Falice Oneshots

By fresshvibess

8.9K 239 8

If you love Falice then you'll want to read this 😉🤍 More

Skädchen pt2
"What's this"
"I Love Your Body"
"Are you mad at me"
"Are you mad at me" pt2
I always come back
"Rub My feet"
"You alright baby"
I Love You
I Love You Always
Be Mine
Just Passing by
Safe word
Back to you
Back to you 2
Mother of Forsythe
Mother of Forsythe 2
Mother of Forsyth 3
She'll Never Know
Mother of Forsyth 4
Our Story

Skädchen pt3

381 9 0
By fresshvibess

"Are are you serious right now!?" Jakob yell at his almost have naked father with a blonde haired women on top of him. I couldn't believe but what I just saw Skeet kissing someone else I guess he doesn't feel the same way. Then again I don't even know how I feel all I know is I just wanna leave this hospital.

"Boy I thought I told you not to bother her.!" Skeet raised his voice and that's when I snapped.

" DON'T YOU GET mad at him when you were here making out with the nurse. Who the hell even are you? YOU know what it doesn't even matter.
GET OUT AND both of put some clothes or whatever you on back on NOW!!" Shocking myself, Skeet, Jakob and that blonde lady but but obviously and work because she ran right out the room.

"Woah hey calm down Mädchen" skeet said putting his shirt back on.

"CALM DOWN, are for real skeet your son has been blowing up my phone since I got off set, I had a plan to avoid all your calls and text messages. Basically ignore you the whole day and I find you in the hospital kissing a blonde and you want me to calm down." She so furious Jakob had guide her to a chair so she could relax.

"Look guys I think we should all calm down OK. Dad  Mädchen is one of most trusting friends and was very worried abo-

"Did you just say you were going to ignore me and my calls WHY?" He asked a little curious and a tad bit hurt.

Not knowing what just admitted wasn't suppose to come out but she was so angry she let it slip. Instead of tell him the truth she played dumb.

"Uhh what?" Like she had no clue of what he said. "Don't play dumb you heard me. Why did you want to ignore my calls today?" The look he gave made her seem like she was going to get in trouble by her parents. If she didn't fess up.

"Do you guys need a minute alone?" Said awkward and kind of uncomfortable Jakob.

"Yes" both Mädchen and Skeet said at the same time

"Yes son give us moment to tal-
"No that's find Jakob we really don't need a moment there is nothing to talk about." Mädchen said about to walk out door.

"MÄDCHEN AMICK If you don't come talk to me, I will rip out these Needles out of my arm, and come grab and sit you down myself." Jakob had never seen his father so serious with Mädchen.

Despite her anger and rage she didn't want him to get out of that bed so she turned around and told Jakob they need a moment to talk. Jakob left the room she sat on the couch far away from his bed.

"So are you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to tickle it out of you." He said in all seriousness, which made smile just for bit enough time for Skeet see it.

"There that beautiful smile." He which made instantly drop it. She got from her chair and started walking to the door. "Hey where you going?"

She didn't saying just kept walking. "I'm talking to you." With in second he got up from the bed which made his heart monitor go off. Mädchen let go to the door handle and turned around immediately. Then she felt Skeet's strong arms lift off her feet and carried her.

"What are you doing PUT ME DOWN!" Mädchen try to wiggle out of his grip but It was no use. " Nope I told you to talk to me." He finally put her down on his bed, and just stood in front of her so she won't try anything else.

"I'll talk just please sit down you need rest." Grabbing his hand to sit down but he wouldn't budge. "FINE! You want me to talk!" She stood up in face his trying to let all the hurt and pain back in so she would have the courage to just SAY IT.

" The reason I avoided your calls was because on my way to work I felt like I was missing something, and that was you and I hate myself for missing you because I don't know how I feel about you I know it's more than just friends. Also ever since you left Riverdale I haven't been able to focus and all I want to do is just......"

Without a second thought or discussion with her conscience she kissed him like nothing matter not Riverdale, not paparazzi nothing and no one matter. Just her and him French kissing, and being extra touchy feely. All she felt was his hands roughly grab her ass and she loved it. That was all she wanted was for Skeet to kiss like there was no tomorrow. Even though there would be tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day but as long as he was in it it wouldn't matter what happens.

"I knew it ." Skeet said
"What?" She said looking him in eyes almost begging for another magical kiss but with more fire.

"Mädchen Elaina Amick I love you."
I love you too Skeet." and she did but she still had husband, but to her that was tomorrow's problem.

"Are agreeing with me or do really love me?" She smirked at his question and just kissed him with passion and fire behind it.

"Oh yeah you love me." She chuckled kissed once's more but this one was way more heated. "Why don't I show you how much." And with that she pulled them both onto the bed.

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