Pierced Heart ✓

By anandruchi

174K 9.1K 2.6K

THE REVENGE that will break someone. THE REGRET that will drown someone in guilt. THE LOVE that will be uncon... More

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Character sketch
1. Nothing will be wrong
2. Helplessness to do anything
3. The unknown deception
4. Never let the heart win
6. Choice of life and pain
7. Being the healer is harder
8. Pain subsiding with smile
9. Presence to peace or pain
10. Memories to feel relief and affliction
11. Betrayer or betrayed
12. The fear of losing
13. Forgetting pains or living with it
14. Make the things clear
15. Finding the hidden truths
16. The Trust of hearts
17. Accept the unexpected
18. Forced to be heartless
19. Shattered with reality
20. Thin string of hope
21. The betrayer heart
22. Bound by heart
23. Mending a shattered dream
24. Feeling of tranquility
25. Healer of broken soul
26. Tied in a pious knot
27. The beautiful but deceiving eyes
28. Finding the lost treasure
29. The Promises for life
30. The new phase of happiness

5. Illusion of the painful past

4.4K 316 58
By anandruchi

"Stay away I said Swara!! Leave me!!" He jerked feeling a sudden pain and tried to remove his hand from her hold when she stumbled and fall back on the floor.

Sanskar winced in pain and his bandage turned red with his blood but Then only his eyes caught her fallen on the floor.

"Shit!!" He murmured cursing himself and he was about to help her to get up when he heard someone shouting her name.

It was Riya who saw her fallen on the floor and came there Running to help Swara.

"Let me help y..." Sanskar moved a bit toward Swara saying this but Riya cuts him in middle.

"Don't you dare to touch her. Back off!!" Riya shouted angrily.

Swara flinched. She was shivering, still on the floor.

"Swara, you Okay? You didn't get hurt na?" Riya said and hold her hand to help her. She cups her face to made her look at her.

Swara winced and whimpered with tears in her eyes, looking at her arm that got scratched. Riya was shocked to see her arm and her forehead also got hit on the floor and it was bleeding.

"Swara" Riya got concern at the same time angry on Sanskar. She glared st him but Swara was more important to her rather than this heartless person. She tried to touch her forhead but Swara backed off shivering to herself.

"N..no..n.." Swara whimphers.

Sanskar looks at Swara who was having scared expression on her face. But he didn't understand what's wrong with her. He thought she is shocked. He tried to help her but Riya again shouted at him to back off.

"Stay away I said!!! Don't you get that?" Riya said sternly.

She looked at Swara with soft expression.

"Swara, I.. I m not doing anything. Okay? Come, get up. It will be fine. Okay. I am with you na. Come on." Riya says trying to calm her.

Somehow, Riya made her stand up and stands in front of her facing Sanskar. She glared at him angrily.

"How dare you Sanskar Maheshwari!!! How dare you push her??" Riya shouted at him.

Sanskar was looking at Swara who was looking at the floor still shivering. He sees her forhead and Arm hurt and felt bad.

"I.. I m sorry. That was unintentional. She gripped tightly on my wound suddenly and..." Sanskar tried to say calmly and apologize to Swara. He was about to go to her but Riya pushed him away and interupted.

"Just shut up and Stay away from her!!! Don't give stupid and lame excuses. I know you very well. I saw you jerked her away like a trash. How heartless you are? Don't you have single bit of humanity?" Riya shouted at him not caring that it was hospital.

"It wasn't intentional Ms. Riya. Sanskar is saying right. It was just a reflex action. What would you do if someone suddenly press your fresh wound. He just tried to remove his injured hand from her grip. See, it's still bleeding." Arav said coming in between and pointed toward Sanskar's injured hand.

Riya looked at Arav with painful expression but she composed herself immediately that she can't loose herself yet again.

"Yes and I.." Sanskar was saying but Riya interupted angrily yet again.

"Shut up!! I don't need your explanation and what should I expect from a person like you. You did worst with her then what you did just now is nothing in comparison. But just get one thing straight to your mind, if you dare to come to close to her or try to do anything wrong then you will face worst!!" Riya said sternly.

Arav got angry on Riya and it was turning into fight. Sanskar tried to Stop Arav and control the situation saying it's hospital but Riya, who was furious didn't stop. Then Sanskar said.

"I wasn't going to do anything to her either. It was her who came to me and I am still saying, it was unintentional and I m sor...." Sanskar was saying calmly.

"Swaraa?" Riya suddenly said looking for her as she didn't see her.

She was so angry on Sanskar that she forgot about Swara also. She gets worried and looks around being so scared.
Arav and Sanskar got confused as she was here only.

"Sanskaaaarrrrr!!!" They heard Swara's scream.
Then only Riya's eyes caught her and she gets horrified to see her near large glass window that was openable.

"Swaraaaa!!" She screamed and rushed toward her. But Swara neither have any reaction to her nor turn around.

"SANSKAR,.. Sanskarr!!! Nooooo, no please!!! Don't do this pls. He will die.. Sans... Sanskar I m coming!!" Swara screamed looking down and she tried to open the glass window with shivering hand. Riya's shouts was unheard by her as She was in her own world screaming and shouting for Sanskar.

Riya was shocked and scared. She hurriedly run toward her as Swara stands on the big window but Riya immediately pulled her away holding her arm. Swara started screaming loudly.

"Nooo leave me.... He is dyng. No leave me.. They threw him from this floor. He will die.. please let me go to him. Let me go. leave me.." Only her heartbreaking screams could be heard there.

Riya holds her arms tightly as she was trying to come out of grip.

"Swara, shhh!! no please. It's okay. Calm down. No one is there Swara" Riya says somehow holding her to stop her from going but Swara was getting out of control. Riya's attempts were failing.

"Doctorrr..!!! Doctorrr!!" Riya shouted atthe top of her voice.

Nurse who had seen the situation, had already left to call the doctor and the next moment only doctor was there.

"Doctor, please do something. She is again getting panic attack." Riya said restlessly.

"But how did this happen all of the sudden? She was fine till now." Doctor said.

"Its my mistake. I don't know how she came here doctor. Please do something." Riya said being too much worried for Swara.

They sees Swara was struggling to come out of hold and screaming and shouting to leave and let her go to Sanskar.

Doctor sees her situation getting worse. He nodded at nurse.

"Give her injection." Doctor said.

Nurse took the injection to give her but Swara shook her head no. She feared and cried out loudly.

"Nooooo!!! Don't,,... Don't!!! Don't do that. Don't give me injec... injection!!! Swara kept struggling to remove hold from her.

Riya's eyes got tears to see her condition. She holds her firmly and placed her hand on her forehead caressing her hair soothingly. Another Nurse also hold her arm.

"No Swara, nothing will happen. I am here na. Shhh!! Calm down please. Please Swara." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Noooo!!! let me go.. He is there.. Sanskarrr will die. No..noo don't do this. Sanskaaarrrr!!!! No don't inject me. Let me go to him. Please!!!" Swara shouted.

Somehow injection was given to Swara but she was crying loudly.. "Sanskarrrrr... Sanskar... He is dyin... Please.. please leave me!!!"

Riya pressed her lips to control herself somehow from breaking down and crying. It was so heartbreaking to see her only friend, her sister, who was always with her in every situation was now in this condition.

"No Swara. Don't cry. Please calm down. Please." Riya says.

"Sanskar will die. Stop them. They will kill him... Sanskaaarrrr!!!"Swara cried out repeating the same thing again and again.

She was blabbering it cryingly and slowly her cries started fading away as she started loosing her consciousness. Riya felt her weight on herself only to see her unconcious. Then only a stretcher was brought there. They made Swara lie on it slowly. Riya hold her hand and wipes tears away from Swara's face but couldn't able to stop own tears that slide down from her eye.

"Take her to her room." Doctor said and they started taking her from there to her ward.

Arav was shocked and he looked at Sanskar, who was numb to see all this whatever happened in front of his eyes. He couldn't even react and was freezed after whatever he just saw and heard.
She was shouting his name. It was just same like what happened two years ago. The way she reacted that night, screamed and shouted for help and leave him. She wanted to save him. He got flashes of that night and gripped his fist.

He never thought that his revenge could lead her into this situation. He never imagined to see her in this condition. He was stilled in his position and watching everything as his mind was still not ready to believe this was true. Her screaming, struggling, calling for him, and to leave her to let her go to him. He could hear everything. Panic attack, that's what Riya said and doctor said to inject her. Her struggle and crying to leave her and murmuring the same thing that They will kill him. He will die. And then slowly her cries fading away with her getting unconcious.

He sees them taking her toward her ward on strecher. As the stretcher passed by him, Swara's hand touched his finger and unconsciously she hold his finger. Everyone sees this. Sanskar was looking at her with a worried expression on his face. Her face was looking pale and her cheeks were still wet due to tears. Forehead having small injury and blood.
As he felt her hold on his finger, he was about to hold her hand but Riya, who was already crying for her sister got angry to see this. She removed Swara's grip from her and separated them. How can she love Sanskar so selflessly that she could recognize him even in her unconscious state. She hate the fact that her sister loved worst person.

"Let her go." Riya said with stern face and red teary eyes.

The stretcher moved from there. Sanskar stood without reacting not knowing what to do. He sees as Swara was taken away from his sight. He started feeling suffocated. His heart wrenched with sudden pain. Arav looks at him. He kept his hand on Sanskar's shoulder. Sanskar stumbled a bit but hold himself.

"Sir, your hand is bleeding heavily. You should get another bandage done." A nurse sees his bandage turned red and said.

Sanskar didn't answered as he was lost in his own world.

"He will get it done." Arav answered for Sanskar as he could easily know what he must be thinking.

After sometime,
Sanskar was sitting silently as his bandgage was being changed. He was getting flashes of past moments and what happened just few minutes before in front of him. Her scream was continuously roaming around his mind.

"I find myself lost without you Sanskar." Her words suddenly jerked him.

"What happened? Did it hurt?" Nurse asked.

Arav looked at him. Sanskar nodded no. He sees the bandage is done and muttering a small thanks he came out of room. Arav came out following him.

"Sanskar? Sanskarr? Where are you going?" Arav asked coming in front him.

Sanskar didn't said anything and rushed from there with Arav following him.

The next moment, they were standing in that Doctor's cabin who came when Swara got panic attack.

"What happened to her?" Sanskar asked straightly.

"Excuse me? Who are you talking about?" Doctor get confused.

"Swara Gadodia. What happened to her? Please tell me." Sanskar said impatiently.

"But who are you to her Mr.? Only her relatives can...." Doctor was saying when Sanskar interupted.

"Just shut up and tell me what happened to her? What was all that?" Sanskar shouted interupting him.

"Sanskar, please calm down."Arav came in between controlling the situation.

Sanskar closed his eyes and took a sigh. He opened his eyes taking a deep breathe trying to calm himself and then requested to doctor.

"Please, please tell me about Swara. I need to know about her. Please." Sanskar requested.

Doctor look at him. He remembered Swara was holding his hand. He was about to say something when they heard Riya's voice.

"The one who is not related to her, has no right to know about her. She has only me. No one else. She is none of anyone's concern and Definitely not you Mr. Maheshwari." Riya said with hard expression.

Sanskar and Arav looked at her but She looked away from them and look at Doctor.
"Anyway Doctor, I wanted to know when Swara will gain her consciousness? There's nothing to worry right?" Riya asked being worried.

"It may take few hours and it's better for her to rest. We both know her condition Ms. Riya." Doctor answered.

Riya nodded at him. She came out of cabin and walking slowly being lost in her own world.

Few hours later:
Sanskar was sitting in reception thinking about past and recent incidents.

"She is having fear of heights, injections or anything related to that incident. She gets hyper and panics. Her mind hallucinates that someone was going to kill some 'sanskar' whom she loves. But As per Ms. Riya said, he is already dead.
Swara's mind illusions the incident again and again, like someone shooting Sanskar, then throwing him from high floor, her helplessness to save her love and she still sees him lying lifeless down.
That incident had resulted strong impact on her mind. Except for that incident and name of that Sanskar, she remembers nothing. Not her family, friends, nothing. Not even that Sanskar's face. She had forgotten everything. Her mind is too delicate to handle any kind of shock. She is mentally unstable and also having suicidal tendencies. Basically, her condition is worse. Only medicines and injection doses have kept her alive till now and always someone need to be there with her to take care of her.
Her mind flashes some blurry images of that incident and she doesn't able to handle herself during panic attack. Her mind doesn't stay in her control and whenever her panic attack turned to dangerous level. It's impossible to handle her so, with no option we have to make her unconcious."

He recalled Doctor's word what he told after a lot of request and assurance that he has no intention to harm her doctor told them. They knew that Riya won't tell them. Doctor was reluctant but later he told Swara's situation to Sanskar.

After knowing about Swara, Arav said to let's leave but Sanskar nodded no.

"I wanna see her." Sanskar said in mere whisper and looked at him.

"What? But Sanskar..." Arav stopped him.

"No Arav, I want to see her. Not this time." Sanskar said.

"But Sanskar, she is unconcious and Riya will never..." Arav says but Sanskar interupted.

"I will be here. You go." Sanskar said not ready to listen him.

"I don't know if Riya will let me meet her or not but I won't go without seeing her once." Sanskar said.

Arav tried to say something but he knew it's no use.

"Okay. As you say." Arav said.

"I have some work. Will go back to flat after that." Arav said averting his eyes from him. Sanskar nodded at him but he also knew that there's no work. He was just trying to excuse himself to stop thinking about Riya. He looks on as Arav went from there.

Flashback end..

Sanskar was walking toward her room, not able to hold himself anymore. He stood in front of room and took a deep sigh then lift his hand to knock but sees the bed was vacant through the small glass window. He got confused.

"Did she left? Did Riya took her?" His mind alerted him.

He opened the door slowly and find no one in room. Neither Riya nor Swara. A fear engriffed him with second thoughts that Riya took her away or something happened to her. Thinking this, he was about to go out but then only he heard someone's sobbing voice.
He stopped in his track as he hold door knob to go out. It was Swara. He turned around and look around only to find a figure sitting on the floor in a corner. Her face was covered with hair. She was sobbing blabbering something yet again. He took slow steps toward her and tried to hear what she was saying only to realise it was his name yet again.

She was continuously murmuring his name holding something in her hand. Sanskar see it a bit clearly and remembered it was the same chain bracelet which he gave her. His heart pained. Composing himself a bit, he called her.

"Swara" He called her name slowly. It was just the way he used to call her name.

Swara who heard him, stops sobbing. She felt she had heard this voice. It sound so lovely and peaceful to her. She smiled a bit and felt happy to hear his voice. It was her Sanskar.

She lift her face slowly to look at him. Sanskar could see her face. Her forhead having small bandage and so on her arm. He sees a small smile played on her lips and felt little calmness but the next moment her smile fade away and face expression turned into scared expression as soon as she saw his face. She started shivering yet again and started sobbing badly.

"Swara" He said with concern.

"Noooo.. ple.. please." Swara whimphers.

Swara clutches herself and try to hide more in corner, pushing herself more to the wall. She remembered how he jerked her away and she fell on the floor. She sees her wound on her arm.

"No.. please, No!!! Don't hurt me.. I will not do anything. I wo.. won't come to you. Don't hurt me.. please.. please." She said cryingly.

She was covering her wound and hiding her face toward wall, peeping slowly at him with frightened look as if he will again push her and hurt her.

Sanskar get shocked listening her. He didn't want to hurt her.

"No I wasn't doing anything. Swara, I.." Sanskar tried to say but she again

"Sorry, I won't do anything. Don't hurt me. D..Don't hurt me. please!!!" She started crying loudly as she sees him coming toward her.

"No no!! Don't hurt me please." Swara repeated with tears yet again.

Then only the door opened and Riya, who has gone to the doctor for some formalities as Swara was sleeping, she came and sees this. She got angry to find Sanskar there but Swara's crying caught her attention. She rushed to Swara and tried to pacify her.

"Swara, what happened? Don't cry. Swara please. Shh!!" Riya hugged her and rubs her back soothingly.

"Don't hurt me. He.. he will hurt me again. I.. it's pai.. paining. Don't hurt me." Swara hide her face in her embrace and cry with shiver.

"Sshhhh!! Don't cry. See, Nothing happened. I m Here na. I will see who hurt my Swara. Shh, calm down." Riya said patting her hair slowly.

Sanskar who sees this felt the worst pain what he never felt before. Not to see her scared of him but her condition broke something inside him and he knew that moment that he will never able to come out of it. He should face worse. He thought, it's better to leave her alone for now watching her crying bitterly. Riya was giving him stern look but he was looking at Swara and took back step slowly. He closed his eyes feeling something was stabbing his heart which was actually her tears. Taking a deep sigh, he turned around to walk out of the room with wet eyes and just with a question that... Will he ever able to see her the way she was?

To be continued...

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