The Adventure of My Dreams {C...

By bettawerkmez

245K 4.4K 935

Sophia Rose Emerson is twenty five years old and is ready for a breakthrough in her life. After a chaotic lov... More

Five {Colby's POV}
Eight {Colby's POV}
Ten {Colby's POV}
Thirteen {Colby's POV}
Sixteen {Colby's POV}
Twenty {Colby's POV}
Twenty One
Twenty Two {Colby's POV}
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five {Colby's POV}
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight {Colby's POV}
Twenty Nine
Thirty {Colby's POV}
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three {Colby's POV}
Thirty Four
Thirty Five {Colby's POV}
Thirty Six {Sam's POV}
Thirty Seven {Colby's POV}
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight {Colby's POV}
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three {Colby's POV}
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six {Colby's POV}
Fifty Seven {Colby's POV}
Fifty Eight {Colby's POV}
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight {Colby's POV}
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six {Colby's POV}
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight {Sam's POV}
Seventy Nine {Colby's POV}
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three {Colby's POV}
Eighty Four {Colby's POV}
Eighty Five {Colby's POV}
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
Ninety One
Ninety Two
Ninety Three
Not an Update

Forty Four

1.9K 40 2
By bettawerkmez

Once I got home I didn't speak to anyone, I actually just shut my phone off for the day. Everything about this afternoon just triggered me so bad and I felt extremely overwhelmed.

My dad hitting me was honestly no surprise. He drinks all the time when he's home, it was very rare to see him drinking anything expect beer. He became more aggressive when he was drunk, and violent.

I knew my family, my parents more than anything loved Evan. It did hurt me that they favored him over me, but it's no surprise. Finding out that I was adopted just made it more apparent to me. I never wanted to speak to any of them ever again.

The next day I woke up a little after 1 pm. Mentally and emotionally I was so exhausted. Rolling over in bed I decided to turn my phone back on. I gave it a few minutes for any notifications because I knew rightfully that I was blowing everyone off for my own good.

I decided to text Angelina. She replied saying something about watching the video but I ignored it. "The three of us, dinner at my place. We should finally talk." I sent the text and let out a sigh, taking my fingers through my hair with my free hand.

My phone started to ring and it was a FaceTime from Colby. I swiped to answer it and smiled when I saw Colby's face.

"Soph, why was your phone off? I've been trying to reach you since last night and nothing. That's not like you." He said.

Right now his phone was resting on something and he wasn't looking at me.

"I'm fine. I just knew I wasn't going to have a good time with my family and it was worse than I imagined." I said.

"Woah, what the fuck?" Colby questioned as he finally looked at the screen.

"Huh?" I looked at him confused.

"Why is under your eye black? Sophia what happened?" I furrowed my brows and jumped out of bed to go look at my face in my full length mirror.

"Awe shit, I didn't know it bruised. I was fine last night but I guess this happened while I was asleep." I gently poked at it. It didn't hurt, just looked ugly.

"You didn't answer my question. What happened?"

I sighed and shook my head slightly. "It's a long story. Just know that my dad got mad at me and hit me."

"Well the full story can't be any better!" He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I don't give a fuck about a lockdown, someone hitting you is a problem. Even more from your own dad. I'm flying down there tonight." Colby stated.

"Colby, please don't. This is your last time in Kansas, please don't leave because of this. We can discuss all of this when the weekend is over."

"And do what, huh? Who exactly is there keeping you safe?" He questioned.

"I defended myself! I can do that, you know?!" I said with a huff.

"Oh, is that Sophia? I've heard so much about you, I can't wait to meet you sweetheart." His mom said with a smile. "Goodness, are you okay?" She said being able to see the black and blue mark under my eye.

"Her dad hit her yesterday, and apparently the long story is worse. Mom, I need to go see her and make sure she's safe." He said, looking over at her.

"Colby. Stop. I defended myself and I'm fine! It doesn't even hurt, it just looks bad. I will be fine. I'll be more upset if you leave Kansas when it's your last time there."

"She has a point dear. I know you're upset about this but just give it a moment." She said.

"Angelina and her husband are coming over tonight. I'll be fine, I swear. If you still feel the same way by Sunday night, then you can fly here instead of back home. That's as lenient as I'll be though. Spend time with your family, please. I shut my phone off yesterday for this reason specifically. Just please respect that."

He nodded his head slightly and crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine, but I don't like it."

"Get over it loverboy, you can see me in two days when I don't look as ugly." I said with a laugh. "Now go, I'll see you later." I blew him a kiss and hung up.

I knew even by telling him that he was going to sit there and think about me and what I had going on non-stop. But I refused to let him give up his time with his family because of someone I'm not near. I simply refused. Now I was going to have to come up with a plan on how to get him out of the house Monday so I could have the realtor come still. I didn't want him to know about my plan by any means.

I just wanted to relax, so I went into my bathroom to run myself a bath. Try to get myself more tranquil before they came over for dinner tonight. At that, think of what I would make all of us to eat.

Deciding to just push those thoughts to the side for now, I stripped out of my clothes and situated myself into the hot bath. Letting out a sigh of satisfaction as it engulfed my body.

Just for a few hours, I didn't want to care about a thing in the world except for myself.

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