Dirty girl

By LilyRaphael6

115 2 0

This girl is sensitive and sad she use to be sad, but you will see what happened to her past when she met, Lu... More

First sight
falling in love first sight part 2
Luke fist sight
Luke first sight part two
In the game
free from the game
Who's Luke
Luke caution

Revenge part 2

4 0 0
By LilyRaphael6

You ok? Luke what's happening to me why cant you not see it? There's dead people out there, please make it stop make it stop.

Look I wish I can see it but I can't, come on lets go inside. He's right my memories or mind is fooling me.

Hey im thirsty, im gonna get some drink the vending machine, ok ill be getting something out of my bike.

Ok, I put one dollar in, then the vending machine is broken, thats just fucking great, ugh ugh I keep kicking it and grunting two time.

Great that just shit whoa easy there, heh are you ok? Why does everyone think im not ok? Your grunting and you kicking vending machine.

This fucking vending machine took my money, and it waist my time, ugh, ok what drink do you want?

I don't know if I can trust you, come on just tell me, I did a little sigh, ok Gatorade.

Ok 1b he did a little tap will two one from the top and one from the bottom and one kick, and in it work spuriously.

So where your heading, will I was supposed to stay at my mom house, but she surprised me someone was trying to kill us.

That's so sad which is kinda of true, that look again in his face, HEY STAY AWAY FROM HER!

Hhm so sad and painful, I don't know who you are or why are you here? But leave us alone.

Haha he laughed at him, but I thought he was good, your mom and my dad said never trust anyone, and you did.

Luke im sorry, im sorry I looked down, on the floor I saw blood. Someone is gonna kill Luke, soon.

The gun is in his pocket, how did I know that? Know what? Hands up you two, the gun he's gonna shoot us.

Where's your money? Huh bitch will where is it? Don't you move, I try not to move but I want to move.

Are you working with him? Luke said, hahaha he laughed who Nick? Hah I work alone now where is the money.

Ill shoot your fucking girlfriend if you don't tell me, here no eh, don't move June, you told him your name.

I didn't know what I was thinking, but I have to get that gun away from him, I jumped on him. Get off of me the gun he droped it get it.

I got another one he shot him, NOOOOOOO I got off him ran tord Luke, I took his hand an place his head on me.

HEY COME BACK HEY, I try to give him attentionbut no use he was a bad guy. I cried no no no please no fucking no please no.

Im sorry we fight sometimes and its all my fault, Luke its never your fault. My head touch on him and his lip, please don't leave me.

Please Luke please I love you no please please please, the only I can say is please. I took his bike I buried some where he won't be hurt.

Please let him have a beutiful place and make him smile again, this is when I go alone.

I took his bike with me to remember of him, but I can't ill have ill leave memories.


I kneeld on the grown and cry WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US!!!? I sobbed with sadness I gasped but it can't be is it you?

You seem surprised, but it cant I saw you dead heh that wasn't me. He killed someone else that kinda looks like me.

But how how he fine barried him didn't you? Holy craps I need to unbaried him. Will what are you standing there for?

Lets go, we both laugh yep where back together again, but its impossible. But I don't care only I care is he back, its greatful happyness and love.

I dig this rendom dude guy out of the cemetery, I open the box um hey im sorry that happened to you.

Hey I use the shield take two your need it, thank you will we should take a car instead.

Your right we should, you two lovebirds have a great time, thank you. Sure thing, next stop airport.

It was nice of him even though where not supposed to trust anyone. But im just glad he's safe, you ready? Yeah lets go next china.

Where in the air port a small shield, where just trying to fine a normal life with a normal place.

But every where we go there's always a fight, when it ends I will miss the action but it just begun.

This is only just a beginning of our adventure.

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