Are You A Spy? - A Wrong Numb...

By Ilovetoreadandwrite

1.3M 35.9K 25.2K

!Cover Change! What will happen when Peter Parker accidentally texts Natasha Romanoff? Will she figure out he... More

"Are You A Spy?"
"Give Me My Phone!"
I'm Angry Pirate Dude
Path of the Bubble Gum
Hey Spider-Man
The Parker Luck
"Are you Ned?"
"I got in!!"
Knives and Fire
Fast, werid and... donuts?
Saving a Hero and a Villain
The Coffee Incident
The Competition
Kraven's Spider Hunt
"MJ? I don't feel so good."
Meeting Mr. Loki
Italian Lady in the Computer
MJ is Still Queen
Windows and Study Hall
Movie Time. Part 1.
Movie Time. Part 2.
"Peter Parker, right?"
Dreams Come True
Sad times
The Funeral
Run Away
The Reveal
Legal Matters
Sorting Things Out
Tagged and 122k Celebration
Fruit Punch?
NoT fRuIt PuNcH!
Binge Watching (A/N I Have A Problem)
For Goodness Sake
Happyily Ever After... Right?
Surprise! (Author's Note)
For People Who Need Faith in Humanity: an A/N
Read this plz
Spread this (TW: self harm, sucide mention.)
Sequel Coming Soon

Not enough coffee for this one

23.2K 666 356
By Ilovetoreadandwrite

Nat's POV
The kid fell asleep during the movie.

"Tony? Tony!" I whisper-shouted. He looked up from his tablet.

'What?' He mouthed.

"Hand me the tablet. But put it on the tap I need so I can file out those files or whatever."

"The adoption website?"

"Yeah whatever."

He looked back at his tablet and clicked at it a few times before handing it to me.

I filled out the file giving me 50% of the custody of Peter.

Now all we had to do was wait.

The kid yawned in his sleep and stretched out before curling in on himself. I smiled and ruffled his hair.

That's when I realized he was still really cold.

What the heck. How? The tower is warm and he had a blanket.

"Tony. Tony!" I whisper-shouted again.


Everyone turned and let out a long shhhhhhh.

I ignored them.

"He's still cold."

"But that blanket is heated?"

"I know."

"Turn the settings higher. If he's still cold later we'll wake him up." Tony concluded. I nodded.

I turned up the settings to the highest heat. Not long after that I fell asleep.

Peter's POV
When I woke up this time I still felt chilly (honestly that was normal) but I wasn't freezing today. That's a nice change. I looked around and realized I had a blanket on top of me.

Then I remembered what happened yesterday.

No one seemed to be in the living room. Seemed. When I got off the couch Hawkeye jumped of a near by shelf.

"What the heck?!" I asked out loud.

"I was supposed to wake you up for breakfast but I got distracted." He stated simply.

I shook my head as he headed towards what I was guessing was the kitchen. I followed after him. My enhanced hearing picked up Mr. Stark's voice.

"Yeah yeah, Rhodes. I got this okay?" His voice sounded strained as if he was stressed. "So you'll write the note?"

There was a pause as me and Hawkeye came into the kitchen.

"I got to go Rhodes." He said quickly. He hung up. "Good morning."

I tried to make myself look as awake as possible.

"Good morning?" I managed before sitting down at the table with the other Avengers. Wanda was missing.

"Will you two hurry up?! I get that Vision just came back from a mission but we're hungry!" Hawkeye whined. Nat chuckled.

"Breakfast is served." I looked over my shoulder to see Vision and Wanda come out holding two plates full of waffles each with three more floating in the air surrounded by a red mist. Or was it a fog of some sort? And was that a audience cheering in the background?

"You're breaking the fourth wall you two." Pietro said, sounding rather annoyed.

"We know." Wanda said, giving Vision a quick kiss.

I looked at them in bewilderment for a second, until a plate of food was put in front of me. I smiled to myself. Ned was gonna flip when I told him his ship idea was a real thing.

"So uh. Peter. We need to talk about your current home situation."

I looked up from my plate and at Mr. Stark.

"I'm not letting anyone stop me from being Spider-Man and that's that." I said quickly.

"We are quite aware of that, Peter." Nat cut in.

"And that's why me and Nat wanted to know if you'd be okay living here at the tower." Mr. Stark finished for her.

I dropped my fork.

"Really?" I asked. Living with the Avengers? That was a possibility for me now? What the heck. I noticed Wanda's eyes were red, they faded back to normal after a second. She smiled at me.

"If you don't mind me and Nat being your legal guardians."

"I- um. Yes?! I mean no. I mean no as in I don't mind. I guess. I mean you're actually going to do that?"

"I'm Tony Stark. I do what I want."

"Thank you Mr. Stark!" I said quickly. This was really happening?

"Nothing to be thanked for. I wanted to do it. Also just Tony is fine, kid." He said finishing his coffee.

I nodded. Ned is going to flip.

"We can pick up your stuff later and maybe get some stuff for your room?" Loki suggested.

"Sounds good." I said quietly.

"Wait. Before we do anything I want to know how a teenager gets Spider powers." Bruce said before we could move on.

"Oh. Well. It happened on accident? I kinda just got bit by a radioactive spider. I got sick for a few days then realized I got powers." I explained. Everyone stared at me.

"I need more coffee before I can deal with this story."

Hey! I'm not dead for those of you wondering.

I've really had a lot of stuff going on and know that I appreciate your patience and support well I'm writing this story.

I hope you guys liked this chapter and I think the next chapter I'll post will be on my other fic (it's called Never the Same an Irondad fanfic).

Anyway I hope you guys have a great day/night and that you're doing well!

Web you later!

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