking at me. He was still in the same position he was in when I went back to sleep. He put his head down. He hasn't shaved yet, he start to grow a beard. I couldn't stand him, why is he hear. I wish he could go back to his wife and bug her.

   I got up and went up stairs. I went to his, oh, our bed. I pulled up the covers and flopped in. It was so warm and soft. I must have dozed off again. When I had woke up, the front door slammed closed. Then I heard someone walk up the stairs, it was Jack.

"Do you mind if, we have dinner to night with the two guys?"

"Uh, yeah I don't mind, you can stay there all night with them, I know your a chatter box with them."

"Oh I think you misunderstood. We want you to join."

"Are you sure? I wont be a bother?"

"Yeah, come with us. Its gonna be a triple-dinner-date."

"Cool, sounds good. I guess I'll go."

   Jack winked at me, and walked back down. I blew a huff. Great this means I will have to see Alex again.


30 minutes till the dinner-date.

   Jack got me a black dress the went a little above my knees, the back went down to my hips, I loved how it showed my toned back. He then got me small black pumps that reflected everything. I took a shower and rather my self. When I was done I fixed my hair and makeup. I could hear Jack yelling for me to come down. I finished the last touches. I walked down holding onto the ramp to make sure I didn't fall down and ruin the whole night by spending it in the hospital.

   I walked up to Jack, his eyes were so amazed of how I looked. I felt good that I am dressing like this again, like I am going to prom. Jack led me outside to his Hummer. He opened the door for me and helped me in. We small talked, I asked him ton of questions. Then he asked my something that was strange to hear.

"So seem so calm. Aren't you afraid?"

"Nope, fear is a choice and I choose not to fear anything really."

"Nice answer."

"Why? Do you have something for me to fear?"

"No, nothings gonna happened to you. But you should fear what is in my pants."

"Oh my god. A gun?"

"Ha ha, no silly. My baby-maker."

"Oh, well that's not terrifying."

   We sat in silence after that. We arrived at the restaurant. We were twenty minutes early. So we went to our table to wait for the rest of the guys. We waited a little more than another thirty minutes. When I saw a waiter gesture over to me and Jack, Alex walked in and some lady followed him. Jack stood up and greeted Alex. I had no clue what to do, so I stood up and went to Alex's women. I hugged her and told her who I am.

"Hi, I am Jennifer. I am Jack's girlfriend."

"Oh, hi. I'm Natalia, Alex's wife."

"Well nice to meet you."

   I looked at her, she was stunning! I couldn't believe that anyone could look so amazing. She had blond hair, and blue eyes. Her hair looked naturally curly, she was very shapely. She looked like a Victoria Secret model, and why would Alex like me instead of her?

   I looked at Alex. Great it looks like I am going to have to say hi to him too. I switched places with Jack to meet and greet. I looked at Alex. I reached out my hand, he grabbed it an pulled me closer. He hugged me.

"I love you."

"No, no you don't."

"I wont give up."

   He whispered these words in to my ear. Our hug lasted a little longer then a 'usual' hug would. When we released each other, Jack and Natalia were looking at us in a strange way. We walked to the booth. Jack and Natalia sat together in the middle of the booth, I was at Jack's side. He held my hand under the table. I sat across from Alex. The room was filled with people we over looked in our booth. There was someone playing the piano, the song Canon in D played. It reminded me of my future wedding that I might have. I looked at Natalia as she talked about her little flower shop she has. Then I felt something touch my right arm, I scratched it off, then the little thing came back. I looked to my right. I saw nothing there. Then out of no where Daemon jumps out and screams. I jumped back in to the booth seat. I had a mini heart attack. Jack's arm went around my waist.

"Ha ha, I got you!"

"Ha-ha-ha yeah you sure did." I laugh still frightened about what just happened.

"So, I couldn't find this place, that's why I was a little late. So when is Todd coming?"

   Todd, Todd is coming to dinner. Yay! I love this guy! Hes like the ultimate guy-friend! I could talk to him forever! I got kinda excited by the fact that he could be right here, right now. I felt Jack;s hands tickle my side, I let out a giggle. He turned an looked at me, I kept giggling. Then he tickled me again and he didn't stop. I started to laugh uncontrollably. I looked at Daemon, Alex, and Natalia looking at me like I am an idiot. I tried to stop and take some breaths but Jack kept tickling me, I started to jump around in the booth. I tried to stand up but I hit the table, I knocked down Alex;s watter and spilt it on Daemon. I sat back down and both of Jack's hands were tickling me. I started to feel the edge of the seat, oh god. I am going to fall off and there's nothing I can do. I was half a butt-cheek off the seat. Then I fell.

   I fell straight on my bum. I looked around and everyone was starring at me. The pianist stopped playing. Jack got up and pulled me up. Alex looked at me concerned. While Daemon laughed, and Natalia smiled at me. Jack was grinning like a chimp.

"You okay?"

"Yes I am fine, thanks to you." I pushed against Jack lightly.

"Well it was fun right?"

"Oh yeah, I couldn't stop breathing. It was like getting raped."

   The whole grouped laughed at my remark, but not Alex. Alex was so serious.

   We ate and Todd never showed up. I was disappointed. But I couldn't let him get in the way. I was actually having a good time. We laughed and went back to memories. While Alex sat quite. He kept looking at me when I talked or did an action. We were done having dinner. Jack paid the bill. I went to the ladies restroom. When I finished up, there was Alex. He was standing there looking at me. I gave a little grin that instantly disappeared.

   I walked passed him, until he grabbed my arm. I looked up at him in the eyes.

"Jennifer, please. Please. Please. Forgive me."

"I-I can't, you hurted me."

"Jennifer, listen this lady I am with, she means nothing to me. Your the only one I see a future with."

"That must be someone else."

   I yanked my arm out of his grip, and I started to walk away. Till he said something.

"Forget all the reasons why it won't work, and believe the one  reason why it will."

   Do I really love this guy? Or should I just keep walking?

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